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Jim Campbell let out deep breath.


It wasn’t more than an hour after Mindy and the twins arrived home Saturday afternoon, before the teenager took her aunt aside and asked her how the Friday night party had gone.

“Fabulous,” Carla said. “Len Russell is a great fuck, and he’s built like a battering ram.”

“I thought he might be,” Mindy said. “Did you suck him off?”

“That was something! I’ve never seen a man so grateful or so excited in all my life. Your idea was a spectacular success.”

“Everyone liked the idea?”

“Definitely. We all want to do it again next Friday,” Carla said. “We got together for lunch today and talked it over.”

“Great. I’m glad everybody is getting out in the open with their feelings.”

“You’re responsible,” the woman said. “Which reminds me, Jim told me about your little seduction scene in the den.”

“I hope you don’t mind,” the teen said sweetly. “Not a bit, thought I probably would have if I’d heard about it a week ago. I think I would have gone through the roof. But… well, I’ve changed some of my thinking lately.”

“That’s what I was after,” Mindy said. “You see, I have an idea. Now that everybody’s fucking everyone else, I sort of planned for a big party tonight.”

“You mean with Len and Rita, Jim and me, and you?”

“And the twins, of course.”

“Rita would never let her boys do something like that,” Carla said. “And did you mean you’d screwed them too? And Len? And not Rita?”

“Not yet,” Mindy laughed. “The twins, of course, but not their parents.”

“Rob and Ralph? Mindy, you don’t meant it?”

“Sure, why not? Don’t tell me you wouldn’t like to try out a couple of cocks?”

“And they’re great! They’ll fill your mouth so full of come you won’t be able to swallow fast enough. Do you want to have them this afternoon?”

“Oh Mindy, you’re too much!”

“What I want to hear about is Mr. Russell. He’s the only one of the men I haven’t sucked off yet.”

Carla told her, in detail, about her night with Len Russell.

When she had finished—and Mindy made her repeat the good parts twice—the girl said, “I want him tonight, at the party.”

“First we’ll have to get him to come over, and bring his family.”

“That shouldn’t be too hard. I can’t see where he’d have any objection to his boys getting into us, and I think I can turn him on.”

“You won’t have any trouble there,” Carla said. “I’m sure he’s hot for you already. When Jim told us at lunch what you’d done with him in the den the other night, I thought Len was going to go looking for you right then and there. No, Rita’s the one that may give us problems. I can’t see her cavorting around the bedroom with her two naked sons watching.”

“Then that’s no problem, she’s already seen them naked. I talked the twins into seducing her.”

“My God, their own mother? Mindy!”

“Sure, what better way to keep it in the family—or among friends? Besides, they all enjoyed it, all three of them.”

“The guys would love to take advantage of you,” Carla assured her. “I can’t think of anything else.”

“Maybe Rita has some ideas. We’ve got to talk to her anyway.”

The two of them went next door. Both husbands and the boys were in the Russells’ pool. Rita was inside fixing a snack.

Mindy explained her idea for the party and Rita love it. After explaining their problem the dark haired woman also came up with a game. Mindy announced to the guys that there was going to be a party that night at her aunt and uncle’s house and that the three females were preparing a surprise.

Four hours later, just a bit after sunset, Len Russell, his twin boys Rob and Ralph, and Jim Campbell entered the Campbell house.

“This is quite a crowd,” Len commented. He looked over at the pretty blonde teenager sitting in the chair next to his wife. Sometime before this party is over, he thought, I’m going to get me some of that. Len shifted in his seat.

“More fun that way,” Rita said.

“But how are we going to work this?” Jim asked. “There’s four males and only three females. We can’t swap like we did last night.”

“We thought about that,” Carla told her husband, “and Rita came up with an idea.”

“You remember in college when we were pledging for the sorority we had Slave Week,” Rita said. “I guess you guys had something similar in the fraternity. Well, we’ve decided to have a Slave Auction of our own tonight,” Carla said.

“Great idea,” Jim said, “but how do we figure out who’s going to be auctioned?”

“We’ve put four slips of paper, with Slave on them and four with Master. Everybody draws until we get four slaves. We’ve made up some paper money, too, for the Masters to bid with,” Carla said.

“Why don’t we make the twins a set,” Rita said about her sons, “that way it will work out even between the males and females.”

Rob, Ralph, Jim, and Mindy were made slaves. Everyone else, a master. Everyone stripped down to their underwear.

“Now you can see what you’re getting,” Mindy said.

“I’ll open for thirty dollars,” Carla said, “for the twins.”

“Forty,” Rita countered.

Len, of course, didn’t bid, but Carla went to forty-five.

“Forty-seven,” Rita said with a smile.

“Thanks,” Carla said. “Fifty.”

“Well, let’s see what I’ve bought,” she said as she walked to the twins.

“You can see,” her husband laughed. “Let’s go, fellas,” she said, guiding them down the hall and into the master bedroom.

“Well,” Jim said, “I was the one who drew the second Slave slip, so I guess I’m open for bids.”

Since Mindy was also a slave, there was only the Russells left to bid on Jim and Rita naturally, was the only bidder.

“This way, Slave,” she said, walking down the hall Jim Campbell, his brown net shorts starting to swell, followed the beautiful woman down the hall.

“That leaves us,” Mindy said to Len Russell. “I couldn’t have asked for a better arrangement,” he said.

“Oh,” she cooed, “I was hoping you’d feel like that.” She eyed his crotch. “I love your shorts,” she said.

“Thank you,” he said mockingly. “I like your panties, too… and everything I see.”

“Thank you. Well, you’re the Master, so what do you want me to do? Carla said you loved to be sucked off.”

“And Jim said you’re great with your mouth,” the man said.

“I love to suck,” she said simply. And added, “Even more than fucking.”

“You’ll get a chance to do both,” he promised her. “Take off your panties, and let me see what you’ve got under there.”

Mindy slid her fingers under the panties and pushed them down over her girlish hips, revealing the sparse blonde hair around her slit.

“Pretty,” Len said. “Now come over here and do the same for me.”

He stood up next to the couch, a thick bulge evident beneath the net shorts.

Mindy knelt down in front of his well built body and pulled down his shorts. The heavy cock bobbed free.

“Gee, that’s really fat,” she said.

“Suck on it and see how long it gets, too,” he said.

The slim girl flicked her tongue over the fleshy bulb of Mr. Russell’s cock. The thing came alive immediately, jerking in her fist.

“Damn,” he muttered, “two blowjobs in two days—and after sixteen years! Go ahead, baby, do your stuff.”

The teen squeezed the cock meat with her fingers and it hardened in her grasp. She moved her hand to the base of the thick shaft and occupied her tongue with the rest of it. The smooth, wet tongue moved over the head, around the sides and along the bottom of Len Russell’s cock.