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It took Carla Campbell upwards of half a second to decide, then she turned around on top of Mindy and settled her face into the girls cunt.


“I think she’s crazy,” Ralph said.

“She sure sounded convinced,” Rob said. “I know, I know. Could you figure out what this big idea she had was? This is pretty damn big, but she says it’s only a step in the right direction toward the big plan.”

“I’m not sure,” Rob said. “I’ve got some ideas, though.”

Just then they heard the door slam downstairs and they both jumped.

“There she is,” Rob said. “You ready?”

His brother let out a deep breath, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

His mother had just come in from the pool and was toweling herself off in the bathroom that opened to the backyard. It had been built especially for that purpose and had a full stock of towels and even extra bathing suits.

Rita Russell wore a simple bikini, not terribly revealing but with her full figure it could cover a lot of area and still leave a lot exposed.

Rob waited until she was dry before standing at the open door and saying, “Mom, did you talk to Ralph yet?”

“What do you mean, dear? I didn’t know he wanted to talk to me.”

“He’s all upset. I left him upstairs about an hour ago and he was almost crying, but he wouldn’t tell me what was wrong.”

“I didn’t notice anything,” she said. “No clues as to what it’s all about?”

“He won’t talk about it,” Rob said. “Hey, I’ve got to go over to the ball field, so I’ll see you later.”

“You want me to drive you over?” Rita asked.

“Naw, that’s okay. You better talk to Ralph.”

She grabbed a terrycloth jacket from a hanger.

“I guess I’d better. Have a good time.”

The robe came, to just below. Rita’s shapely hips. She tightened the belt around her tiny waist and went upstairs to her son’s room.

The door was partly open and she started to walk right in but froze in her tracks when she saw what was happening.

Her son Ralph was sitting naked on the side of the bed masturbating.

She was too stunned to speak at first, then didn’t know what to do, stop him or leave him alone. Deciding on the first she noisily entered. Ralph jumped up, his fist still wrapped around his cock and, in feigned surprise, yelped, “Mom!”

“Ralph, what are you doing?”

He looked at her a moment, then pretending to cry, he sank down on the bed.

“What is it, what’s the matter?” she asked.

“You wouldn’t understand,” he sobbed. He had let go of his erection and placed his hands over it.

“I won’t, if you don’t tell me what it is,” she said, moving nearer the bed.

“It’s sex!” he blurted, “I don’t understand it!”

“But I thought your father…”

“He did!” the boy whined, “but I still don’t understand some parts…”

“Like what, Ralph?” She was trying to soothe him.

“Like this,” he said and exposed his hard on. “Cover herself up,” she said.

He ignored her, “Where does it go? In a girl, I mean.”

“Cover yourself,” she repeated. “It goes in her cunt.”

“But how can it?” he whined. “What does it really look like?”

“Cover up, Ralph,” she reminded him. “It’s sort of like a tunnel.”

“I just don’t understand how this can work inside a woman. How does it get in there?”

“Can I see it?” he asked, then broke into terrible tears again. He cried to loud she couldn’t have answered him if she tried. To add to the situation he brought his hands off his lap and covered his eyes.

Rita Russell looked at his big, erect cock already red with passion. Ralph cried louder.

“Okay, okay, it’s alright,” she soothed, but it didn’t help. “Now stop crying, ft’s okay. Mother will help you understand everything…”

She’d no sooner gotten it out of her mouth and he shut up.

“Will you?” he pleaded.

He hesitated. His face clouded and he sniffed. “Easy, don’t start crying again,” she said. “I’ll help you understand it all.”

“Just let me see, then maybe I’ll understand.”

“Turn around,” she said.

Ralph turned away from her and she started undressing. There wasn’t much to take off. She dropped the terry cloth jacket, unhooked the baffling suit top and bared her breasts, and reluctantly followed with her bikini bottoms. Then she was as naked as her son.

“You can turn around now,” she said.

He did and his eyes bugged out. His mom, stark naked, was built so beautiful.

She stood next to him and showed him her bush. “This is where men put their cock in,” she said.

He bent closer to look and reached for it.

She pulled away, “Don’t touch—and cover yourself up like I told you.”

“I can’t see anything,” he said. “It’s all hairy.”

He grabbed quickly and got a fist full of dark curly pubic hair.

“Ralph!” his mother said.

He reached out and parted the bush to reveal her pink pussy lips.

By then Rob was back in the house and standing outside the bedroom door. He was waiting, listening.

Ralph touched his mother’s clit and started massaging it.

“Ralph, what are you doing!” his shocked mother said.

He continued playing with the clit until he saw her cunt lips part slightly and start shining with the dew of excitement. Gently but firmly he slipped a finger inside his mom’s warm twat.

“Is this how it goes?” he asked.

“T-that’s right,” she muttered. “That’s exactly right. That’s just perfect.”

Ralph spread the cunt lips and slipped a second finger inside, never stopping the movement against her now erect and exposed clit.

“Y-you’d better… better stop,” his Mom said, but there was no conviction in her voice. In fact, she spread her legs a bit to let her son get at her cunt easier.

Ralph was watching closely for the signs and immediately stabbed her cunt hole with more enthusiasm. He glanced up and noticed that his mother’s eyes were closed. Without missing a stroke he stood up next to her and with his free hand guided her hand to his throbbing erection.

“Do you think I’m ready?” he asked as he felt his hand clasp his cock.

“I think so,” she said mechanically. Her cunt was dripping now and the fact that it was her naked son that she had in her hand began to blur in her mind. Emotions were taking over. She squeezed the cock and jerked it up and down, matching the rhythms of the fingers in her pussy.

“Why don’t you lay down…” Ralph said gently, guiding her onto the bed. He made sure never to lose contact with her set snatch, afraid to break the spell in any way.

Rita Russell stretched out on the boys’ bed. Her son was next to her before she realized it.

“Ralph…” she started to protest, but she felt his fingers shove deep into her and wasn’t able to finish in anything other than a moan.

Rob watched from the door and when he saw his mom spread her full thighs he stripped out of his clothes. His cock was just as hard as his brothers and he could almost feel his mother’s hand around it just like it was holding onto Ralph’s.

Ralph lifted himself up and moved between his mother’s thighs. He forced the head of his cock against her wet slit and moved his finger fucking hand away.

“No, no…” Rita moaned. “Not right.”

“You’ve gotta show me how,” Ralph urged. “You promised.”

He pushed his head between the wet lips.

“No,” she protested. “You’re my son.”

Though she said it she didn’t do anything about it. Her mind pushed against it and her body pushed for it.