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"Are you in the habit of trying to pick up women in places like this?" she retorted.

He grinned charmingly.

"I'm in the habit of picking up beautiful women anywhere."

He picked up the whip and fondled it.

"I'd guess you were going to use the whip to train someone," he said, "but at the same time, you look like you have a driving curiosity about what it feels like yourself. Am I right?"

"Sharp as a tack," she said dryly. "But I don't come that easy."

"Wrap up the whip," she told the clerk. "That's all I want."

"There's a bar just down the street," he persisted.

His eyes bored into hers. There was something so rugged and strong about him, she felt both fear and excitement. The bastard was a good psychologist, anyway. He knew exactly why, she wanted the whip.

"The name of the game is adventure," he added softly. "That's why you're buying the whip. Let's have a drink and talk it over…"

Hell, why not? Gloria thought excitedly. As long as she was on a shopping spree, why not go on a little sex spree? Then he said something that clinched her decision.

"I'd like you to meet my wife," he said, grinning. "She's beautiful like yourself, not as well endowed, but she has her appeal. I think you two would like each other."

"You wouldn't happen to be a psychologist by chance, would you?" she asked.

He'd already, taken her arm and was guiding her out the door. "Just an amateur, honey. But you weren't in a shop like that to buy a Holy Bible, were you? You might say my wife and I have developed an instinct for passionate women who have, ah, special needs. Women who like whips have very special needs."

He's too smooth, thought Gloria, but masculine as hell, and different. Maybe she'd lived in a small town all her life, but she knew swingers were common in this city. She felt strange being picked up so casually, though, and even the exciting prospect of variety wouldn't shatter her stubborn resistance.

"I'd have to meet your wife first," Gloria said firmly. "Don't get the idea I'm a pushover."

"We're going to meet her right now," he assured her, guiding her into a bar. "In fact, we were having a drink together when I decided to drop into the shop and buy a couple of magazines. Then I saw you, and couldn't resist."

"Save the charm," Gloria retorted.

He probably hung around the area of the shop, waiting for unescorted women to go in, she thought. But the librarian was curious about his wife, having had her first taste of cunnilingus just hours before. She would have a drink with them and leave.

The man guided Gloria to a booth. A woman of about twenty-live was sipping a drink and smoking. She was slender, dark-haired, with shining black eyes and a very ripe, sexy mouth. There was a hint of cruelty to her smile as the introductions were made. Gloria sat next to the wife, Lisa, facing her husband.

They were a strange, handsome couple, chatting easily on a number of subjects, talking, in fact, about everything except sex. Smart, Gloria thought, they were putting her at ease. The librarian may have been a country girl at heart, but she'd read enough books on psychology to know they were smoothly relaxing her before propositioning her. They were on their second martini when Lisa got up to go to the ladies' room.

"Come an with me for a minute, Gloria," Lisa smiled. "I'll show you my etchings."

Driven by a hot curiosity, Gloria followed her into the bathroom, watching her sensuous ass and long legs sway beneath her skirt. She was very sexy, the brunette decided. And variety was the spice of life, wasn't it?

Once they were alone in the ladies' room, Lisa stepped up to her and kissed her torridly on the mouth, running her hands down over her hips and ass. Her polite veneer quickly dropped away, revealing sheer urgent desire.

"Come on with me into the stall," Lisa whispered huskily in her ear. "Come on, honey, you really turn me on, Christ, you're stacked! Come on!"

Gloria trembled, feeling weak and wildly excited in the pit of her stomach. "If someone comes in…"

"We're the only women in the bar, damnit. Come on!"

The brunette felt herself being pulled into the stall. Quickly, Lisa locked the door. Her high, pointed tits ached as she sat on the toilet seat. Lisa's eyes focused on Gloria as she pulled up Gloria's skirt and slid her panties down below her knees in a rapid movement.

"Closer," the dark haired swinger urged. "Bring it close to my mouth. Hurry!"

Lisa's electrifying excitement was contagious. Gloria nudged her throbbing cunt close to Lisa's wet lips. The hot, panting swinger clutched the brunette's naked ass savagely. She nuzzled her warm mouth against Gloria's hot cunt and began sucking on her clit feverishly, flicking her burning tongue against the sensitive bud to make Gloria moan with lust.

Gloria felt a tremendous new excitement soaring in her blood. Going down on a girl in the privacy of her own home was one thing, but getting her cunt eaten by a beautiful swinger in the ladies' room of a bar sparked the most obscene lust of her life. Lisa's frantic tongue had already brought her to the verge of a wild climax. Her moans grew louder. Gloria crushed Lisa's face lewdly to her naked cunt, glancing fearfully over her shoulder, wondering if someone would come m.

Suddenly Lisa drew her mouth back, licking her lips with her long pink tongue.

"Don't stop!" Gloria hissed urgently. "Just another minute or two…"

"We might get caught here," Lisa and as she rolled Gloria's panties up with deft movements and then pulled down her skirt. The slender, breathless woman stood up, squeezing Gloria's lush tits through her blouse, and sensuously ground her warm crotch to Gloria's.

"Listen, honey, we'll finish this over at our place, okay?" Lisa whispered. "I'll let you use your new whip on me, all right? And Carl is a terrific fuck, really. I'd just love to watch you two in action. Let's go, we live only a few blocks away."

Again Gloria felt herself being pulled headlong into a sex adventure, but she couldn't still the cry of alarm in the back of her mind. Yet Lisa's quick, frantic tongue lashing, her urgent sexiness and her promise to let Gloria use the whip on her naked body left the brunette powerfully aroused.

Their car was parked outside the bar. Carl drove in silence, with Gloria sitting between the couple. Lisa slid her fingers beneath the brunette's skirt to caress her moist pantycrotch. Their apartment was large and tastefully furnished. Once she was inside, the librarian felt a flood of relief mingling with her hot excitement.

She was about to have sex with two handsome swingers, and they were obviously experienced. Why not use the experience with Brian and Cindy at home?

Carl made martinis while Lisa disappeared into a bedroom.

"Feel it," he told Gloria, catching her gaze on his raging hard-on. He stepped close to her. "Go ahead, feel my cock, honey."

She reached out and felt the hot, thick pounding in his pants. God, he was big!

"I can't stay long," she told him. "I've got to drive up north soon."

"To try out your new whip?" he grinned, and Gloria felt a stab of uneasiness again. She sipped her martini. Why should her first threesome make her so nervous?

Her answer came sauntering out of the bedroom a few moments later. Gloria lost her breath and widened her eyes, and then felt her first tremor of real fear.

Lisa was naked from the waist up. Her petite, pointed tits were a stark milk-white, with huge tan nipples. Beneath her narrow waist, she wore sheer black panties, with her lush black triangle of cunt hairs showing through. Her slender legs were clad in misty black nylons, and she wore black leather boots with five-inch heels. She was stunningly sexy, but two things frightened Gloria.

One, she carried a whip in her hand – longer and more vicious than the kind Gloria had bought. And she had the look of wild, glazed excitement in her eyes. She left no doubt in the trembling brunette's mind as to who would be using the whip. She looked like a Goddess of vengeance as she sensuously approached Gloria, twitching the whip in her hand.