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"Do you like it, baby?" he grunted. "Do you like my prick in your cunt?"

"Yes! Oh, yes, I love it in me, Bruno! It's so big, so good in my belly!"

"I'm gonna fill you up with my juice, Val! I'm gonna fill you up!" He pistoned faster and faster into her wet flesh.

"Yes, yes, fill me up, Bruno, fill me up!"

It feels good inside me, it really does, she thought in her passion-fogged brain. This cock fucking my pussy feels so good, so wonderful! I'm a whore, but it feels so fantastically good! And look at Richard in there, look at his face, the way he's twisting and jerking. He's going to come any second now! And so am I and so is Bruno!

She watched Eunice's pretty mouth work harder and faster on Richard's prick in the water of the bathtub, work with incredible speed until her head seemed to be a blur of motion. Richard's body was levered up almost out of the water now, driving his cock into her face, thrusting her flailing head down on his rock-hard meat to bend it from side to side with her lips and tongue. Her hand stroked and caressed his balls, urging him to come.

Suddenly Valerie saw Richard's mouth fly open as he drove upward. A strangled scream tore from his throat. "I'm commmming!" he howled.

Eunice pulled her head back so that only the head of his prick was between her lips. She churned her mouth and lips crazily as the first jet of his juice burst into her mouth. With her hands she splashed hot water on his balls. Her cheeks hollowed and bloated, hollowed and bloated as she milked the erupting cock, swallowing to keep from drowning as he flooded his warm, white juice deep into her throat.

Valerie saw Richard's cum dribbling out around the beautiful girl's wildly sucking mouth, rolling down over her chin to mix with the water.

This sight triggered her come. She rammed back against Bruno's driving cock like an animal, ass pressing against balls, reveling in the slapping sounds of his balls against her pubic hair and the wet, sucking noises of his cock sawing into her pussy. Her entire soul was filled with her climax, and her body trembled and vibrated at the onslaught of the invading cockmeat.

"I'm going… going… ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she wailed.

"Meeee toooooo!" Bruno moaned behind her, unable to control the spinning heat in his balls. With one final lunge, he came in time to her coming, pumping a great burning river of sticky white cum far, far up into her wildly quivering pussy. He was moaning continuously as he filled her cunt hole with his jism, soaking her with it. Her cunt flowered open around the wildly spasming prick, and her juices exploded to mingle with his deep inside her still-contracting belly. She had never known an orgasm like this in her life!

She kept coming and coming for long minutes. Her mind drifted and expanded as Bruno's mammoth prick gave one final jerk and then began to deflate, draining in her pussy as it went limp.

Finally it slipped from her cunt passage with a soft, juicy popping sound, trailing sticky strands of white cum from her saturated slit.

She slumped forward onto her knees on the carpet, her head resting against the door. She didn't object when she felt Bruno's strong arms lift her up and carry her across the room to place her gently on the wide double bed.

She again felt his mouth on her tits and heard his voice through her lust-fogged brain. "Now from the front, baby!"

The pain was awful as his body settled between her thighs and she felt his dick again split her from the front.

He was fucking her. Valerie thought she might be coming, but she wasn't sure.

She passed out.


It seemed like hours later, but was actually only minutes after Bruno's departure, that Valerie awakened. Even in the semi-darkness of the strange room, she remembered everything – the lurid scene of Richard and Eunice making love in the bathtub, her own passion, the feeling of Bruno's big cock in her pussy, the orgasm – everything.

She rolled onto her back, feeling hot tears of humiliation begin to cascade from her eyes. Oh God, oh God, she thought, I've become a whore! Just the slightest hint of a boy – any boy – wanting to invade my body with his big cock, and I give in with hardly any fight at all!

But it was Richard's fault. How could he do such a thing after taking my cherry and telling me how much he cared for me?

The tears flowed hotter, more stingingly on her cheeks and again she moaned sadly. She was sick, that was the only logical conclusion. She needed help, for in one day she seemed to have forsaken all that she considered moral and right – her innocence in sex, her desire to love and be loved by one person. It was all hollow, all of it!

Was there hope for her, or had some incredible transformation taken place inside her body? Had she somehow become a sex fiend instead of a wholesome, loving girl? Oh God, what was the answer? What was the problem?

The sound of a door softly opening snapped Valerie's foggy head off the pillow, breaking her reverie, and she looked toward the bedroom entrance. The door was opening slowly, and in the light from the hallway beyond, she could see Richard, the beast, standing there, staring in at her. No! her mind shouted. No, go away, go away! I don't want to see you, not now, not ever! Go away, you… you pig!

But he didn't go away. Instead, he came into the room, walking softly, and crossed to the bed. He reached out and switched on the lamp on the bedside table, flooding the bed with soft light Valerie turned her head away, flinging one arm up to cover her eyes. Richard sat down beside her.

"Honey?" he whispered. "Honey, how do you feel?"

"Go away!" she pleaded. "Leave me alone, you fiend!"

"Baby, what is it?"

"You know what it is!" she flared. "Oh God, you know what it is, you… beast!"

"Look, honey, you're not being very rational right now. Why don't you go into the bathroom and clean up a little. You'll find some of my mother's things in there. Put something on and then come back out. We'll talk."

"I don't want to talk," Valerie said. "I want to go home!"

"Like that?"

She looked at a mirror on the opposite wall. He was right. She was a mess. Gently, she rolled from the bed. Her thighs and her pussy were sore. Bruno had been huge and he had fucked her like a bull.

She hurried into the bathroom. When she got there she locked the door and stood with her back against it. Her heart was hammering and her thoughts were all confused. What in God's name had she gotten herself into?

Her eyes swept the bathroom, looking for an escape. But there wasn't even a window in the room. Only a small ventilator up near the ceiling, not big enough for a small cat to squeeze through. Seeing that there was no possibility of her getting away, she began to think more rationally.

She would somehow bluff Richard, get her clothes, and make her escape.

Once she stepped under the invigorating hot spray of the shower, all her worries seemed to wash down the drain along with the dirt and grime that she scrubbed out of her pores. She stayed under the shower until she heard Richard rap on the door and ask how much longer she was going to be. Then she turned off the water, took a big bath towel and rubbed himself until her flesh glowed with a pink cleanliness.

On the back of the door she found a shapeless white cotton nightie. It was perfect. It hid all of her voluptuous body from view.

She slipped into the nightie and looked at herself in the mirrored back of the door. Even the shapelessness of the gown could not entirely hide the size and shape of her monumental tits, the rigidity of her nipples, or the roll of her ass.