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The toudh seemed to last for an eternity. Jerry's sense of time was obliterated by the maelstrom of lust and pleasure Cindy's hungry mouth and demanding young body were creating in him. The only thing left in his universe was the slender, passionate girl in his arm. She pressed herself against the full length of his naked body, gripping the massive column of his cock in her hand.

Cindy was the one who finally broke the sucking kiss. With a soft moan, she nuzzled her head against his chest. She was pumping and squeezing his turgid prick in her strong young fingers. Jerry had his cheek against her wet hair, while his hands explored the sleek expanse of her back, tracing the curves and hollows of her shoulder blades, the gentle valley of her spine. He stroked downward, to the flat plane below the small of her back, then lower still, finding the deep, exciting deft between her asscheeks. Gripping those warm, meaty masses, he pulled her hips still more tightly against him.

Jerry was shaking with lust, quivering with desperate animal need to fuck. And he could feel her vibrating against him, feel the searing tension in her body as she clung to him. Her hat breath was burning his chest as her lungs pumped raggedly.

When she pushed away from him, he yielded reluctantly. Suddenly, instead of being afraid of what he might do to her, he was terrified he was not going to get to do it to her. Why else could she be shoving herself out of his embrace?

Gracefully, smoothly, Cindy sank to the floor of the cockpit. "Look at me," she whispered softly. "Look at me."

Jerry looked, and wanted to cry. When had he last seen anything so beautiful as Cindy Peters? Her naked body was a series of smooth curves and graceful angles. Her hair, still wet, formed a fan of brown and gold around her face. Her mouth was a shining circle that was silently begging for his body. Her eyes glittered in the glaring sunlight. Her slender, lithe arms reached for him, pleaded with him. A few droplets of water sparkled in the graceful hollows of her collarbones. Her ribs heaved with ragged, lust-wrenched breaths making her firm, exciting tits quiver delectably. Her nipples, small and pink, were sharp jutting points. Below her breasts, her torso tapered smoothly to a trim waist.

Below the dark hollow of her navel was the sleek, smooth expanse of her lower belly, unblemished, unmarked except where the line of her bikini changed her skin dramatically from golden tan to pale white. And there, just below that line, the brown, curling wisps of her pubic bush formed a tantalizing mist, a mist that softened but did not conceal Jerry's view of her damp slit.

In an instinctively sensuous pose, Cindy had one leg bent, one thigh crossed over slightly to block his view of the heart of her cunt. Somehow, her shy concealment of her slit was more arousing than total, spread-legged exposure of her pussy would have been.

Jerry stared down at the willing teenager, his eyes raking hungrily over her nude body.

"Come," she whispered, wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue. "Come." She beckoned with her fingers as her arms reached for him.

With a soft moan of need, Jerry knelt beside her. Hesitantly, he reached out one hand. With a feathery, delicate touch he brushed his fingers across one of her nipples, feeling how rubbery and hot and excited it was. He cupped his hand over one of her breasts. It was deliciously hot, and soft, and exciting. He squeezed it gently, marveling that anything in the world could feel so incredibly wonderful.

Cindy stroked his thigh with one warm hand, her fingers tickling through his hairs. She slid her palm up his side, pressing and stroking him, glorying in the hardness of his mature body. She tickled her fingers across the flat expanse of his trim belly, testing the carefully maintained hardness there. Jerry felt a twinge of pride – his weekly sessions on the squash courts had kept him as trim as he had been in college.

Then Cindy's slender fingers were reaching lower, combing through the thick kinks of his reddish-blonde pubic curls. She touched his throbbing cock, curled her fingers around that shaft of hot flesh and nerve endings. Her fingers played over the bulbous pink head with a total lack of shame and inhibition, smearing thick hot fluid over his burning flesh. His nerve endings shrieked a message of unbridled pleasure to his brain.

Jerry eased himself down and stretched out beside her on the hard slats of the floorboards. She didn't break her grip on his cock. She stroked and squeezed and measured his erect organ, testing its hardness, increasing it at the same time.

Jerry stroked his hand down from the soft breast he had been caressing. His fingers swept over warm, satin-smooth skin, over living flesh that quivered and shivered in response to his touch. He pressed her belly, and felt her yield helplessly to his probing pressure. He bored a finger into the hot socket of her navel and discovered a pool of sea water, trapped in the oval depression, heated to what felt like the boiling point by her body.

Cindy whimpered softly and her grip on Jerry's prick tightened as he probed her belly button. She was melting inside, burning up with searing lust. It was taking so long, so incredibly, deliciously long she couldn't believe it. Her pussy where the warm air was touching it felt burning hot and icy cold all at the same time. She wasn't inexperienced, it was true. But, until now, it had always been impatient teenagers groping awkwardly at her in the back seats of cars or on living room couches. Always there had been roughness, clumsiness and impatience, coupled frequently with the need for haste and the fear of discovery.

But here, now, it was with a man. A man who was lingering lovingly over her, worshiping her body in a way it had never been worshiped before. His expert attention was sending her lust blazing higher than it ever had before. She was going to be coming in a moment, and he hadn't even started to drive that marvelous, monstrous cock of his into her body. His cock was enormous. It felt bigger than any prick she had ever even imagined. She wondered if she was going to be big enough to take it, but felt no qualms about trying. She wanted to find out just how good it could feel to be wholly and completely stuffed with mature cock.

Jerry finished his exploration of Cindy's navel, and explored lower. His fingers caught in her fine pubic curls, combed them straight and untangled them. Then he was cupping his hand to her pussy, his fingertips pressing the hot, damp, hairy lips between her sleek, smooth thighs. Cindy let her legs spread open the way they wanted to, exposing the heart of her crotch to Jerry's probing fingers. Her hips rolled and rocked on the floorboards with desperate need as her pelvis thrust demandingly.

Obligingly, Jerry slipped his finger into the hot, dripping slit of the young girl's pussy. Hot, velvety folds of flesh embraced his probing finger. He drove directly into her cunt, marveling at the blazing heat and exciting tightness of her young hole.

"Aaawww," Cindy moaned as fire swept through her. "Awwwww, I'm coming!" she cried, her body knotting with pleasure. Her fist tightened painfully around Jerry's cock as she was convulsed by her orgasm.

"Aaaahhh," she sighed as the orgasm faded.

"Are you all right?" Jerry asked anxiously. His first thought when Cindy had been racked by the fiery eruption was that she had been hurt by his probing finger, that she wasn't as experienced as she made out.

"I'm wonderful," she sighed languidly.

"I'm sorry, I…" Jerry started to apologize.

"Come here," Cindy whispered, grabbing for him and hauling him over her. She dragged his head down and he found himself again swirling in a pool of lust from her searing kiss. He held his weight up off her, or tried to, afraid he would crush her. But she pulled him down demandingly, insistently taking the full brunt of his weight on her.