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He hummed to himself as he checked the seals, making certain there would be no leaks. Going over it meticulously, because he refused to make mistakes.

It wouldn't be a true test of which one of them was smarter if he made any mistakes.

So he checked every inch, every detail, going over and over the plan until he was absolutely positive there was nothing left out, nothing forgotten, nothing wrong.

He polished the glass and metal until there was no hint of a fingerprint or even a smear, vacuumed the space for the third time, compulsively took apart all the connections so he could wipe down each component individually.

They would find only the signs he wanted them to find.

When he was done this time, he stood back and studied the room, playing out in his head how it would be. She was tough, so he didn't think she'd be all that scared at first. Which was good for his purposes.

Once he'd figured out it was the fear that drew Jordan, he had chosen his lures even more carefully. He liked the tough ones, the ones that didn't scare easily. Because that made it all the sweeter when they realized what was going to happen to them and how helpless they were to stop it.

This one, he thought, would be one of the best. When she finally broke, her terror would be extreme. He didn't know if Jordan could feel it or smell it, but either way it would hit him like a punch to the gut.

To be this close.

To have an innocent taken from beneath his very nose.

To begin to really understand the game.

"Jesus, Sam."

"What? What was I supposed to do, Luke? Ignore what I saw? Let that lady and her baby die?"

"Of course not."

"Well, then. I gave him the calmest, most low-key warning I could come up with, spur-of-the-moment. I'm sure you could have done better in disguising the psychic origins of the information, what with all your training and experience in these things, but-"

"Will you stop with that shit? I didn't make the rules, Sam. I wasn't the one who decided that anything that smacked of carnivals or sideshows could never be part of what we are. But you know what? For the record, I agree with Bishop on that one. I have had to deal with too many hard-nosed, skeptical cops like Wyatt Metcalf not to have learned that we have to look serious and act serious if we have even a hope of being accepted for what we are and believed. So we can do our jobs."

"Oh, I'm sure you're right. You usually are, after all." She closed the take-out box and pushed the salad away. "Lost my appetite. Can't imagine why."

Lucas was sorely tempted to turn around and walk out but fought the impulse. Instead, he pulled the other chair out and sat down across from her.

"Please," she said, "join me."

"Thanks, I will." He kept his voice even. "Do you think we can talk like two rational people for a minute?"

"Maybe a minute. Though I wouldn't bet on it."

"Jesus, Sam."

"You already said that."

What he said then was something he hadn't wanted or intended to say. "I never meant to hurt you."

Samantha laughed.

Lucas supposed he deserved that, but it didn't make it any easier to take. "I didn't. I know you don't believe that, but it's the truth."

"As a matter of fact, I do believe it. So what?"

He wasn't a man who was easily knocked off his balance, but he had to admit, at least silently, that Samantha always managed to do just that. "So can we stop fighting?"

"I don't know. Can we?"

"Christ, you're a stubborn woman."

"That's not even conversation."

"Do I have to remind you again that I'm in the middle of a serial kidnapping and murder investigation?"

"We're in the middle. I'm here too, Luke."

"You being here is just-" He stopped, then slowly finished, "a fluke."

Samantha didn't say a word.

"Happenstance. A coincidence."

She picked up her drink and sipped.

Lucas was aware of a second impulse to get up and walk out of the room, and he very nearly obeyed that one. Instead, he drew a deep breath, let it out slowly, and said, "The carnival isn't in Golden because the next town on the schedule just hosted a circus. The carnival is in Golden because you wanted it to be here."

"I didn't want to be here, Luke, believe me. In fact, I would have gone a long way to avoid being here just now. But we both know some of the things I see simply can't be changed. And unfortunately for us both, this is one of them. It's the real punch line of the cosmic joke. In that vision where I saw you playing chess with the kidnapper, I also saw myself standing behind you. You can't win the game without me."

Lindsay stretched languidly and yawned. "God. Do we have to go back to the station?"

Metcalf eyed smooth flesh still clinging to its golden summer tan and reached over to touch her. "Somebody might wonder if we never come back from lunch," he noted absently.

"Ummm. What lunch? I've lost ten pounds with these lunches of ours."

"We can stop for a quick burger on the way back."

"You always say that, but when it comes down to it neither one of us is hungry."

"So we lose a few pounds and go back to work relaxed and de-stressed; I'd call that a good lunch break."

Lindsay started to reach for him but saw over his shoulder the clock on the nightstand and groaned. "We've been gone almost an hour now."

"I'm the sheriff. I can be late."


"And so can you."

They were very late in returning to the station, and when absolutely nobody commented, Lindsay wondered for the first time if their "secret" affair was as secret as she'd believed.

People were very studiously not commenting.

They found both Lucas and his partner in the conference room. He was pacing with the wired energy of a caged cat; Jaylene was sitting on the end of the conference table, watching him meditatively.

"Sorry," Lindsay said as they came in.

Lucas paused and looked at her. "Why?"

"Lunch. We're late getting back."

"Oh. That." He resumed pacing. "I'm not hungry."

Gesturing to two Styrofoam containers behind her on the table, Jaylene said, "I brought him something, but he's been a little… preoccupied."

"Has something happened?" Metcalf asked.

"No," Lucas said. He glanced at Jaylene, then added, "Nothing's changed."

Metcalf looked at Lindsay. "Was that a qualified statement? It sounded qualified to me."

"Don't ask," Lucas told him. "You won't like the answer, believe me."

"It's Samantha," Jaylene said. "She believes she's meant to be here, to be involved in the investigation. To help Luke win the game."

"Shit," Metcalf said.

Lindsay asked, "Help him how?"

"If she even knows, she isn't saying."

"I don't think she knows," Lucas said. "Just that she's somehow involved."

"That's what I've been saying," the sheriff reminded them.

Lucas stopped pacing and took a chair. "Involved in the investigation. On our side."

"Your side," Jaylene murmured.

"Is there a difference?" he demanded.

"Maybe so."

He gestured slightly as though pushing the comment away, then said, "Whether Sam's involved doesn't change the fact that we've got nothing to go on. No evidence, nothing to I.D. him or even point us in his direction. If this bastard follows his usual pattern, he's already in another state and planning his next abduction."

Lindsay said, "But Sam says his next abduction is here in Golden." She frowned. "If we assume for a minute that she's right, why would he change his M.O. now? I mean, why plan two kidnappings in the same area? Isn't that asking for trouble?"

"Maybe it's asking for Luke," Jaylene offered. "Maybe part of the game was to eventually get us in position before the fact. It would be the first time."