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I exited the bedroom to find the two men facing off, but at my arrival, they turned with smiles that did nothing to hide the tension bristling between them.

“Well, thanks for helping me out,” I gathered my purse from the side table and took my phone from Simon’s extended hand.

“How are you getting home?” Simon asked.

“Oh, I’ll just grab a cab.”

“Nonsense,” said Gene stepping around Simon’s restraining arm. “Just tell me where to take you.”

“That’s okay. Besides, I need to get donuts and coffee on the way or my roommates will shoot me,” I said.

“Done.” Gene snapped his fingers and a moment later, he held a tray with three steaming Styrofoam cups and a box of donuts.

Cool. And now I was curious. “So, if I tell you I live at five-five-five Parkview Crescent, you going to snap your fingers and call up a flying rug?”

“Stand over here and you’ll find out,” he said with a wide smile. Simon just snorted.

“Okay. Just give me a second.” I walked over to Simon and grabbed his shirt to yank him down. I plastered a kiss on him whispering, “Thanks for rescuing me.”

What I intended as a small kiss turned into a panty wetter as his big hands swept around to cup my buttocks and lift me so he could thoroughly thank me with his tongue for thanking him.

When he set me down, I was a tad wobbly and so freaking horny I wanted to tear his clothes off and ride him until the cows came home.

But Gene, with a, “Hey, can I join in?” ruined the moment and I stepped back stunned at my reaction to a simple kiss. I need to get out of here.

I moved over to Gene and at his nodded head signal, stood between his outstretched arms still holding the coffee house delights.

“Ala Samantha,” he announced and wiggling his nose, he took me home in the blink of an eye.

As transportation went, I liked it. Fast, free and I would assume environmentally friendly. I held out my hands for the breakfast treats and with a resigned sigh, he handed them over. “I guess this means you’re not going to ask me up?” He waggled his brows at me hopefully.

His engaging grin almost did me in, but knowing the inquisition awaiting me upstairs, I resisted. “I doubt you’d enjoy the major girl gab fest. They’re going to want all the details. Which reminds me,” I said my eyes widening as I chastised myself for my distraction. “What happened to the vamps that attacked me last night? Should I be looking for a new job?” Or looking to move to a new zipcode?

Gene scoffed. “You have nothing to fear. Simon would have dispatched them before bringing you home. He can’t stand the nasty creatures and takes great delight in sending them to the great beyond.” Then, as if realizing what he said, he stammered. “Well not that he’d hurt you of course. You’re not really a vamp, even if you-Ah, screw this.” He stopped talking and in a motion too fast for me to track, plastered a hot kiss on me that left my legs shaking and my pussy screaming “Take me, now.” Then without even a goodbye, Gene, my genie out of his bottle-and I suspected partly of his mind-left. And silly me, I was sorry to see him go.

I trudged up the stairs to my apartment, the elevator being on the fritz again. I consoled myself with the fact that the exercise meant I could eat more donuts. I’d just made it to the door when it was flung open, and Claire, hands on her hips, stood glaring at me.

“Just where have you been all night, young lady?” she asked sternly. Then she burst into giggles. “Get in here and tell us what happened. And where did you get those wholesome clothes? I’ve never seen you cover up so much of your body. Is this a new fad?”

I smiled at Claire’s babble and walked into the home we’d built ourselves. A collection of mismatched furniture and knickknacks, there was no rhyme or reason to our decorating other than comfort. Lana waved at me from the couch, her feet dipping in a basin of water, probably liberally laced with salt. While tap water helped hydrate her, she needed briny water to truly make her siren side comfortable. Given her irrational fear of the ocean-which I swore I’d keep a secret-she made do with baths, both the full body and foot ones.

We’d learned the hard way that a PMS-ing siren who craved saltwater was nothing to joke about. Although the singing was quite pretty if you managed not to kill yourself while listening to it.

Claire, bouncy and energetic like her werebunny alter ego-and the Energizer one-perched on the couch arm, still babbling.

“So, what happened? Bruno said you left before doing your second set and he was not happy by the way.”

I handed out coffee while I debated what to tell them. While we knew each other’s secrets, I tended to gloss over the more violent side of my existence. “I’ll deal with Bruno when I go in tonight.” A smile and stroke of his hand and he’d forgive me anything, a plus from my succubus side. “I had to leave. Some of the guys from the days I was locked up found me at the club.”

Lana, mid chew on a chocolate donut, choked and spat out a gooey mouthful. “That’s not good.”

Claire’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. “No shit. What happened?”

“I fought them with a little help.” A giant who cleaned their clocks and then rescued me princess style without once taking advantage-the jerk. I omitted the bloody killing part in my retelling.

“But they’re vampires?” Lana said, her eyes narrowing. “So who was nuts enough to jump in and help you? Or should I say what?”

“Well, I never did find out what Simon was, although I do guarantee he’s not human.” That got the girls bouncing in excitement.

“Is he hot?”

“Does he have a brother?”

I laughed at their reaction. “He is drop dead gorgeous and built like an ox. And while I didn’t find out if he had a brother, he does have a friend who’s a genie.”

Claire squealed and Lana leaned forward eagerly. “This I need to hear about.”

I told them about waking up at Simon’s place and meeting Gene. They giggled when they learned about his actual bottle. They sighed over my description of both men. And exclaimed when they heard how I’d gotten home with magically produced donuts.

Lana held her donut in front of her and eyed it suspiciously. Shrugging, she took a bite. “Damn, for a magic donut, it sure tastes good.”

“So when are you seeing them again?” Claire asked.

Good question. “I don’t know. Simon programmed his number in my phone and Gene jokingly said he’d come if I wished for him. But, I don’t know. How do I know I can trust them?”

Lana fixed me with piercing stare. “Oh please. They had ample opportunity to hurt or take advantage of you, and instead, you made it home, unmolested, bearing food and dressed like a nun.”

True. Maybe I should have phrased it differently, like I don’t know if I can trust myself around them because since the moment I met them all I want to do is touch them-and lick them, and ride them and take them up on their offer of a sandwich. A first for me since I usually fed my succubus need for sexual energy with one partner at a time. I did, after all, still have some warped set of morals.

“I think you should call them and set up a dinner date.” Claire clapped a hand over her mouth and blushed.

“I think Beth understood you meant the real food kind,” Lana said dryly.

I pondered her suggestion. “I will admit, I’m curious. They knew what I was right away. And they implied they’d met others like me before, although by the sounds of it, they were all killed.”

“All the more reason to find out more,” urged Lana, the usually levelheaded one. With her encouraging me, I felt more confident that my desire to call was reasonable and not just hormone driven.