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The fingers around her hips dug even deeper and she shrieked in pain as she was spun around to face the group of Brothers. The mastiff jumped forward on his lead but the Brother just managed to restrain him and she hung in naked terror waiting to submit to their torture. Then she felt a searing pain against her bottom.

At first it just shocked her, but by the time she had realised the shock it turned into the most excruciating pain she had ever felt.

Maria yelled as her whole body tightened in agony and horror as the hot rods bit into her, branding her. She saw the open jaws of the mastiff and momentarily thought again of Father Thomas, then another hot iron burned into her skin and she could think of nothing but suffering. She yelled again and saw the jaws of wild beasts baiting and terrorising her, then another stab from a red-hot iron and another wave of pain, but this time she did not scream, she just opened her mouth and began to drool. She felt her spit dribbling out and she watched the mastiff as he snarled and growled before her, then another piercing stab in her buttocks and she began to growl and snarl back. She exposed her teeth and snarled again and, as she did, she felt a shudder of joy run through her limbs, she tried to ignore it, she tried to pretend it was not there, but she could not resist it.

Another burning stab from a red-hot iron sizzled in her skin and she snarled even more. She growled and dribbled and the shudder of joy began to run into a continuous wave of ecstasy. How could she have thought she could be saved? Then another stab and she felt her legs widening, and then another and the soft flesh of her labia swelled at her beautiful opening. Then another and she felt her clitoris probing at the front of her fleshy crack, and she snarled and dribbled and started howling even more.

Then the burning stopped and she waited, dropping her eyes and snarling like a rabid wolf. Why had they stopped? She did not know or care and she spit at the mastiff and wanted to get to him and wrestle him to the ground, she wanted to show him that she was his new master and when she spat again he growled back angrily. Then she fell to the ground as the cords were released.

The mastiff lurched forward and she smelt his breath. She turned her face and bared her teeth. He barked frantically as he was pulled back, the leash hardly seemed strong enough to hold him, but Maria did not care, she was an animal now and she wanted to take him on. Even the pain of the branding had not beaten her desires, and, as she crouched on her hands and knees and snarled at all the Brothers, her clitoris swelled even more and her cunt ran wetter than ever. Then she felt a lash across her back.


Brother Arnold stood above her with a black leather bull whip. Its end curled in the air as he pulled it back again.


Maria dipped her back as it landed hard across her.


She dipped again and this time her legs opened a little.


Another terrible lash and the tip of the bull whip cracked with heat as it singed her back. She felt her cunt getting hotter. Now she knew she could not be saved, there was nothing that could suppress her desire for pleasure. She wanted more lashing, more humiliation and more pain.

Crack! Crack!

Two more painful cracks across her back and she braced herself to take them. They stung her terribly but she bent up higher.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Three more and with each one she raised her back up even more. The pain was terrible but the delight of it made her growl even louder. She did not want to scream any more and she dropped heavily to her elbows, lifted her back as high as she could and snarled and drooled.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

She took them all, rubbing her breasts against the rough stone floor and feeling her hard nipples scraping against the flagstones. She wanted them pinched and bitten, she wanted to offer them to the mastiff, she wanted him to bite them and suck them and feed from them. Her cunt swelled between the insides of her thighs and she opened her legs more. She could feel her outer labia beating with the engorging blood and massaging her hardened clitoris and as she opened her legs even more, her clitoris was inflamed with the massaging edges of her soft flesh.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

She opened her legs until they would spread no further, then suddenly dropped her hips to the floor and rolled onto her back. She splayed her legs wide and exposed the throbbing flesh of her widening, naked cunt. She forced her legs as wide as they could go and stared up at Brother Arnold as he stood above her with the bull whip in his hand. She was not submitting to him but, with her wide-eyed gaze, somehow commanding him, as she looked down at her cunt and then back up at him. She opened her mouth but could not form any words so just screamed.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The tip of the bull whip snapped across the soft flesh of her cunt. She writhed with joy and screamed in an ecstasy of pain. She felt the spit foaming from her mouth and blew it from her lips in gaping screeches of exhilaration. She forced her hands down and pulled back her outer labia, they were hot and swollen and she peeled them back with her grasping fingers exposing the wet, pink entrance to her vagina. She wanted more pain, her desires were so great but so confused, she was so inflamed and she wanted to be fucked by the savage lashing of the whip.


She opened them wider.


She pulled them back some more and felt the burning crack of the whip stinging the insides of her cunt.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

She rose up and was seized with an overpowering orgasm, no scream could express it, no snarl could allow it to be released, she was consumed by it. She felt the inner edges of her cunt throbbing in between her fingers as pulses of wetness poured from her distended vagina and down the insides of her legs. She was completely dissipated and she pulled at her cunt roughly and poked her fingers deeply inside in a vain attempt to draw out her lust.


Maria was only vaguely aware of being thrown into the back of the van. She lay cowering on the bare metal floor as it bounced along the road in darkness. As it came back into the city the street lights flashed intermittent streams of light in through the muddy windows in the back doors. She stretched on her back and, in the flickering light, saw the red stripes from the whip raised angrily on the insides of her thighs.

After a while the van stopped, she was dragged out roughly and pulled down into the muddy hole where she was chained to the iron grill. All night, Maria clung to the bars of the gate, her naked body shivering with cold as she stood up to her ankles in the sloppy mud, water dripping from the edges of the hole, running into her hair and down her face. She hung there, alone and fearful until the morning but, even when it became light, the hole stayed in the shadows and she moaned in desperation.

She thought of everything that had happened to her and began to sob. She hoped that someone would come to her rescue but, as it started to get dark again, she realised that her situation was hopeless. She tried to stretch her arms but she was too tightly bound and she bowed her head in painful and resigned misery.

In the darkness she felt herself dozing off and began to dream of captivity. She imagined she was bound to the back of a wild stallion as it galloped across open fields. She saw her naked body pulled down tight across its sweaty back, her legs were strained wide and a leather thong pulled her ankles tight beneath its girth. Her arms were drawn forward and bound with a leather leash beneath the animal's thick neck, her face was pressed hard against its hot flesh and her reddened cheeks smacked against it as it leapt over fences and through muddy streams.

Every movement it made was transmitted into her bruised body, she felt its galloping hooves on the ground and the snorting from its flared nostrils. Her limbs were pulled roughly by the flexing of its mighty muscles as it took off over a hedge, and then by the shock in its flanks as it landed back down again. The movements spread through her flattened breasts and through the smooth skin of her tossed about face but mostly it came through her cunt that was splayed out across the broadness of the huge animal's back.