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The soft folds of her outer labia squeezed down against the spiky hairs on the horse's back. When it jumped her cunt opened wider and the inner leaves felt the pressure from its shoulders and the stinging from its bristly hairs. As her cunt got wetter she felt her clitoris engorging under the sensation of roughness that the pounding caused and, as it grew and pressed down more, she felt the inside edges of her vagina opening and searching for the prickly ends of the coarse sweat smeared hair.

She waited anxiously for each new lunge and every time pulled herself tighter onto the heaving animal. She felt her face flushing with overbearing excitement and she felt the wetness from her cunt running warmly against the insides of her splayed out thighs and she started to bite the tousled mane of the galloping beast…

Then she started, opened her eyes wide and banged her head against the grill. Someone had their hand between her buttocks and was probing the edges of her cunt!

"Is this the one?"

Maria turned and saw that it was a tall, dark haired young man dressed in leather who was feeling her. Father Thomas stood in the shadows a little further back.

"Yes, that's her, Maria, I'm not sure whether she is ready, but she is wanted so I have got to send her. Make sure that you arrange for her to get the training we agreed on the way. Lay it on like I said and no mistakes now. Take her by the normal route and I will meet you at the docks as usual. I will take her on from there. I will be taking Caleb with me and that fool Kirk – the Mistress Lesley says he will make a 'useful addition' if nothing else."

"Nice cunt," said the young man pushing his fingers into Maria's vagina, "very nice, she must have been thinking of something good, she's very wet."

He pulled his fingers out of her vagina then thrust his hand further between her legs and felt her clitoris.

"I think she's ready for a fuck right now. What do you think Maria? Fancy a fuck before we set off?"

"There is not much time if we are to keep to schedule, so you had better get going."

The young man drew his hand away from Maria's cunt and slapped her playfully on the bottom.

"Come on boys, let's get going!"

Several men came down into the hole and started to untie Maria from the grill. They were all dressed in motorcycle leathers and, as they stretched up to undo her, the smooth leather pressed against her naked skin. Its coldness made her shiver and she gasped when some silver studs on one of the jackets stuck into her shoulder. When the ropes at her wrists were undone she slumped down exhausted. Two of the men caught her in their arms and held her until her ankles were released, one of them grasped her breasts and squeezed them hard. Then they dragged her out of the muddy hole and onto the pavement.

She looked up to see a group of large motorcycles with more men dressed in black leather standing around them. Some of the engines were ticking over and one of them was being revved by a blonde haired man with a ring in his nose who called out over the noise of the engines.

"Come on you bastards, let's be off, we can make a night of it."

Maria was pulled over to a large black motorcycle that had an open sidecar fitted, she hung onto the men's arms and started to shake with fear.

"Stick her in, let's get going!"

They lifted her up and held her for a moment above the top of the side-car, there was no seat inside, only roughly painted metal and the tangled tubular steel of its chassis.

"Not that way you fucking idiots, head first!"

She gasped as they tipped her naked body upside down and thrust her headlong into the side-car, banging her head against the tubes of the chassis as it was forced down into the nose-cone. Two of them bent her legs and another held her waist up, she felt like a capture animal as her legs were squeezed inside and pressed down roughly until only her upturned buttocks stood up from the body of the side-car. She was terrified as her face was forced crookedly against the bodywork and she coughed as she inhaled the sickening smell of oil and leather. Then she felt some straps being pulled tight across her back and she was pressed down even further as they were secured to the sides.

"Nice arse!" one of them shouted and she felt another hard smack across her bottom as the engines began to rev loudly.

"And I see she's got a name, Maria!"

Then another smack, this time right across her still stinging brand, then, with a jerk, she felt the motorcycle pull away and roar off.

Maria could just see through a small hole in the front of the side-car. She watched the flashing street lamps and the headlights of traffic as the motorcycles careered at breakneck speed through the streets and out onto the main road. Her buttocks stuck up out of the side-car and she felt the cold air as it blew across her taut skin. She was trapped so tightly that she could not move her head and her arms were pushed up under her breasts. Sometimes the motorcycle went around corners so fast that the side-car lifted off the ground and she thought she was going to be killed. Then the road went dark as they drove on through the night in a noisy, frantic convoy. Every so often one of the motor cycles pulled in front and Maria could see its rider leaning back and gesturing, then it would drop back and pull alongside. Once, one of the motorcycles banged into the side of the side-car and she screamed in fear as her face was crushed against the tubular chassis. Then she saw some lights ahead and the convoy pulled off the main road and into a brightly lit cafe car park.

After revving loudly the engines stopped. Maria felt her heart pounding with fear as she waited in the darkness. She heard the riders propping up their bikes, shouting to each other and laughing. Above the sound of her pounding heart, she could hear lorries passing on the main road and as they went past the flash of their headlights threw some light across the car park and the motorcycles glistened against the black Tarmac.

Maria felt very frightened, she was terrified by what might happen to her and her skin tingled with fear and dread. She felt so captured and alone and her heart thumped even louder as she breathed rapidly against the inside of the side-car. Through her small spyhole she saw that all the motorcyclists were dressed in black leather and some had chains hanging from their waists or drooping from the padded shoulders of their jackets. They walked around their motorcycles, pushing and jostling each other, some took their helmets off and hung them on the ends of their handlebars, then they congregated around the side-car and started laughing and joking about the position that she was in. She felt completely humiliated as they prodded her bottom and poked their fingers around the insides of her upturned thighs. She tried to twist herself away from their probing but it was impossible.

Then she felt the straps that held her down being eased. Though she was quaking with fear, she felt relieved as they slackened and she could move again. She pulled her face away from the bodywork of the side-car and tried to wriggle herself out but her antics made the men laugh and jeer and she felt overwhelmingly ashamed.

"Look at the bitch's arse wiggle!"

"See her cunt though, what a beauty!"

"Look how the bitch squirms, what a cunt!"

Maria felt like crying as they taunted and humiliated her, but even though she wanted to hide away, she pressed her hands against the front of the inside of the side-car and tried to force herself out.

"Hey Jacko, she's trying to get free!"

"Just get the bitch out, I need something to drink."

She felt hands pulling at her and she was lifted bodily out of the side-car. She cried out and tried to wriggle free but the men holding her only laughed. She felt their hands all over her naked body and her arms and legs being pulled all ways as they argued to gain control of her like beasts contesting their prey.