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She did not understand what he meant but his words seemed ominous and her feelings of safety began to turn into anxious suspicion. She thought of drawing her legs together, but before she could do anything Caleb climbed up onto the bed and started winding leather straps around her thighs and ankles. He pulled them down the sides of the bed and tied them in knots around the frame, then jumped back up and hopped and bounced between her outstretched legs.

"Beautiful cunt! Beautiful cunt!"

"Get down Caleb and bring the spray! Now my child this is what is going to make you obedient to that beautiful cunt of yours."

Father Thomas held up a small golden ring.

"And of course this."

He held up the thin chain as well and she shivered with a fear she thought she had overcome.

"I am going to fit this little ring through your delectable clitoris my child. Yes, right through it and then I am going to feed this chain through it and every time it is pulled you will respond with pain and joy. That is what you like is it not, pain and joy? That is your problem, I know it, but this will cause you all the pain you want and reward you every time with instant pleasure. Caleb!"

"Father, please -"

"I thought you said you were ready, bitch!"

"I did Father, I am, but -"

"Well shut your fucking mouth. Caleb! Get me the spray!"

Caleb handed Father Thomas a small, blue and white can.

"This will numb the pain my child, but it will be cold."

He sprayed the contents of the canister onto her dilated cunt and she shrieked with shock as the cold spray covered her tender flesh. She squeezed her buttocks together but it did no good as her outer labia were drenched with the freezing liquid. He sprayed it all around her cunt, then, prizing between her outer labia with his fingers, he found her clitoris. He tugged at it and it hardened and protruded more keenly from between her soft lips. He massaged it some more and it grew between his fingers until he could hold it firmly, then he directed the cold spray at it and doused it.

Maria gasped and screamed. The cold shock on her sensitive flesh was terrible, and the feeling of him tugging at her clitoris was painful and almost more than she could bear.

"Please -"

Father Thomas reached up with his spare hand and slapped her across the face, the hard smack stung her cheek, her head was knocked sideways and she cried out in pain.

"Shut up you fucking bitch. There will soon be time for pleading."

He bent down between her legs and kept spraying the contents of the can all around her cunt but especially on her still swelling clitoris, which he gripped firmly and squeezed whenever it tried to retract between the soft edges of her frozen crack. Then he threw the can aside and, in one movement, punctured her hard clitoris with the sharp open point of the gold ring and threaded it straight through her engorged flesh. She did not know what he had done until she squeezed her thighs inwards a bit and felt it pressing sharply against the inside edges of her cunt.

"Oh Father, what have you done to me?"

"I have made you the slave of your cunt. You will see."

He reached across and took another thin chain from Caleb. He pulled it around her waist and clipped it together, then he took another and clasped it tightly around her neck. Then he took the loose end of the chain that was attached to the ring, fed it beneath the chain at her waist, clipped it to the chain at her throat and finally, attached a small gold cross to it.

"Caleb! Release her!"

Caleb jumped up and undid her bonds. Instinctively, she drew her legs together, but as she tried to lie back flat on the bed she realised that the tension in the chain meant that any movement in her neck caused the ring to pull in her clitoris. Because the cold spray was still numbing the flesh of her cunt she was not sure whether she felt pain or not.

"Stand up my child."

She rolled onto her side and stood up slowly, keeping her head bent down so that the tension was only slight.

"Look up you bitch!"

Maria raised her head slightly and immediately felt the arousing tug in her clitoris, then the piercing pain as it pulled hard into her flesh. Her eyes widened as she felt the full pleasure of her own slavery and she dropped her head back in response to the now searing pain of ecstasy. She moaned. It was agony but it was irresistible, and again she stretched her head back. The tension in the chain pulled at her throat and burned in her cunt. She had never experienced anything like it and she felt a primitive animalism forming inside that threatened to overtake any sense of self-control she might have. Every movement of her head brought a corresponding swell of pain, every time she lifted her head the ecstatic pain forced her to bow again. With her head held up she was in a depraved state of piercing pain which made her lower it again into the sweet ecstasy of bowed submission, slavery and penance.

"Good my child. Caleb! Stay with her, I need to make some final arrangements before we deliver her to the Mistress Lesley."

Father Thomas left the bedroom and went down to the reception. Caleb crouched like a gnome at the bottom of the bed and stared at Maria, but she was unaware of his gaze as she tantalised herself against the tension of the chain. She pulled her head back as far as she could, and the ring drew her clitoris clear of the folds of pink skin that opened at the front of her shaved crack. The chain pressed against her stomach and ran up between her breasts until it pulled tightly at her slender throat. She moaned as the pressure came on fully and, as she pulled more, she screwed up her eyes in ecstatic agony as the pain increased both her desires and suffering.

Caleb watched her eagerly then bent down and crawled slowly between her legs like a small dog stalking its prey, pressing his stumpy hands down quietly on the bed and creeping forward until his face was close to her cunt. He looked at it closely, turning his face this way and that, then bent his head forward and extended his tongue until it touched the delicate petals of her outer labia.

She felt its heat as his tongue slurped clumsily along the full length of her cunt, starting at the back near the opening of her anus and running up along her soft labia until finally, it curled around her hard, extended clitoris. The warmth of his wet tongue inflamed her even more and she stretched back against the chain. Her clitoris reached out further under the pressure and, as soon as there was more to lick, Caleb slurped around it enthusiastically. She felt his spit dribbling between the lips of her crack and onto the small area of skin that lay behind it, then she felt it running around the ring of her anus and she opened her buttocks wider. She pressed down with her buttocks and encouraged her anus to dilate, and when it did, some drops of spit ran burningly inside its exposed inner edges.

Maria felt Caleb's shoulders pressing against the insides of her thighs and she widened them more to accommodate him, then she felt a sudden stabbing in her anus as his finger plunged in deeply. She gasped and threw her head back and the chain cut into her throat. The pain in her clitoris was masked by his lapping tongue but it still hurt and she let out a scream, but that made him plunge his finger even deeper and she responded by bending forward and bearing down on it. Her gaze followed the gold chain as it ran down between her breasts, across her flat stomach and pulled tightly at the golden ring that stretched her clitoris forward from the upper opening of her cunt. She saw his slobbering face looking up from between her legs, his eyes were wide and his tongue was licking her feverishly.

Caleb began thrusting his finger up and down her anus. She felt a flow of passion running inside her veins and she drove herself onto it and matched his movements. She squeezed her buttocks and held his finger tightly in her arse. She wanted more of it, she wanted it thicker and deeper and faster and more thrusting. He kept slavering at her cunt like a dog, but it was not enough, she wanted more and she reached forward and grasped his head tightly in her hands.