I Was Born There, I Was Born Here

I Was Born There, I Was Born Here
Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Автор: Barghouti Mourid
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
Издатель: Bloomsbury UK
Переводчик: Humphrey Davies
Добавил: Admin 4 Июл 15
Проверил: Admin 4 Июл 15
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The sequel to the classic memoir I Saw Ramallah, I Was Born There, I Was Born Here takes up the story in 1998 when Barghouti returned to the Occupied Territories to introduce his Cairo-born son, Tamim, to his Palestinian family.
Ranging freely back and forth in time between the 1990s and the present day, Barghouti weaves into his account of exile poignant evocations of Palestinian history and daily life — the pleasure of coffee arriving at just the right moment, the challenge of a car journey through the Occupied Territories, the meaning of home and the importance of being able to say, standing in a small village in Palestine, 'I was born here', rather than saying from exile, 'I was born there'.
Full of life and humour in the face of death, I Was Born There, I Was Born Here is destined, like its predecessor, to become a classic.

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