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18. “Inventur eines Volkes,” Berliner Tageblatt 13 (January 9, 1934); see Hummer, pp. 343-346, 347; Illustrierter Beobachter, January 6, 1934, p. 5.

19. Hummer, pp. 345-347.

20. Hummer, pp. 345-347.

21. Hummer, pp. 345-346, 447.

22. Aly and Roth, p. 145.

23. “Inventur eines Volkes,” Berliner Tageblatt 13 (January 9, 1934).

24. Aly and Roth, p. 56.

25. “Inventur eines Volkes,” Berliner Tageblatt 13 (January 9, 1934).

26. “Die Glaubensjuden im Dritten Reich,” Statistik des Deutschen Reichs 415/5 (1936): 5 cited in Aly and Roth, p. 55.

27. Hummer, pp. 343, 348, 351-355.

28. “Die Glaubensjuden im Dritten Reich,” Statistik des Deutschen Reichs 415/5 (1936): 5 cited in Aly and Roth, pp. 57-59.

29. “Die Glaubensjuden im Dritten Reich,” Statistik des Deutschen Reichs 415/5 (1936): 5 cited in Aly and Roth, pp. 57, 59; exhibit photo of Census Poster, USHMM.

30. Dr. Friedrich Zahn, “Die Statistik im nationalsozialistischen Grossdeutschland,” ASA 29 (1939/40): 370.

31. Cablegram, Thomas J. Watson to W. Heidinger, May 19, 1933, IBM Files; also see Memorandum, W. Heidinger to W.F. Battin, July 14, 1933, IBM Files; Letter, M.G. Connally to W.F. Battin September 6, 1934, p. 3, IBM Files; Letter, F.C. Elstob to J.F. Gormley, January 19, 1934, IBM Files; Confirmation of Cable, January 20, 1934, IBM Files, Letter, J.F. Gormley to H. Karst, January 22, 1934, IBM Files.

32. Memorandum, W. Heidinger to W.F. Battin, July 14, 1933, IBM Files.

33. Letter, H.K. Chauncey to J.C. Milner, November 19, 1935, IBM Files; see Letter, O.E. Braitmayer to J.E. Holt, March 7, 1936, IBM Files; Letter, W. Heidinger to R. Kugler, December 18, 1933, IBM Files.

34. “Sails for Paris Meeting,” NYT, October 5, 1933; Letter, W. Heidinger to Thomas J. Watson, January 2, 1934, IBM Files; also see “Sees Business Gain Generally,” NYT, October 25, 1934.

35. Letter, W. Heidinger to Thomas J. Watson, October 31, 1933, IBM Files.

36. Letter, W. Heidinger to Thomas J. Watson, January 2, 1934; Letter, W.D. Jones to Thomas J. Watson, January 10, 1934, IBM Files.

37. Letter, Dehomag to J.T. Wilson, November 16, 1935, IBM Files; also see, “Davis Named IBM Secretary,” NYT, February 22, 1940.

38. Cablegram, W. Heidinger to Thomas J. Watson, August 27, 1934, IBM Files; Radiogram, Thomas J. Watson to W. Heidinger, August 23, 1934, IBM Files; also see Letter and handwritten cover note on carbons, Thomas J. Watson to W. Heidinger, September 11, 1934, IBM Files.

39. Radiogram, K. Hummel and Managers to Thomas J. Watson, November 8, 1933, IBM Files.

40. William Rodgers, Think: A Biography of the Watsons and IBM (New York: Stein and Day, 1969) , p. 57; “Cummings to Push Anti-Trust Suits,” NYT, March 31, 1934.

41. Letter, M.G. Connally to W. Heidinger, November 18, 1933, IBM Files.

42. Cablegram, W. Heidinger to Thomas J. Watson, August 27, 1934.

43. Radiogram, Thomas J. Watson to W. Heidinger, August 28, 1934, IBM Files.

44. Letter and handwritten cover note on carbons, Thomas J. Watson to W. Heidinger, September 11, 1934; Memorandum, W. Heidinger to H.B. Fellinger, June 18, 1943, p. 9, IBM Files.

45. Radiogram, Thomas J. Watson to W. Heidinger, August 28, 1934; Letter and handwritten cover note on carbons, Thomas J. Watson to W. Heidinger, September 11, 1934.

46. “German Socialists Reported Tortured,” NYT, March 18, 1933.

47. “German Fugitives Tell of Atrocities at Hands of Nazis,” NYT, March 20, 1933.

48. “Nazis to Put Bavarian Foes in Concentration Camp,” NYT, March 21, 1933.

49. “3 More Americans Attacked in Berlin As Raiding Goes On,” NYT, March 10, 1933; “German Socialists Reported Tortured,” NYT, March 18, 1933; “Terror in Germany Amazes Novelist,” NYT, March 21, 1933; “Nazis Hunt Arms in Einstein Home,” NYT, March 21, 1933; “German Jailings Spreading Terror,” NYT, March 27, 1933; “Hitlerites Order Boycott Against Jews in Business, Professions and Schools,” NYT, March 29, 1933; “Boycott Spreads in Reich but Hitler Bans Violent Acts,” NYT, March 30, 1933; “Nazis Cut Boycott Today with Threat of Renewal if World Does Not Recant,” “Nazis Oust Jews From Law Courts,” NYT, April 1, 1933; “Boycott at End, Germany Believes,” “Germans Fearful Under Nazi Regime,” NYT, April 3, 1933; “Nazis to Control Lutheran Church,” NYT, April 6, 1933; “Nazis Seize Power to Rule Business,” “Nazis Demand Ban on Old Testament,” NYT, April 7, 1933; “Nazis Herd Enemies Behind Barbed Wire in Big Prison Camps,” “Nazis Hold Foes in Prison Camp,” “Reich Authors Oust Non-Nationalists,” “Nazis Demand Divorce of Jewish Wives by Officials if They Are to Retain Jobs,” NYT, April 8, 1933; “Schwarz Ousted As Reich Counsel,” NYT, April 12, 1933; “10,000 Jews Flee Nazi Persecution,” NYT, April 15, 1933; “Nazi Book-Burning Fails to Stir Berlin,” NYT, May 11, 1993; “League Will Hear Jews on Oppression by Nazis; Drummond Forces Issue,” NYT, May 21, 1933.

50. “Reich Post Ministry Is Sifting Out Jews,” “Nazi Jewish Policy Assailed in Senate As Peril to Peace,” NYT, June 11, 1933.

51. “Nazis Hold 80,000, Camp Study Shows,” NYT, August 29, 1933.

52. Black, p. 188.

53. Black, pp. 41-42.

54. Black, p. 42.

55. Black, p. 42.

56. Black, p. 45.

57. Letter, Dehomag Senior Management to Thomas J. Watson, March 31, 1933, IBM Files.

58. Dehomag Board of Directors Minutes, April 1, 1933, IBM Files.

59. Account Receipt, Deutsche Bank und Disconto-Gesellschaft, August 7, 1933, IBM Files.

60. William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany. (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1960), pp. 196-204; “Nazis Seize Power to Rule Business; Our Firms Alarmed,” NYT, April 7, 1933.

61. “Nazis Seize Power to Rule Business,” NYT, April 7, 1933.

62. “Germany Cautions Foreign Business,” NYT, April 28, 1933.

63. “Reich Issues Orders for New Labor Units ,NYT, May 21, 1933.

64. See: Files of Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, Joint Boycott Council, Jewish War Veterans, American Jewish Congress, and World Jewish Congress.

65. Rodgers, p. 107; Thomas Graham Belden and Marva Robins Belden, The Lengthening Shadow: The Life of Thomas J. Watson (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1962), p. 196.

66. Rodgers, p. 107; Belden and Belden, p. 196.

67. Thomas J. Watson, Jr., and Peter Petre, Father, Son & Co.: My Life at IBM and Beyond (New York: Bantam Books, 1990), p. 43.

68. Belden and Belden, p. 197.

69. Draft Letter, Thomas J. Watson to Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, circa August 1937, IBM Files.

70. “G.W. Davidson, T.J. Watson Named to Succeed Wiggin and Woodin on Reserve Bank Board,” NYT, April 18, 1933; also see “Directors Elected by Reserve Bank,” NYT, May 4, 1933; “Columbia Trustees,” NYT, June 16, 1933; Rodgers, pp. 109, 122, 140.