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ЯНГ ЧЖЭНЬНИН (р. 1922) — американский физик китайского происхождения. В 1948–1949 годах работал в Чикагском университете, где подружился с Чандрой, с 1949 года — в Институте высших исследований в Принстоне (с 1955 года — профессор). С 1966 года — профессор и директор Института теоретической физики Университета штата Нью-Йорк (Стоуни-Брук). В 1957 г. получил (вместе с Цзундао Ли) Нобелевскую премию. Основные труды — по квантовой теории поля, теории элементарных частиц и теории фазовых переходов.


Использованные в книге письма Чандры и архивные материалы находятся в архивах Чандрасекара в библиотеке имени Джозефа Регенстайна Чикагского университета. Статьи и корреспонденция Милна хранятся в библиотеке имени Бодлея Оксфордского университета; письма Эддингтона Уолтеру Адамсу — в библиотеке Хантингтона в Сан-Марино в Калифорнии; велосипедные дневники Эддингтона и его корреспонденция — в Тринити-колледже Кембриджского университета, а корреспонденция Стонера — в архиве Стонера Лидского университета.


AIP — Niels Bohr Library. American Institute of Physics, College Park. MD USA

OHP — Oral History Project, California Institute of Technology Archives

ADAMS WALTER SYDNEY. An А-type star of very low luminosity. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1914, 26, 198.

The Spectrum of the Companion of Sirius. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1915, 27, 236–237.

ALVAREZ LUIS. Alvarez: Adventures of a Physicist (New York, Basic Books, 1987).

ANDERSON WILHELM. Über die Grenzdichte der Materie und der Energie. Zeitschrift fur Physik, 1929, 56, 851–856.

ASTON FRANCIS WILLIAM. Forty years of atomic theory. In: Joseph Needham and Walter Pagel (eds.) Background to Modern Science (London, Macmillan, 1938).

ATKINSON ROBERT D’ESCOURT. Atomic Synthesis and Stellar Energy. Astrophysical Journal, 1931, 73, 250–295.

A model symposium, The Observatory, 1939, 62, 281–284.

AYYAR C. SUBRAMANYAN. Details of the biography of C. Subramanya Ayyar. B. A. Chandrasekhar Archives/Box 6/Folder 5.

BAADE, WALTER AND RUDOLPH MINKOWSKI. Identification of the radio sources in Cassiopeia, Cygnus A, and Puppis A. Astrophysical Journal, 1954, 119, 206–214.

AND FRITZ ZWICKY. Supernovae and cosmic rays. Physical Review, 1934, 45, 138.

BALAKRISHNAN PURASU. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar. Trevini, 1945, 17, 73–85.

My brother Chandra. Aside, 1983, December, 18–29.

Chandrasekhar re-reminisced. Typescript manuscript, Chandrasekhar Archives/Box 1/Folder 10.

BETHE HANS. Energy production in stars. Physical Review, 1939, 55, 434–456.

Interview by Charles Weiner and Jagdesh Mehra, 27 October 1966, AIP.

Supernova mechanisms. Reviews of Modern Physics, 1990, 62, 801–866.

Interview by Judith Goodstein, 28 February 1993, OHP.

BURBRIDGE GEOFFREY AND MARGARET BURBRIDGE. Quasi-Stellar Objects (New York, Freeman & Company, 1967).

CHADWICK JAMES. Frederick John Marrian Stratton. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 1961, 7, 281–293.

CHANDRASEKHAR LALITHA. Our song. Talk given after the Symposium Banquet, 14 December, 1996. Videotape on deposit at the Chandrasekhar Archives. Unpublished speech and other notes on the occasion of the TRW hospitality reception for winners of the competition to name the X-ray Satellite, probably 1999.

CHANDRASEKHAR SUBRAHMANYAN. The thermodynamics of the Compton effect with reference to the interior of stars. Indian Journal of Physics, 1928, 3, 241.

A generalized form of the new statistics. Physical Review, 1929, 34, 1204–1211.

The Compton scattering and the new statistics. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 1929, 125, 231–237.

The ionization-formula and the new statistics. Philosophical Magazine, 1930, 9, 292–299.

The density of white dwarf stars. Philosophical Magazine, 1931, 11, 592–596.

The highly collapsed configurations of a stellar mass. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1931, 91, 456–466.

The dissociation formula according to relativistic mechanics. The Observatory, 91, 1931, 446–455.

The maximum mass of ideal white dwarfs. Astrophysical Journal, 1931, 74, 81–82.

The Equilibrium of Distorted Polytropes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1933, 93, 390–405, 449–461, 462–471, 539–574.

The Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society on 9 June 1933. The Observatory, 1933, 56, 215–219.

The physical state of matter in the interior of stars. The Observatory, 1934, 57, 93–99.

Stellar configurations with degenerate cores. The Observatory, 1934, 57, 373–377.

On the hypothesis of the radial ejection of high-speed atoms for the Wolf-Rayet stars and the novae. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1934, 94, 522–538.

The highly collapsed configurations of a stellar mass (second paper). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1934, 95, 207–225.

The Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society on 11 January 1935. The Observatory, 1935, 58, 37.

Stellar configurations with degenerate cores. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 95, 226-60, and Christian Moller (1935c).

Relativistic degeneracy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 95, 673–676.

Stellar configurations with degenerate cores (second paper). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1935, 95, 676–693.