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All the while, he sat there in the driver’s seat, sending off waves of… She wasn’t really sure what. Anger? Annoyance? Lust? Whatever it was, it was too charged to be labeled heat.

And that parting line right before they left the restaurant? How dare he! The insult hit even closer to home because just imagining him kissing her between her legs made her entire body shake. Actually doing it in real life might kill her. Heck yes, it was too much excitement. What was so wrong with that? This was the first date—even if they’d hit it off, there was no possibility of things going further than a good-night kiss.

She should have stayed home and finished her book. At least then she’d be guaranteed to be spending her time with a man who wasn’t pushing every single one of her buttons—only the button guaranteed to spin her out of her mind with pleasure.

Instead of driving off like she wished he would, Ryan got out of the car and walked her to the porch door, his hand once again settling on the small of her back. How could he do that, cut her legs out from beneath her and then touch her with such a casual possessiveness? She brushed against him with every step, his cologne making her want to move closer and press her nose against his neck.

What was she thinking? She could barely stand this man. She had no business considering pressing any part of her against any part of him. Unless it was her front door to his face.

They reached the steps of her porch. He held the screen door open for her and ushered her through. It should have been romantic, standing there in the soft light with the wind rustling the tall bushes surrounding her screened-in front porch. If they were in her book right now, the entire night would have been working toward this very second.

They were most definitely not in a romance novel.

“I would say it’s been a pleasure,” she said, “but I don’t make a habit of lying.”

“Of course you don’t. You’re practically a goddamn saint, aren’t you?”

She poked a finger into his chest. “It’s not being a saint to expect a little conversational courtesy on a date. You’ve gone and shot all that to hell. Don’t think for a second you’re getting a good-night kiss.”

“A kiss from you?” He stepped forward into her finger, forcing her to open her hand against his chest or take a step back. She refused to budge. He leaned down, crowding her. “I’d rather kiss a snake.”

“Then it’s too bad it’s winter, because they’re in short supply.” She pushed at his chest again, nearly snarling when he didn’t move. “You should just burn something else down. That might draw a few to the heat.”

“Or maybe I’ll just set fire to your goddamn granny panties. That’s sure to create a big enough blaze.”

Her jaw dropped open and she swallowed hard. “As if you could.”

“Watch me.”

He grabbed her hips and yanked her against him. Bri gasped. There was so much heat in his blue eyes, it was a wonder every single article of clothing she wore didn’t go up in smoke. “You—”

But then she saw it. The challenge hidden behind the heat. He didn’t think she could handle this. Handle him.

His mouth curled into a smirk, and his hands tightened on her hips. The feel of his fingers digging into her flesh through the thin fabric of her skirt made her want to throw all caution to the wind. He thought he’d won, did he?

“Screw it.” She grabbed the lapels of his shirt and went up on her tiptoes to smash her lips against his. He froze, then stumbled backward and slammed into the wall of her screened porch, taking her with him. A wave of victory went through her. For all his talk, he hadn’t expected her to make a move. She moved one hand to the back of his neck and tipped his head down so she could set her teeth into his bottom lip.

Just like that, he came alive in her arms and pulled her tighter against him. His tongue delved into her mouth, stroking hers with no hesitation, igniting her passion until she couldn’t fight back a moan. How could one giant brute taste so decadent? She slid her tongue along his, not sure if she was searching for an answer or simply enjoying the way her very nerves seemed to spark and dance at every place they touched.

Would her whole body do that if they were naked?

Whoa. Where had that thought come from? She was proving him wrong, not jumping into bed with the man. She tried to pull away. “I think—”

“Stop talking.” Ryan cupped her backside and devoured her mouth, grinding her against…holy hell. Her entire body went soft, knees weakening until it was only his firm grip that kept her from melting to a puddle at his feet. She’d been kissed before, but nothing like this. Never like this. She looped her arms around his neck, suddenly sure that getting closer was the only cure for the warmth pulsing through her body. It wasn’t enough, not with his tongue doing wicked things to her mouth and his body a hard counterpoint to her own.

She made a desperate noise in the back of her throat, and he responded by taking two large steps back and sinking onto the porch swing. The new position left her straddling him, and her flowy skirt immediately got in the way, bunching between their bodies and creating yet another barrier. They groaned together when she shifted, yanking the fabric up so she had access to his hard length. When she rocked against him, he groaned again and grabbed the arm of the swing.

“Hey. Keep your pyro hands off my house.”

His big hands moved under her shirt and up her sides to cup her breasts. Bri only had a moment to thank God it was dark enough that he wouldn’t notice the plain cotton bra before he pulled the cups down so he could stroke her nipples. “The only place my hands are going to be is here.” He squeezed her breasts and then reached down to press his palm against the vee between her legs. “And here.”

Oh.” She rocked against him again as he kissed down her neck, his fingers stoking the need inside her until it was almost a pain. His whiskers rasped over her skin, and she whimpered. “Please, Ryan. Please.” She wasn’t even sure what she was begging him for, only that she needed it and needed it now.

“I’ll give you what you need. I promise.” He pulled her shirt over her head, his mouth leaving her skin barely long enough for the fabric to slide past. Then Ryan unhooked her bra and dropped it somewhere behind her.

Oh dear God, I’m nearly naked on my front porch. His lips closed around her nipple and her entire ability to reason shorted out, along with any worries she had about giving her neighbors a show. As his tongue slid over her, she shivered. This was… There were no words.

How could there be no words?

“Not enough,” he muttered against her skin.


His only answer was to stand up, pull her legs around his waist, and set her back on the swing, going to his knees in front of her. Bri met his gaze, very aware that she was topless with her skirt shoved up around her waist. She should have felt exposed and embarrassed, but all she could see was her own need reflected in his eyes. Ryan reached up to cup her face. “Are you sure—?”

She was already nodding. They couldn’t stop now, not when she was poised on this precipice. To ensure he didn’t get any crazy ideas, she leaned forward and kissed him again. It felt so terrifyingly good, better than the best kind of chocolate, the kind of thing she may never get enough of. “Please don’t stop touching me, Ryan. Please.”