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"She needs a good fuckin', all right. But she's gonna need some hog tyin' too."

With that, Gino dropped one of the ropes, telling Betty to bend down and place her hands squarely on top of her ankles.

"No," she said, folding both hands modestly over her cunt while drawing her elbows in at her navel, trying to hide her nipples with her upper arms.

"No?" Gino asked calmly, arching one bushy eyebrow.

"Leave me alone!" she said defiantly, eyeing the stairway once more.

"Sure, sure."

With that, the young man brought both hands together, spread his legs apart and drew his arms back as if he were a batter at home plate. The next thing Betty knew was that his two fists had slammed into her belly, knocking her back hard against the bench. She gasped for breath, her belly feeling as if it had just been ripped open. And when her ass struck the splintery edge of the workbench, Betty jackknifed the other way, her spine concaving while her arms flew out to either side of her body helplessly. Desperately the blonde teen grabbed at anything, feeling the world darkening around her.

"You ain't gonna pass out on me, bitch," Gino snarled, grabbing her by the hair and yanking the girl up.

Betty screamed, her scalp throbbing from the pain. Her knees had threatened to give way under that savage blow. But they strengthened the moment she felt her hair being yanked out by the roots.

"Now double over, bitch."

Betty did as she was told, afraid to resist. They meant business. The thought that she was in school safe and sound disappeared from her mind. She was alone in the world, trapped in a kind of hell with her two tormentors. There was nothing around, nothing except them and her. No one would come in and save her. She had to survive, had to somehow live through all this as best she could.

Hank took one rope and looped it around her left wrist, cinching it tight with a figure eight, then draped it around the end of the five-foot two-by-four Gino had found under the workbench.

"You get the other one?" he asked Gino as his buddy picked up the second piece of rope.

Gino followed his buddy, tightening the line around Betty's right wrist, then draping the rope around the opposite end of the board and tightening it with a slipknot.

The young woman sighed, feeling so exposed. Her ass was high up in the air, her knees bent slightly while her wrists, hurting from the rope, were bound to the large board. "The ankles now, right behind her fuckin' wrists," Gino said.

"Good, man, good. She ain't gonna get outta this one easy."

Betty agreed. She was trapped, and she prayed that God would have mercy on her for the excitement she felt pounding in her chest!


"Shine that boot, baby."

Gino made his point clear by jabbing the girl in her gut with the rounded toe of his boot. It was dusty. The teen could see that. She could smell something awful reeking from the sole. Standing there, her face nearly touching the floor, her hair hanging over her eyes, Betty could tell his giant engineer boots needed cleaning. But what did they want her to do? She was tied hand and foot to the two-by-four, unable to move.

"How… I mean?"

"How you think?"

Betty shivered. She guessed. He wanted it shined with her tongue.

"Lick it," he commanded, kicking the girl lightly once more in the belly.

"Y-y-yes, oh, God, yes," Betty sobbed, shaking the tears from her eyes.

"I wanna see those boots shine, baby. I wanna see my cock in 'em," Gino said, reaching down and unzipping his Levi's.

Betty stuck out her tongue, hesitating for a moment. Gino laughed at her, turning to Hank and winking, then drawing the boot closer to her mouth.

"I said lick it. You don't clean the leather good I'll have you suck off the bottom, understand? You think the top's bad, you oughtta get a load of my soles, baby. Maybe I walked through dog shit and…"

"No more!" Betty pleaded with him, feeling the sour bile rising in her throat. She gagged, swallowed hard, then stuck out her tongue once more. Those ropes burned her wrists and ankles! And that board was hurting her legs by making them spread apart so far!


Trembling, Betty touched the tip of her tongue to the front top of Gino's boot. Back and forth her tongue moved, leaving a wet, dark trail through the gray dirt. She turned her head, spat out the filth, then went back, tonguing his boot.

"That's good, baby, that's a good bitch. You got it down," Gino said, throwing back his head and laughing derisively down at her. "Used to think she was somethin' else, the way she sashayed up and down the halls. Guess she thought her shit was too good to smell. Well, baby, your shit stinks just like everybody's."

The words were terrible, but not as bad as what she had to do. She licked from front to back, carefully avoiding the sole whenever Gino purposely twisted around one leg and tried to make her lick his soles. Twice she nearly retched on his boot, somehow managing to keep from throwing up. She thought of what he would do to her, how he would beat her if she pulled something like that.

"That's nice. Now the other," he said, examining the cleaned boot with satisfaction.

Betty peered up through her hanging hair, feeling her stomach turn over. The other boot was filthier than the first! There was a strange odor about it. Still there was nothing she could do. Gulping, swallowing her horror, the girl continued licking his boots, gagging, fighting down the desire to start screaming and never stop.

"Not bad, not bad," he murmured, pulling the second boot from her mouth.

"Maybe she can clean mine," Hank said, checking out his boots.

"No, man, don't wanna bore her with the same thing," Gino said, checking out her exposed ass, then reaching out and rubbing his fingers over her ass flesh. "Looks like you got to her real good back here."

"Yeah, she digs havin' her ass whipped. Man, she kept waggin' that thing back and forth every time I whacked her good with my belt," Hank said, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Yeah, she's been worked over real good," Gino whispered, his fingers travelling up to her asscrack, then sliding into the tight crevice.

Betty roused herself from her self-imposed stupor the moment she felt something brushing against her asshole. Annie had toyed with Betty's asshole, shoving her finger in just as Betty had fucked her friend with her own digit. Now somebody else was touching her there, someone with a good deal more hostility than Annie, someone would have hurt her already and wouldn't stop hurting her until she could get away.

"Nice asshole, huh?"

"Yeah, real nice," Hank answered, getting the drift of Gino's thought.

Betty screwed her eyes up. She hated that, hated the feeling of their fingers circling her shitter. The girl shivered each time Gino's ragged fingernails dragged over her wrinkled asshole.

"Man, you really gave it to her. She's got them red marks all over her fuckin' butt," Gino said, smoothing his fingers over her asscheeks, then trailing them down toward her cunt.

Instinctively Betty raised her ass a little, feeling his fingertips touching her pussy. It was so good having him touch her there. In spite of the ropes, in spite of the board digging into the fronts of her ankles, Betty couldn't help the delicious feeling she sensed when Gino started stroking her pussyslit.

"Man, you don't know how many times I thought about this, about touchin' her there. Now I'm gonna fuck the shit outta her. Funny the way some dreams come true, huh Hank?" Gino said.

"Yeah, funny," he murmured.

There was the sound of pants being unzipped. Betty was already getting used to the sound. Hands were smoothing over her ass mounds once more, sliding down to her hipbones and gripping her tightly.