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"Do I need to Heimlich you?" Darla asked, dragging a tortilla chip through the queso dip then popping the morsel into her mouth.

Lexie shook her head, coughed a few more times, then took a deep breath. Recovered, she glared across the table. "No, the Heimlich isn't necessary. But-"

Darla cut off her words by raising her perfectly manicured hand in a stop motion. "Let me guess," Darla said. "You agreed you need a fling. You want to have a fling. But now that there's actually a potential fling-worthy guy on your radar screen, you're nervous."

Lexie could only stare. "What are you, psychic?"

"No. Just been there, done that enough times to recognize the symptoms. You're wondering if your reaction to him was just some sort of hormonal aberration, and you're trying to mentally compile a list of reasons why you shouldn't have anything to do with him."

"Impressive. Do you tell fortunes, also?"

Darla dipped another chip and waggled her elegant brows. "Yup. I see lots of sex in your immediate future."

The mere thought crept warmth up Lexie's neck. "But what about those dozen reasons I came up with why I shouldn't have anything to do with him?"

"You came up with a dozen reasons why you shouldn't have sex with a man who makes you sweat in a pool? You're kidding. I can't think of one. You experienced a perfectly normal, healthy, physical reaction to an attractive man, and it's about damn time. So what's the problem?"

"For starters, I don't know anything about him. Like his marital status and if he's out on parole for being an ax murderer."

Darla waved a dismissive hand. "That can be remedied by asking a few questions. What else?"

Lexie hesitated. "It's sort of difficult to explain. I guess I'm surprised by my strong reaction to him. I'm surrounded by attractive men all the time, but I don't want to remove their clothes with my teeth."

"That's because you're honorable, and until about eleven months ago you were engaged to Tony. This is a simple matter of logic. You haven't had a man in almost a year. Good Lord, Lexie, that's just not natural. Your body's had enough of celibacy." She pointed a tortilla chip at Lexie. "If you were thristy, what would you do?"

"Have a drink."

"And if you're hungry?"


Darla leaned back in the vinyl-upholstered booth with a triumphant smile. "Exactly. Your body knows what it wants. What it needs. And what it needs is a good sweaty bout of stress-relieving sex. And it wants that sweaty bout of sex with that gorgeous cowboy. From what you've told me about him, he sounds fun and wild, and he's certainly temporary-all the rules for a fling."

"I know. Yet as incredibly tempting as a bout of sweaty sex sounds, I'm hesitant. How can I have sex with a stranger? For all I know, he's some sort of wacko."

"And for all you know, he's a sweetheart. You're not looking to marry him. Think of him as your 'transitional' man. You've been out of the social scene for a long while. You need someone temporary to ease you back in. Get you back in the saddle, so to speak. And a cowboy who ignites you like a blowtorch is just the man for the job." Darla leaned forward again, resting her elbows on the scarred wooden tabletop. "Look. You've mourned over your breakup with Tony long enough-"

"I have not been mourning. I've been busy. There's a difference." Lexie twirled her straw in the remnants of her drink. "You know I don't regret ending things with Tony. He was a good guy-at least until I lost him to the glamorous world of extreme sports-but I just couldn't live like that anymore. Never knowing if he was going to come home in one piece, spending half my time at the hospital." She dragged her hands down her face. "You know you're at the hospital too much when you're on a first-name basis with all the emergency room nurses. Give me a nice safe accountant. An insurance guy. Banker. Chef. Gardener. But no more dare-devils. You're supposed to grow old with someone-not because of them. I can't go through that again."

"You'd be insane to even consider it," Darla agreed as their waiter deposited two more margaritas in front of them, then left them alone once more. "Any idea what Tony's up to?"

"Nope. I assume he's on his Everest expedition. After that he planned to run the Amazon on a raft." She shot Darla a rueful smile. "I wouldn't be surprised if after the Amazon he decided to kayak over Niagara Falls."

A visible shudder shivered through Darla. "He was insane, Lexie. He had absolutely no fear. Skydiving, bungee jumping, rock climbing… it just wasn't right. And let's face it, after he won that skydiving competition, after almost dying in the attempt, he turned into a-"

"Jerk. I know." Lexie blew out a sigh. "You would think that a close brush with death would have made him less inclined to risk himself, but instead it pushed him the other way. Made him take more risks, seek out higher levels of danger. Like he had something to prove."

"Mmm-hmm. And he sure didn't seem to mind all the adoration from those assorted blondes, brunettes, and redheads who came along with that extreme sport lifestyle. Guess he felt he had something to prove in that area, as well."

"His womanizing definitely was the final nail in the coffin," Lexie agreed.

"I have to say, you took the whole thing pretty calmly, Lex. I would have damaged the guy."

"I wasn't calm at all. I was hurt and angry, but honestly more sad than anything. Sad for him that nearly losing his life set him on such a self-destructive course. Sad for both of us that his success so drastically changed the sweet guy I fell in love with into someone I couldn't live with."

A determined look entered Darla's eyes. "Well, it's over between you, and now, finally, you've met a man who rings your bell. If you're worried about not knowing him, then get to know him a bit first. How long is he staying at the resort?" She shot Lexie a knowing look. "You did check, didn't you?"

A guilty flush heated her skin. "Yeah, I checked. He's registered for the next three weeks."

Darla raised her brows. "Seems to me you could find out a whole bunch about a man in a lot less time than that. In fact, I'd say a clever girl could find out everything she needed to know over a few drinks."

"He hasn't asked me to go for drinks."

"Have you lost your voice? Ask him. Invite him to join you for a beer after your lesson tomorrow night." She waved her hand around, encompassing their noisy surroundings. "Bring him here to Mermaid's. It's cozy and fun. Or how about the bar at the resort? Ply him with liquor, ask him probing, personal questions until you know him better, then have your wicked way with him." She waggled her brows. "Find out if that snake left a scar."

Lexie sighed. "I cannot believe I'd ever want to see another scar. Tony had more of the damn things than Florida has sand fleas. What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing. You're in lust. It's normal. Accept it, and act on it. You need to do this. You need to stop working nonstop and enjoy yourself. You're young, attractive, unattached, primed for action and suffering from a crisis-level lack of sex. The timing is perfect. I mean, when were you planning to have a fling? When you're a grandma? Ask him out."

"What if he isn't interested?"

"Then he's an idiot and you're better off without him. Did he seem uninterested during your lesson?"

Lexie recalled how he'd looked at her, with all that focused attention, then how he'd trailed his finger down her arm. "No, but-"

"Lex, the worst that will happen is that you'll go for drinks and he'll turn out to be a dunce, in which case you won't find him attractive anymore. Best case is that he'll prove charming and nice and irresistible, and you'll have yourself a fun fling for a few weeks." Darla reached out and squeezed Lexie's hands. "It's a win-win situation."