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“Eric, it’s not… I’m not… I don’t know. I like you, I do, but I’m not looking for anything serious or long term right now. I thought we were on the same page, and I’m sorry if I led you on or made you believe that I’d changed my stance on that, because I haven’t.”

He finished his beer and signaled for the check, and I realized that the date was going to end sooner than anticipated. The thought of an awkward car ride back to Clarksville was not a pleasant one.

“I know, Lucy. And you’re right. It’s just… As I’ve gotten to know you, I’ve realized that you’re exactly the type of girl I want to be with. I guess I was just hoping you felt the same.”

At the time, I was wishing I’d felt the same, but I couldn’t force myself to feel something that wasn’t there. To be honest, when I was younger, I’d thought I’d be married by age twenty-six with at least one kid, but once I’d graduated from college and started my teaching career, I’d found my independence and loved it. I’d pushed back any thoughts of settling down any time soon. After dating the same guy all throughout college, only to break up upon graduation, I’d been ready to just enjoy myself—and well, men. I guessed I’d finally gave credence to that awful—and undeserved—high school nickname, Loosie Lou. I’d figured that one day I’d meet someone who would make me want something more, and until I find him, I don’t have a problem with having a good time.

I sighed and finished my drink before looking at Eric. “I’m sorry, Eric. I really am,” I told him, and he held up his hand, signaling for me not to continue.

“It’s fine, Lucy. I guess that’ll teach me to propose casual dating with no expectations. Just forget I said anything.”

An uncomfortable silence settled over us as he paid for the meal. I tried to make small talk, but Eric didn’t really engage in conversation. After a dozen or so one-word answers, I gave up and just stared out the window on the ride home, berating myself for even thinking that the term ‘dating’ would work with ‘casual’ attached to it. When he dropped me off, he didn’t get out of the car.

“Not coming in? Come on, Eric. Things don’t have to change between us,” I told him even though I knew it was selfish to string him along when he’d just confessed that he had feelings for me. Even though I didn’t want anything more, I’d gotten used to having him around and I wasn’t ready for that to change.

He inhaled deeply then slowly released his breath. “Look, Lucy. I know we said casual, but I don’t think I can do this. If I stay with you, continue this, I’m going to fall for you. As much as I don’t want to, I may as well cut my losses now.” He leaned in, giving me a kiss on the cheek, and the finality of this washed over me.

I didn’t want to lose my relationship with Eric, but I also didn’t feel sad at the prospect, which was just one more reason for me to let him go.

“I understand, and I respect that. Sure you don’t want to come in? One last goodbye?” I asked, not wanting to ends things on a bad note.

He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck as he mulled it over. Finally, he looked over at me and gave me a sexy grin and a shrug of his shoulders. “Why the hell not?”

ERIC AND I had that one last night together and parted ways amicably the next morning. Ever since, it’s been just me and Channing, my favorite battery-operated boyfriend.

Setting my lesson plans and the kids’ homework aside, I lean back and kick my feet up on the desk, taking advantage of my second graders being at recess. Closing my eyes, I force myself to stop thinking about Eric and my dating dilemmas. I make a vow then and there to take a break from men for the time being. Or at least from anything with any form of the word dating behind it.

I’m feeling extremely relaxed and confident in my decision when all of a sudden I hear a throat clear, and a deep, masculine voice begins to speak.

“Umm, excuse me, ma’am,” he says, and I’m quick to pull my feet off the desk. Too quick, apparently, because I’m now on the floor.

Before I can feel total embarrassment washing over me, a hand reaches down, presumably to help me up. A pair of combat boots is in my line of sight, and my eyes climb up his body, over his neatly pressed uniform, until they come to rest on his face. And oh my God, what a face it is. He’s clean-shaven, and while he’s clearly rocking a solid, muscular body under his uniform, but he’s also got kind of a pretty-boy look to him. His brown eyes are dancing with amusement, and they’re soulful as they watch me. I’ve always thought the whole puppy-dog-eyes thing was a farce, but now that I’m staring into his, I’m a believer. They’re two of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen, and I could get lost in them for days.

“Ma’am? Can I help you up?” he asks, interrupting me as I check him out, and there it is. The embarrassment I was getting ready for.

Placing my hand in his, I allow him to lift me up. He pulls a little harder than I’m guessing he meant to, and my free hand and chest are pressed against his own. I can feel the hard muscle underneath, and suddenly, the whole taking-a-break-from-men vow flies out the window. Even though I know I should pull away, I glance up at him, and insta-lust consumes me. He’s grinning widely. Then he shoots me a wink which causes me blush for some reason.

“You know, I always had a thing for teachers,” he whispers before releasing my hand.

Stepping back, I smooth out my hair, hoping beyond hope that it didn’t get all messed up when I fell. I look him up and down, my eyes quickly finding his nametape. Montgomery. A hot last name for an even hotter guy. I like it. Checking out his rank, I silently thank Charlie’s dad for educating me on the rank structure then address him directly.

“Sergeant Montgomery, you and eighty-five percent of other horny, impressionable teenage boys. Now, how may I help you?” I ask, mostly disregarding his comment even though I’d be more than happy to role-play for him.

“I’m looking for Ms. Dawson’s classroom. I’m here for the Bring Your Dad to School Day and have no idea where I’m going. Lily told me she had the prettiest teacher, and now I’m hoping that she was right and you’re the Ms. Dawson I’m searching for.”

And just like that, the ‘no more men’ mantra starts replaying in my head. Sure, I may not have the highest standards when it comes to men, but if there’s one type of guy, outside of those who still live in Mom’s basement, it’s parents of my students. I should’ve figured that out before, seeing as how most young, single men don’t find themselves in an elementary school in the middle of the day, but at the same time, I do a quick mental check and realize I don’t have any Montgomery kids in my class. I guess I was just too damn distracted by his good looks to put two and two together.

Extending my hand, I introduce myself. “You’re in luck. You’re looking at the one, but probably not only, Lucy Dawson.”

His large hand takes hold of mine, shaking gently until I squeeze hard. A chuckles rolls through him, and he grips my hand harder, giving me a real man’s handshake.

“A pleasure, Ms. Dawson. Lily was right. I wish my second grade teacher had been as beautiful as you. Then maybe I’d have done a better job with my multiplication tables,” he tells me, giving me another wink as well as a panty-melting smile.

Silly butterflies roll through me as I spot the dimples in his cheeks, and I have to look away for a moment to regain my composure. Stop being ridiculous, Lucy, I scold myself. He’s just a sexy soldier, not Jensen freaking Ackles. Although, he does kind of look like a younger version of him.