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She gives me a knowing look then gestures to the box she handed me earlier. After rising off my knees, I sit on the couch beside her, letting it rest in my lap.

“Open it,” she insists.

With trembling fingers, I slowly slide off the paper in true Lucy fashion, and she gives me a small scowl, which I return with a playful grin. Once the paper’s gone, I lift the small black lid off the box, and my breath catches at the contents inside.

“Are you freaking kidding me?” I ask, unable to mask my surprise.

“Nope. And if your timing’s right with the wedding, you just might get your Dawson. You know, if it’s a boy,” she says, smirking at me.

Setting down the positive pregnancy test, I pull her into my embrace, thrilled that she’s going to be my wife and even more thrilled to expand our family.

“We’re in this together, baby. No matter what. You’re my best friend. The love of my life. My future wife. You’re it for me, and that’s all that matters. Boy, girl—I don’t care.”

She grins up at me, lifting to give me a kiss, and as I cuddle on the couch with my fiancée, I realize that this is the life and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Epilogue Part 2


The Not-So-Distant Future

WITHOUT KNOCKING, I let myself into Knox’s house straight into the chaos that awaits me. Kale, Jace, and Knox are sitting in the middle of the living room at what looks like a glamorous tea party. I’m laughing at the pink boa around Knox’s neck when my legs are attacked by my oldest niece, Chloe.

“Uncle Cohey’s here!” she exclaims as her tiny arms wrap around me. Four more pairs of eyes gleam when they see me, and I prepare myself for the attack.

The tea party’s abandoned as my nephew, Cade, leads the charge against me, and I pretend he knocks me over easily. A massive dog pile ensues and Chloe does her best to tickle my most sensitive side as the rest of the brood continues the attack until I’m begging for mercy from this little gang of hooligans.

I’m given a reprieve when my sister-in-law Charlie calls out to them. “Kids, we’re leaving!”

They scramble to get off me, and I sit up, catching my breath. I watch as all the kids race to the front door to say bye to their moms. Charlie, along with her best friends Lucy and Lexi, are all dolled up, ready for a night out on the town in Nashville.

Rising to my feet, I make my rounds, greeting the women, and when I lean in to give Charlie a kiss on the cheek, she gives me a wicked gleam. “Don’t worry, Cohen. We’ll take good care of her.”

I let out a low chuckle and shake my head. “That’s what scares me.”

“She’s in good hands. You have absolutely nothing to worry about,” Lucy chimes in.

My arms fold across my chest as I cock an eyebrow up at them. “Right. Like I don’t remember what happened last time y’all went out.”

Charlie gives me a sheepish grin, and Lucy waves me off. “Oh, that was nothing. I bet that jerk will think twice before he slaps a married woman’s ass next time he’s out patrolling for a quick lay.”

“That’s a pretty safe bet. At least it is if she locked him in an arm bar anywhere near as tight as it was when she did it to me. Although, in my case, I was just caught off guard,” Branson explains, arriving just in time to see the women off. Charlie gives him a playful scowl. “Ladies. Looking beautiful as ever.”

Charlie reaches up to pat Branson’s cheek. “Keep telling yourself that, Bran. All right, we’re out of here. Good luck, guys,” she offers, giving us a wink.

The women call out their goodbyes, and once the door’s closed, Branson puts his arm around my shoulder as we watch the rest of the guys removing their tea party gear.

“You ready for this, kid?” he asks with a smirk on his face.

As my gaze continues to rest on Jace, Knox, and Kale, the sound of the kids running around fills my ears. My mind goes back to Knox’s engagement party and the way the guys all laughed at Kale’s guarantee. When he leaned in close and told me that I was next, I didn’t believe him for a single second.

And let me tell you. I’ve never been more wrong in my life. 


Small Bump- Ed Sheerhan

Why Don't You Love Me- Hot Chelle Rae, Demi Lovato

Kiss Me Slowly- Parachute

5:19- Matt Wertz

Best Day of My Life- American Authors

All I Ever Wanted- Matt Wertz

Are You With Me- Easton Corbin

Last First Kiss- Ron Pope

Waned You More- Lady Antebellum

If I Didn't Have You- Thompson Square

All of Me- LLoyd

Tonight- John Legend, Ludacris

Need You Now- Lady Antebellum

Maybe It's Over- Jon McLaughlin

Summer Is Over- Jon McLaughlin feat Sara Bareilles

Just Say The Word- Josh Kelley

Beautiful Soul- Jesse McCartney

Sleeping With a Friend- Neon Trees

Not a Bad Thing- Justin Timberlake

I Belong- Tyler Hilton

Just Say Yes- Snow Patrol

Gone Too Soon- Daughtry

In love With A Girl- Gavin DeGraw

We Both Know- Colbie Caillat, Gavin DeGraw

Ride- SoMo

Show Off- SoMo

I Don't Wanna Let You Go- Ross Copperman

Beneath Your Beautiful- Labrinth feat. Emile Sande


Derek- your love and support means the world to me! You are amazing. Thank you for keeping me in line and not minding a dirty house…at least not too much. Love you!

Teri Beth- I can’t imagine my books without your touch. Your meticulous notes help bring my stories to perfection, and I could never thank you enough!

Sarah- I love your face, even if you want to hurt my characters from time to time. Just remind me to keep you out of the way of frying pans! Bouncing ideas off you is so much fun, even if you want to hurt me.

Michelle- Thanks for all you do! You’re a sounding board and I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know. Your music suggestions are the best!

Bianca- Thanks for loving my men as much as I do! Your advice is so important to the writing process, and I am so thankful I have you. Your emails always crack me up!

Mickey- You make the editing process fun and I couldn’t be more grateful for that. Your gifs have me laughing out loud and I love them!

There are so many other people I could, and should, thank, but I am literally down to the wire to send this off. I love each and every one of my readers and supporters and I couldn’t do this without y’all! Thanks so much for all your kind words, reviews, and messages!!

About the Author

I'm a twenty six year old book junkie who decided that there were too many stories in my head to keep to myself. I work for the government by day and write by night. It’s a crazy, busy life, and I love every single second of it.

If I’m not writing or looking through tons of photos of hot men, all in the name of research, then you can probably find me curled up with my Kindle, ignoring the rest of the world. I love my sports almost as much as I love my books. My other obsessions include red wine, hot men, country music, and all things Grace Potter.

I LOVE to hear from readers, so please feel free to contact via any social media site listed below.




