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“I’m so proud of her.” The girl had come a long way in a short amount of time, though Nicole knew Holly would probably need plenty of therapy to help get her life back on track. But at least she did have her life, and future, back. “It couldn’t have been easy for her to hit Sloane over the head with that bronze statue, considering how in love she was with him.”

Nathan nodded somberly. “I think she saw a side to him that scared her straight.”

“I hope so,” she said, and tugged at the thin blanket covering her lap. “What else did I miss?”

“Gwen is in jail for attempted murder, and Sloane is being held without bond. They’re still gathering a list of charges against him, including prostitution, kidnapping, and human trafficking. Also, the feds discovered that Sloane has quite the movie collection.”

She tipped her head curiously. “Movies?”

“Sex videos,” he explained. “Blackmail against the rich and powerful. There’s going to be a whole lot of indictments coming from this bust.”

“Thank God,” she breathed, pleased to hear that everyone who’d taken part in Sloane’s prostitution ring would be prosecuted. “And the girls at the estate?”

“The ones who were found at Sloane’s are now with child protective services,” he told her. “We’re looking into locating their families and they’ll be reunited as soon as possible.”

“They’ll need counseling,” she said, knowing that would be imperative to the healing process.

He smiled. “Trust me, they’ll be able to afford it once they sue Sloane’s estate.”

“And Holly?” More than anything, she wanted the girl to be okay. Starting with knocking some sense into her mother.

“She’s a ward of the state of California.” His fingers absently stroked the center of her palm, making her skin tingle all the way up her arm. “Caleb managed to locate her father in Germany, and he’s going to come to the States and get her. He’s always wanted Holly to live with him, but Wendy Davis wouldn’t give him custody. Now she has no choice.”

That was the best news yet. Holly deserved to be happy, safe, and secure. The case was truly over, except for one last outstanding thing. “Now I can finish my story.”

He laughed, the sound warm and genuine. “Sweetheart, you have one hell of an exclusive. Your career is about to skyrocket.”

At one time, making a big name for herself as a journalist would have thrilled her. But now, there was something else she wanted just as badly, and she was confident she could balance the two-if Nathan gave her the chance.

She took a deep breath and put it all out there, along with her heart and soul. “What about you and me?” she asked, surprised by just how nervous she felt. “Can we be exclusive, too?”

He mulled over her request, and for a moment she felt a sense of panic, until she caught the playful glimmer in his eyes. “What, you’re willing to give up your friends-with-benefits motto?”

He wasn’t going to make this easy on her, but honestly, why should he when she’d put him through an emotional wringer? If she had to beg and grovel, it would be worth it in the end. He was worth it.

“I have to say, that friends-with-benefits arrangement worked pretty damn well for us,” she said with a seductive sigh. “But isn’t it a woman’s prerogative to change her mind?”

He stood up, and for a brief moment she thought he was going to turn around and walk out. But then he braced his hands on either side of her head and leaned in close, his gaze so rich and deep she wanted to drown in their depths.

“That all depends on what you want,” he drawled, his words and tone daring her to be open and honest with him, to trust what was between them.

She did. Utterly and completely. Nothing had ever felt as perfect as being with Nathan.

She pressed her hands to his unshaven face, amazed how one man could bring out the best in her. In every way. “I want a commitment,” she told him. “I want a lover. I want forever. And I want all that with you.”

“Hmmm.” He considered her heartfelt request. “That’s a lot to take in all at once.”

She gave him even more, having saved the best for last. “I love you, Nathan Fox.”

“Ahh, those were the magic words I was waiting to hear.” He grinned, a sexy, charming rogue. “I love you, too. I have for a while now.”

Oh, wow . Unable to top that, she pulled his mouth down to hers and kissed him, pouring every ounce of emotion into the fusing of their lips, the tangling of their tongues. Until she moved the wrong way and a stitch in her side reminded her that she needed to take it easy.

He touched his forehead to hers. “Marry me, Nicole.”

“Yes.” She smiled as he kissed her softly, reverently, and wondered if she’d ever felt so happy. So whole. So complete.

She didn’t think so.

Not until this very moment.

Not until Nathan.

Janelle Denison
