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He was beginning to think this woman could handle anything. “This isn’t exactly my idea of a good time,” he confessed, completely entranced by her shimmering lips, and the luscious mouth made for all kinds of sin. “How about you?”

“It’s been… interesting,” she replied thoughtfully, her secret smile charming him even more. “So, if this isn’t your idea of a good time, what prompted you to sign up for a speed-dating event?”

Definitely a legitimate question, though again, not a typical one in this venue. “I was pretty much roped into it. Cindy, the event coordinator, needed an extra guy to fill in for someone who couldn’t make it, and my arm was twisted until I said yes.”

She arched a blond brow, her blue eyes twinkling playfully. “This keeps getting better and better.” She wrote something on her pad of paper he couldn’t read from where he sat, then met his gaze again. “So, you don’t really want to be here?”

“No, I don’t need to be here,” he clarified.

She laughed, the sound stroking across his libido in ways he never would have anticipated. “Ahhh, so you’re not looking for love or a woman you can spend the rest of your life with?”

He shook his head, wondering if he was about to kill all his chances with the alluring Nicole, but he wasn’t going to give her any false hopes. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but no, I’m not anxious to settle down anytime soon.”

She propped her chin in her hand, her entire demeanor changing and softening in a sensual, inviting way. “I’m not disappointed at all. Actually, I find it incredibly refreshing compared with all the other guys here.”

Now it was his turn to ask, “Why are you here?”

“Truth?” She bit her lush bottom lip. “I’m not interested in a relationship, either. I’m here to do research for an article I’m writing about dating trends.”

He chuckled. No wonder she had a pad full of notes. “Well, well, well. Aren’t we a pair?” They were probably the only two people there who weren’t angling for a love match of some sort. A lust match, however, was entirely feasible, and he tested the possibility. “So, is this all business and no pleasure for you?”

She gave him a slow once-over that sent a surge of heat straight to his groin. “Now, that all depends on what kind of pleasure you’re referring to.”

The images filling his head went from sexy to X-rated. Definitely the kind of erotic stuff that had no business playing through his mind, especially in a room full of strangers.

With her bold words, her brazen responses, she fired his blood like no woman had in a very long time. She was a challenge he couldn’t resist. Bracing his forearms on the table, he leaned in closer and held her gaze. “Whatever you want, however you want it, it’s yours.”

Her eyes widened, not in shock, but excitement-a combination of desire and need she didn’t even try to hide. “Wow,” she breathed. “You’re good.”

He grinned. “You started it.” But he was more than willing to finish it, if that’s where she wanted to take things.

She didn’t deny the charge. Instead, she picked up her pen again and tapped it against the open notebook. “You know, you’re totally skewing my research since you’re not here for honest reasons.” Her voice was light and teasing, belying the sultry look in her eyes.

She was one to talk! “And because your sole purpose for being here tonight is for research, and not a relationship, you’re tempting every man in this room with something he can’t have,” he countered, enjoying their lively banter.

Her tongue darted out and moistened her bottom lip, making him wish he were the one tasting that mouth of hers. “Do I tempt you ?” she asked huskily.

Oh, yeah. Hell, yeah. His body echoed the sentiment. Arousal hummed through his veins and settled directly in his lap.

The bell rang, shattering the flirtatious moment between them. The sound jolted him back to their present situation, and was a stark reminder that they weren’t the only two people in the room.

“Your current session is over,” Cindy announced. “Men, please move on to your next date.”

Nathan didn’t want to go, didn’t want to leave Nicole. But her next date was there in a flash, not giving him the chance to say anything more or to see where this compelling conversation might have led. To see if the spark between them had any chance of becoming a live flame.

He’d have to find out when the event was over, because he wasn’t done with Nicole.

Not by a long shot.

Chapter Three

Nearly two hours later, the speed-dating event finally came to an end, and not soon enough for Nicole. She stood and stretched her legs, then shoved her notepad into her purse and turned in her scorecard, along with the rest of the crowd.

Unbelievably, she’d dated fifteen men in one evening, and while she’d been able to gather enough interesting information to write her article, this particular game wasn’t something she wanted to repeat anytime soon. If ever. It wasn’t her thing, though it did add up to an entertaining experience.

The guys she’d met and talked to had been nice enough, but it was clear they were searching for something long-term with a woman. A few were even hoping for marriage out of the deal if they were fortunate enough. Well, almost every guy but Nathan. He’d been the exception in so many ways.

During each round, she’d been careful not to lead anyone on, or give the wrong impression about wanting a serious relationship. She tried, for the most part, to lead the direction of the conversation with her research questions. Luckily, she’d discovered that most of the guys enjoyed talking about themselves and didn’t mind sharing their reasons for attending the speed-dating event.

Including Nathan, who’d nearly bowled her over with the surprising truth of why he was here-not for his own personal gain, but as a favor. That in itself had surprised her, not to mention being ambushed by his striking good looks, sexy smile, and those dark, seductive caramel-colored eyes that made her feel all warm and mushy inside-and good God, she so wasn’t the type of female to melt into a pool of infatuation because of a man. But even from a distance, their attraction had been strong and immediate, and the moment they’d sat across from each other the awareness between them had spiraled to dizzying heights-all in seven short minutes.

Their playful banter had invigorated her, aroused her, and damn if she didn’t want to know how he would have answered her last question before their session had ended.

Do I tempt you?

But much to her regret, the sexy, heated moment had gone without a reply from him. And even now, she couldn’t help but wonder where it all could have led.

The men and women at the event started to mix and mingle again, and despite telling herself Nathan had been most likely toying with her with no intentions of following through on the undeniable chemistry between them, she found herself glancing around the room for him, anyway.

He wasn’t anywhere she could see. No doubt he’d bolted once his obligation to Cindy, and the speed-dating event, had ended. Smart man, she thought, and decided to do the same before she was cornered by some guy she had no desire to talk to.

Just as she started for the door, a deep, male voice called out her name from somewhere behind her, bringing her to a hopeful stop.


Automatically, she turned around, her breath hitching in her throat when she caught sight of Nathan cutting through a group of people while he politely dodged other women’s advances, his gaze locked on hers as he strode toward her with a single-minded determination that made her weak in the knees. Silly, yes, but there was something about a hot, take-charge kind of guy that totally turned her on, and Nathan did it for her in a major way.