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Mines may be attacked, but robotized targets should be the objective according to the rules of war.

Shipyards are frequent targets: they are also heavily defended.

No stationary defense can copy with an FTL attack.

Planets, stars and large rocks can shield a ship from scan if it turns off it's emmissions, which it is not supposed to do... but it is done.

Emissions include radar.

Stars and some Jupiter objects are "noisy" enough in their own emmissions to mask a ship.

A carrier is too big to blow up: you have to immobilize it and hammer away at it.

A wrecked ship can encapsulate a few crew and jettison them but if they are not picked up soon, they will die. Troops also can be rescued if they are wearing their hardsuits, but they are widely scattered, hard to find, and usually their own side does not have time. Remember they travel in the same vector and at the same speed as the wrecked ship was going.

If you end up side by side with the enemy going the same direction as you are, it will be as if you are standing still relative to each other: a terrible battle will ensue like two old frigates battering away at each other with broadsides. Thankfully, this is rare.

If you are next to a small object and jump, you will take it with you. Unfortunately, you cannot decelerate it when you get where you are going.