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Breathing a sigh of relief I patted her back and let her eat while I grabbed a peach from the tree for myself. I saved the canned food for later when the fruit perished. I grabbed the vegetable bag that was now empty and put fresh fruit inside it, stocking it with everything I could reach. I closed it off and secured it once again to Auburn along with the canned goods. “We should go soon.” I patted her back watching as she trotted further along the orchard and I jogged to keep up with her. “Auburn!” I followed, hoping I wouldn’t have to jump onto her while she was moving. She slowed to a stop when she found the watering hole she’d been after. I filled the canteen for Auburn. She happily drank every bit she could before I climbed atop and together we continued our journey north.


We traveled for weeks. I lost count how long I’d been gone. After the third week the days blurred together. I missed my warm bed, a shower and real food. The fruit had perished without refrigeration and the canned food had almost all been eaten. Auburn had stayed healthy and strong through the ordeal. From a distance I could see civilization at the farthest edge south of the bluffs. Haven had to be there or some construct of it. Haven itself hadn’t been established yet but another city had been. The one that had erected the buildings long before Haven was born.

I wasn’t enthralled with the idea of entering the unknown city. I knew nothing about it. I wasn’t even sure where I was and the only history I remembered from 2225 was the Red Plague. I wished I’d paid more attention to the texts in Haven they’ve given me to read.

Auburn slowed as we descended down the bluff. I gripped her tight, the edge of the embankment too close for my liking. We maneuvered down the bluff until we reached the only thing stopping us from crossing into town, the river. Auburn bent her head, drinking hastily as I climbed down off her frame. “Come on.” I led her along the north side of town knowing we would no longer be in The Republic of Cabal if they kept their word. Keeping her with me, we reached the utmost northern spot of Haven and I held one hand over the bracelet and my other hand touched Auburn, bringing her with me.

The slightest ripple shifted through us and I blinked my eyes seeing armed guards just south of us. I’d done right. Joshua? I hoped he could hear me and that he was nearby.

Olivia? Is that you? I heard his voice. Where are you?

Haven. I answered. Joshua, I need you to come quick. There are guards here from The Republic of Cabal and they’ve got guns pointed at me. I didn’t have much time. I heard the shot and the moment it did I shifted back with Auburn to 2225.

She kicked erratically, terrified from the gunshot. I couldn’t blame her. “Maybe I should leave you here,” I breathed, patting her back. “You’ve been a lifesaver, Auburn.” I smiled. “There are people just over the water,” I gestured towards the town. “Find yourself a home.” I didn’t know how it worked, if someone would take her in or if she’d be free to roam the land forever. I’d gotten as far as I could with Auburn and the only way I could truly protect her was to leave her here. I patted her once more before running on foot around where Haven had once been. I tried to imagine the desecrated and abandoned buildings. The broken walls and destroyed city. I had just been there and on the westernmost side I could hide. If the soldiers from The Republic of Cabal didn’t cross into Haven then I would be safe. I squatted down on the ground hoping I’d be okay as I shifted once more, staring down at the bracelet as I moved back to present day.

Olivia! Olivia! Olivia! He chanted. The sound of fear and horror etched in his words as he searched for me.

I’m okay, I assured him, realizing for a moment that I was all right. I was exactly where I had hoped to be, hidden out of sight and quiet as I heard footsteps crunching debris as the soldiers searched the southern side of Haven for me. They’re looking for me, Josh and they’re armed.

Where are you? He asked.

I’m just past what used to be the library. I told him. I’m hiding. Where are you? I don’t know why I expected him to be here. It was stupid, nonsensical.

On my way. He assured me. I held my breath as I heard glass breaking under foot. The soldiers weren’t far and I was confident they’d already trespassed onto Haven territory. I closed my eyes and blanketed myself in a glamour. I pretended I wasn’t there. I hid myself from the men and from anyone capable of seeing me. I could go back to 2225, but I didn’t want to. Even if it was safe, how much longer would it be that way? There would be questions of where I came from and who I was. I couldn’t deal with that. Worst of all I couldn’t deal with not being around those I loved. I kept the glamour up several minutes. I could see the guards now as they searched for me, guns drawn but shaking their heads wondering where I’d gone. I held my breath and glanced upwards as I heard the slight rumble of distant thunder on a day with blue sky overhead. It had to be Joshua. I let out a breath, careful to keep the glamour up a little longer, sheltering me from being seen.

The drone Joshua flew zipped past Haven and the two soldiers who had no business in Haven did their best to hide around the west side of the building. Joshua circled around and the men moved south, heading back to their territory, away from Haven. Once the men had retreated, Joshua found an empty plot of land and put the drone down on the ground.

The glamour faded around me as I ran for the drone, not caring that the soldiers now could see me. It wasn’t my first priority.

“Olivia!” I heard Joshua’s voice and my eyes lit up in excitement. Finally, I was home! I ran for him, just twenty feet away as he climbed out of the drone. My arms outstretched ready to hug him, to grab him, to pull him to me. “Watch out!” he screamed, the words barely out of his lips as he pushed me aside.

My eyes widened in shock as the bullet fell to the ground, just before it reached his chest. “Quick, come on!” he insisted as I climbed in behind him. He closed the hatch around us and we belted in. Joshua wasted no time as he took us up into the air. I heard the sound of bullets from the ground whizzing by but none hit the drone. I wasn’t sure if it was because the soldiers had terrible aim or if it was because Joshua had done something again to protect us.

“Thank you,” I breathed, feeling my heart slamming in my chest.

“I’m just glad you’re okay,” he answered. “Every day I’ve been circling the skies as far south of Haven and back up to Spade. I heard you because I wasn’t that far away. I wanted to fly further into The Republic of Cabal, but you’d be mad if I risked everything you worked to achieve for Spade.” It was the first time I felt like there was a home to go to. A place where we finally belonged.

“Yeah, I would have been,” I acknowledged. Although the journey alone had been exhausting, it was the only way to ensure both of us came out alive.

The remainder of the flight was in silence. I stared out the window, grateful to be safe and home. When we reached Spade I’d bury the bracelet, keep it away from anyone else. Glancing forward at the back of Joshua’s head, I’d have to tell him everything I hadn’t said. The fact I’d been given the vaccination in 2225 wasn’t good news for me being able to conceive. If it were true and I was different, now I was like the rest of the world, infertile. I dreaded the conversation to come.

The flight was short. When we arrived back in Spade, Henry, Rane, Elsa, Cate, Adian, Gavin and Adelaide waited for us. It felt like a reunion. Climbing out I barely got my feet on the ground when Adelaide threw her arms around me, causing me to stumble a few steps backwards. “You smell,” her face scrunched with a laugh, but she didn’t lessen her hold.