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Richard Р. Parker, Robin Sabin and Caroline Williams, Islamic Monuments in Cairo: A practical guide (AUC, Cairo).

Книга, необходимая человеку, желающему ознакомиться с исламскими памятниками Каира и прочувствовать историческую атмосферу средневекового города.


Ниже приведены издания, из которых были взяты цитаты, приведенные в настоящей книге. Все цитаты из Библии даются в русском переводе книги по наиболее знакомому русскому читателю Синодальному переводу, все цитаты из Корана — по переводу И. Ю. Крачковкого (Москва, 1990); цитаты из указанных ниже англоязычных изданий приводятся в русском переводе.

с. 3: Ahmed Hassanein, The Lost Oases, Thornton Butterworth, London 1925, p.204ff; с.4: Геродот, История в девяти книгах, пер. Стратановского Г. А., Москва 1993; с.5: Michael A. Hoffman, Egypt before the Pharaohs, Alfred A. Knopf, New York 1979, p. 14; c.7: in Sir Alan Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1961, p.404; c.10: Henri Frankfort, Ancient Egyptian Religion, Columbia University Press, New York 1948, p.30ff; с.17: Поучение Птаххотепа, пер. Камнева О. А. // Древний Восток и античный мир, Вып. 7, Москва 2005; с.19: Речения Ипувера, пер. Коростовцева М. А. // Повесть Петеисе III. Древнеегипетская проза, Москва 1978; с.22: Песня арфиста // Матье М. Э., Искусство Древнего Египта, Санкт-Петербург 2005; с.22: Повесть о красноречивом поселянине, пер. Лившица И. Г. // Сказки и повести Древнего Египта. Л., 1979; с.24: Пророчество Неферти, пер. М. А. Коростовцева // Повесть Петеисе III, Указ, изд.; с.26: Michael Rice, Egypt’s Legacy, Routledge, London 1997, p.127; с.27: Поучение Аменемхета, пер. M. А. Коростовцева // Повесть Петеисе III, Указ, изд.; с.31: Геродот, Указ, изд.; с. ЗЗ: Манефон, История Египта, пер. Смагиной Е. Б. // История Древнего Востока. Тексты и документы, Москва 2002; с. ЗЗ: AJ. Spencer, Death in Ancient Egypt, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1982, p.l 16ff; c.35: adapted from citation in Wilson, Burden of Egypt, p. 164; c.37: James Henry Breasted, A History of Egypt, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York 1905, p.170; c.39: in Ian Shaw, editor, The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2000, p.232; c.42: Breasted, History of Egypt, p.320f; c.44: in Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs, p. 199ff; c.45: in David O’Connor and Eric H. Cline, editors, Amenhotep III: Perspectives on his reign, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor 1998, p.l9; c.47: Cyril Aldred, Akhenaten: Pharaoh of Egypt, Thames and Hudson, London 1968, p.ll; c.48: in Aldred, Akhenaten, p.180; с.49: Картер Г. Гробница Тутанхамона, пер. с англ. Ф. Л. Мендельсона и Д. Г. Редера, Москва 1959; с.53: Amelia Edwards, A Thousand Miles up the Nile, London 1877, p.412; c.54: K. A. Kitchen, Pharaoh Triumphant, Aris and Phillips, Warminster 1982, p.l 19; in Kitchen, Pharaoh Triumphant, p.59; c.55: Kitchen, Pharaoh Triumphant, p.99; c.59: in Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs, p.285; c.60: Erik Hornung, The Valley of the Kings, Timken Publishers, New York 1990, p.46; c.66: in Rice, Egypt’s Legacy, p.175; c.66: Cited in K. A. Kitchen, The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt, Aris and Phillips, Warminster, 1986, p.331; c.67: Adapted from Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs, p.346; с.70: Геродот, Указ, изд.; c.71: in Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs, p.359; с.72: Геродот, Указ, изд.; с.74: Геродот, Указ, изд.; с.78: Robin Lane Fox, Alexander the Great, Allen Lane, Penguin, London 1973, p.196; c.80: Herondas, Mimes, 1,23-6, inNaphtali Lewis, Greeks in Ptolemaic Egypt, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1986, p.10; c.81: Edwyn Bevan, A History of Egypt under the Ptolemaic Dynasty, Methuen, London 1927, p.32; с.83: Е. М. Forster, Alexandria: A history and a guide, Michael Haag, London 1982, р. 145; c.87: Adapted from Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria, vol. 1, p.681ff, and Alan K. Bowman, Egypt after the Pharaohs, London 1986, p.31; c.88: W. W. Tarn and G. T. Griffith, Hellenistic Civilisation, third edition, St Martin’s Press, London and New York, 1952, p.28ff; c.88: Adapted from Bevan, Egypt under the Ptolemaic Dynasty, p.263ff; с. 89: Полибий. Всеобщая история, T. Ill, пер. Мищенко Ф. Г., Санкт-Петербург 1995; с.90: Р. М. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria, vol. 1, p.79; c.91: Bevan, Egypt under the Ptolemaic Dynasty, p.359ff; с.93: Плутарх, Жизнеописание Марка Антония, пер. Маркиша С. П. // Плутарх, Сравнительные жизнеописания, Т. II, Москва 1994; с.95: Плутарх, Жизнеописание Марка Антония, пер. Маркиша С. П. // Плутарх, указ, изд.; с.98: Тацит, История, пер. Г. С. Кнабе // Корнелий Тацит. Сочинения в двух томах, Т. II. История, Москва 1993; с.102: Письмо императора Адриана, пер. Кондратьева С. Н. // Властелины Рима. Биографии римских императоров от Адриана до Диоклетиана, Москва 1992; с. 104: Plotinus, The Enneads, translated by Stephen Mackenna, abridged edition, Penguin, London 1991, p.55; c.104: J. Grafton Milne, A History of Egypt under Roman Rule, Methuen, London 1924, p.69; c.105: Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Allen Lane, Penguin, London 1994, p.313; c.106: Eusebius, The History of the Church, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1965, p.337ff; c.109: in Forster, Alexandria, p.236; c.llclass="underline" Stanley Lane-Poole, A History of Egypt in the Middle Ages, Methuen, London 1901, p.46; c.118: Alfred J. Butler, The Arab Conquest of Egypt, first edition 1902, second edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1978, p.291ff; c.119: in Butler, Arab Conquest, p.347ff; c.119: in Forster, Alexandria, p.6 Iff; c.121: in Otto Meinardus, Monks and Monasteries of the Egyptian Deserts, The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo 1989, p.55; c.122: Robin Fedden, Egypt: Land of the Valley, John Murray, London 1978, p.lOOf; c.129: Bertold Spuler, The Muslim World, E. J. Brill, Leiden 1960, vol. 1, p.88ff; c.131: in Max Rodenbeck, Cairo: The city victorious, Picador, London 1998, p.81; c.131: in Desmond Stewart, Great Cairo, Mother of the World, American University in Cairo Press, Cairo 1996, p.98; c.137: in Bernard Lewis, Islam from the Prophet Muhammed to the Capture of Constantinople, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1987, р. 97ff; c.137: in Bernard Lewis, The Arabs in History, Hutchinson, London 1970, p. 155; с. 139: Robert Irwin, The Middle East in the Middle Ages, Croom Helm, Beckenham 1986, p.136; c.140: in Stewart, Great Cairo, p.121; c.144: Edwards, A Thousand Miles Up the Nile, p.388; c.141: in The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol. 2, p.76; c.141: in The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol. 2, p.84; c.141: in Jean Thiry, Bonaparte en Egypte, Berger-Levrault, Paris 1973; c.151: Alan Moorehead, The Blue Nile, Hamish Hamilton, London 1962, p.140; c.152: Vivant Denon, Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt during the Campaign of General Bonaparte, translated by E. A. Kendal, London 1803; reprinted by Darf Publishers, London 1986, p.213; c. 153: Josiah Condor, The Modern Traveller, London 1827, vol. 5, p.164; c.154: in Edward Said, Orientalism, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1985, p.84; c.155: John Lewis Burckhardt, Travels in Nubia, London 1819, p.243; c.156: in Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid Marsot, Egypt in the Reign of Muhammed Ali, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1984, p.114; c.158: in Harold Temperley, England and the Near East, Longmans, London 1964, p.89; c.160: in Marsot, Egypt in the Reign of Muhammad Ali, p.256; c.163: in A. E. M. Ashley, Life and Correspondence of Palmerston, London 1879, p.338; c.165: in Tom Little, Modern Egypt, Benn, London 1967, p.163; c.166: in J. C. B. Richmond, Egypt 1798–1952, Methuen, London 1977, р. 109; c.167: in Richmond, Egypt, p.lll; c.168: in Richmond, Egypt, p.127; c.169: Evelyn Baring, Earl of Cromer, Modern Egypt, Macmillan, London 1908, vol. 1, p.287; с. 170: Adapted from Alan Moorehead, The White Nile, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1973, р.249; с.171: Winston Churchill, Му Early Life, Collins, London 1930, p.192; c.173: Cromer, Modern Egypt, vol. 2, p.l30f; c.174: in Gordon Waterfield, Egypt, Thames and Hudson, London 1967, p.l 19; c.174: B. L. Carter, The Copts in Egyptian Politics, Croom Helm, Beckenham 1986 and The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo 1988, p.12; c.174: in Richmond, Egypt, p.151; c.179: in Peter Mansfield, The Arabs, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1985. p.172; c.180: in Gudrun Kraemer, The Jews in Modern Egypt, 1914–1952, University of Washington Press, Seattle 1989, p.231; c. 181: in The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol. 2, p.293; c.181: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Information Department Papers No. 19, Great Britain and Egypt 1914–1936, London 1936, p.14; c.184: Taha Hussein, An Egyptian Childhood, The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo 1990, p.5; c.185: Hanna F. Wissa, Assiout, the Saga of an Egyptian Family, The Book Guild, Lewes 1994, p.250; c.189: in William H. McNeill and Marilyn Robinson Waldman, editors, The Islamic World, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1983, p.418ff; c. 191: Jean and Simmone Lacouture, Egypt in Transition, Methuen, London 1958, p.91; c.193: Foreign Office files, Public Record Office; c.194: Correlli Barnett, The Desert Generals, second edition, George Allen & Unwin, London 1983, p.217; c.195: Janice J. Terry, The Wafd 1919–1952, Third World Centre for Research and Publishing Ltd, London 1982, p.292; c.197: in Artemis Cooper, Cairo in the War, Hamish Hamilton, London 1989, р. 329; c.201: Anwar Sadat, Revolt on the Nile, Allan Wingate, London 1957, p.l 19; с. 201: Mohammed Neguib. Egypt’s Destiny, Doubleday, Garden City, NY 1955, p. 131; c.203: Neguib, Egypt’s Destiny, p.200; c.204: in Peter Mansfield, The British in Egypt, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 1971, p.309; c.205: Sadat, Revolt on the Nile, p.l 11; c.209: in Waterfield, Egypt, p. 164; c.211: in Elizabeth Monroe, Britain’s Moment in the Middle East 1914–1956, Chatto and Windus, London 1963, p.218; c.212: in Roden-beck, Cairo, p.217ff; c.214: in Waterfield, Egypt, p.195; c.215: in Middle East Record, London 1967, p.554; c.216: Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid Marsot, A Short History of Modern Egypt, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1985, p.l26; c.220: Raymond A. Hin-nebusch Jr, Egyptian Politics under Sadat, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1985, p.54; c.221: in Rodenbeck, Cairo, p.337; c.222: in Anthony McDermott, From Nasser to Mubarak, Croom Helm, Beckenham 1988, p.55; c.223: in McDermott, From Nasser to Mubarak, p.57; c.229: in The Atlantic Monthly, January 1999.