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“So we’re agreed? Our wife, our baby, no matter what the paperwork says?”

Allan let him go, a grin on his face. “Yep. As long as she’ll have us two losers.”

He let Allan out of the room and locked the door behind him.

Then he found the TV remote, kicked off his shoes, and curled up next to Libbie to watch TV.

He wanted to giggle, but didn’t want to disturb her.

I’m going to be a dad. We’re going to be dads.

He wouldn’t let thoughts of Bianco spoil this for him.

It’s a Sweet Life


Chapter Twenty-Two

“How fucking hard can it be to find a cop and an attorney for chrissake?”

Bianco stared at the three men standing before him in the Cracker Barrel men’s room. He had Feds on his tail every minute of the day, and suspected they were using wiretaps and other electronic surveillance to track his every word. Even Enrique couldn’t go anywhere without an unmarked car pulling out behind him.

“It’s not easy,” Florio said. “They’re not staying in one place. I can’t even find a permanent address for Ben Donohue, even with my sources in the department. And Allan Donohue is never at his home anymore. We can’t keep it staked out because it would look suspicious. That cop, though, he’s fucking cagy.”

“You know where his fucking office is. Find someone in there to get you information. And keep trying his home. He can’t stay away permanently.”

Florio nervously looked at Steve and Carlo, who kept glancing at the floor every time Bianco looked at them. “Is that clear?” Bianco ordered.

“Yes, boss,” Florio said. The other two nodded.

“You know which car is his. Find it, have someone on it all the time until you figure out where the fuck their cave is and smoke them the hell out. I’m running out of time here. I can’t believe no one has wanted to pick up the fucking bounty I’ve got on their heads. Can’t we put one of those fucking GPS trackers on his car or something?”

Florio shook his head. “It’s not like on TV, it’s—”

“I don’t fucking care if it’s like on TV or not, track his 244 Tymber Dalton

goddamned ass even if it means duct-taping a guy under his fucking car with a damn cell phone in his hand, you got me?”

All three men nodded. He dismissed them with a wave of his hand. Then he turned to the mirror. If he wasn’t under constant surveillance himself, he’d be happy to personally wait for Allan Donohue to get off work and have a little talk with him about his brother’s whereabouts before putting a bullet through his brainpan.

He washed his hands. I need them out of the picture now .

Libbie thought she was dreaming when she awoke to see two Allans standing, softly talking, on the far side of the room with their backs to the bed.

“Is double vision a pregnancy or fibro thing, do you think?”

Both men immediately turned at the sound of her voice, identical concerned frowns on their faces.

She burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, but my fibro fog isn’t bad enough, now you’re trying to confuse me?”

“Sorry, babe,” both men said at the same time.

That only served to make her laugh harder. “How long was I asleep, anyway, that they perfected cloning?” she asked.

“Smart-ass,” the Allan on the right said, his smirk betraying him.

She pointed. “Aaand there’s my Benjamin.”

“How’d you know?”

“Your voice. And that little smirk you do.”

They both walked over. “We’ve come to a few decisions while you were out,” Ben said. He laid out their plan for Ben to accompany her back to Brooksville. Then he helped her stand, while both of them knelt in front of her, each holding a hand.

Allan spoke. “We love you, and we’re sorry we had to be away from you. The next few months won’t be perfect, but…” He looked at Ben.

It’s a Sweet Life


They spoke at the same time. “Will you marry us?”

Overcome with her emotions, she couldn’t speak. She tightly squeezed their hands and nodded.

They stood and held her. “We’ll work out the details later,” Ben said. “Have Mandaline marry us, if you’d like. We want you to legally marry one of us for the health insurance.” They exchanged a glance. “We agreed it’s your decision, but maybe once we have a chance to look into our health insurance policies and see who’s got the better plan, it might be better to go that way.”

She shook her head. “I can’t decide between you. That’s not fair to even ask me.”

Allan caressed her cheek. “Seriously, we don’t care which one.

You’re our wife.” He grinned at his brother. “And regardless, you’ll still have our last name. If you want to,” he added. “All we care about is making sure you and our baby are well cared for.” Both men pressed their palms to her stomach. “And we don’t care which one of us is the father, either,” he said.

“Seriously,” Ben added.

She looked from one to the other. “Honestly? I don’t know if I can handle a car ride today.”

“We’ll leave early in the morning,” Ben said. “Allan’s going to go get my stuff from the other hotel. And I need to make some calls and hand off cases I’m working on.”

“I, unfortunately, do need to get going,” Allan said. He leaned in and kissed her. “I’ll be back later tonight. It’s going to take me a while. I have to be very careful.”

She nodded. “I understand.” She touched his hair. “I never did like you as a blond.”

He snorted. “See?” he said to Ben. “I told you that looked like crap.”

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Alone with Ben, there was something she wanted no matter how bad her pain. She draped her arms around him and wiggled her hips against his.

Immediately, his cock stiffened in his slacks. “You sure you’re up for this?”

She nodded. “I can see you are, too.”

He edged her over to the bed, where he carefully laid her down.

“You have nooo idea. I’ve had to rub one out every day missing you.”

He nibbled her neck. “How busy have you been, my dirty girl?”

“None,” she meekly said.

He sat up. “What?”

“I missed you guys too much.” She didn’t want to start crying again.

He looked shocked and saddened. “Oh, baby. I’m so sorry.” He lay down with her and held her in his arms. “Christ, I’m sorry.”

“I just couldn’t,” she whispered. “I’d think about you guys and start crying. It…it just wasn’t worth trying.”

“Shh, it’s okay.”

Ben hated himself. He knew she’d been lonely and in pain, but never dreamed this would also be a side effect of trying to keep her safe. Worse, now he felt like a selfish shit for masturbating while she was alone.

He got up, undressed, and quickly rejoined her. Slowly, he removed her clothes and kissed her flesh, wanting to take all her pain away, mentally and physically. He knew today couldn’t be one of their rough-and-tumble romps. She needed tender and sweet, mind and body.

After going down on her and making her come, he started to enter her when he stopped. “Crap.”

Her eyes flew open. “What?”

It’s a Sweet Life


“I don’t have any rubbers.”

She looked up at him. “What?”

He sat up. “Dammit. I’ll have Allan stop on his way—”