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He rewarded me by eating my pussy until I had a nice orgasm then said, "Go back to sleep. At six PM I want you to come to my office, Bring your thong whip so I can whip you just long enough to give you a nice orgasm then we will make love and go out to dinner. Would you like that?"

"Oh yes Sir! Even if you hit too hard to let me cum."

He said, "Good girl." and kissed me then left to dress for work. The "Good girl," seemed like the highest accolade to me and I planned to earn more.

I couldn't get back to sleep and got up to take a long shower using a lot of soap to let my hands slip sensually over my nipples and pussy. It didn't get me excited it just felt wonderful. I had seen them in the mirror. The bruises looked as if I was wearing pasties and a G string like the old time strippers and I was amazed that all pain was gone leaving only sensitivity.

I walked from mirror to mirror naked enjoying the fact I had learned to move smoothly and sensually like a big cat. My tummy was tucked in with no effort and I realized that clenching my muscles during whippings must be good exercise. I continued to walk around and pose imagining the hungry looks of men if they could see me. I sat in front of the mirror with my legs spread as far as I could and began playing with myself. I looked positively wanton which is the way it should be since I now admitted I was the lowliest of sluts.

It felt good but that was all it was. Icould not get to the peak of excitement even imagining men were staring at me and finally gave up and began cleaning the house to get my mind off the fact I had finally reached the point of only being able to climax with pain.

Time passed by quickly and it was soon time to shower and dress. I wore the cashmere dress loving the way the soft material hugged me to show every curve. I put on my highest heels knowing they caused an exagerated sway of my hips and a gentle movement of my boobs. At the last moment I unbuttoned some of the buttons to the bottom of my cleavage and saw the material pull apart to bare the cleavage almost to my nipples.I called a taxi then I got my big leather purse and stuffed my whip into it. I stroked the thongs knowing they would soon bring me to ecstacy until I heard a honk and went out to get in the cab.

I loved the way the driver stared at me as I walked down the steps letting my heels hit hard to bobble my boobs.

As we went to town I noticed he was driving a little erratically. I looked into his rearview mirror and could only see his chin letting me know he had lowered the mirror to stare at my boobs while trying to drive.

I decided to tease him and put my arms up on the seatback and pushed out my chest knowing that would pull the material past my nipples. It was fun to watch him in the reflection of the windshield. Beads of sweat popped out of his forehead as he stared but then his driving became even more erratic so I brought down my arms and folded them across my chest. He gave a little sigh of disappointment but his driving improved considerably.

The fare was seven fifty so I just handed him a ten and got out. I could see by the reflection in the glass doors of the office building that he did not leave until I was inside. I giggled feeling a sense of power that I could so easily excite him then began walking to the end of the hall toward Jim's door. It was kind of spooky. Everyone had left and the hall lights had been dimmed to make the light from Jim's door a sort of beacon.

When I walked in I was surprised to see Mom and Dad sitting there. Mom looked frightened and I saw why when Jim swiveled around in his chair to face me. He was holding the wire whip! I felt a pang of fear that he would want to demonstrate how cruel it was. I remembered how long I had suffered until I had finally became numb enough to withstand it's bite.

He said, "Oh good. You are just in time. I was telling your Dad how well this little whip made you obey."

I blushed wondering if he had told them I had eaten Tammy and Monica's pussy. But then I doubted it since Jim knew how disgusted my Dad was with homosexual activity.

Then he said, "Take off your dress so your Dad can see how it works."

I didn't hesitate. I just said "Yes Sir," and unbuttoned some more buttons so I could slip it over my head to display my nude body. I walked over in front of my Dad. I blushed even though he had seen me naked before since it still seemed perverse to have my own Father see me display the effects of my last whipping.

Dad loved it. He tweaked my bruised nipples and said, "Oh yes. It is perfect. You can punish only the most sensitive areas. You are really clever to come up with these new instruments."

Thankfully he took the credit letting me know he had not told them about Monica.

Jim said, "she will agree to anything now without protest. I'll show you. Jane ask me to give you thirty lashes with your whip."

He was waving the wire whip menacingly so I said quickly, "Yes Sir. Please give me thirty lashes with my whip."

He had me move out to the center of the room then cross my arms on my head and spread my legs.

It wasn't so bad. He gave me ten across my butt-cheeks to start my excitement then increased it with ten across my boobs. When je began hitting diagonally into my pussy I was so excited I soon began having orgasms.

My Dad didn't realise what was happening to me. He assumed that my sweating pulsating body was just the result of the pain and my effort not to escape.

He said, "Yes. She minds beautifully. Even though the pain to her pussy must have been great she made no attempt to close her legs."

Jim just grinned and told me to use his shower because I was all sweaty. Mom grabbed my dress and said she would go with me while Jim went to the bar to get them a drink.

When we were in the bathroom Mom said, "Oh God. How can Jim be so cruel. He must know your Father will want to use that terrible whip because no matter how I try I can't stand his whip untied."

It irritated me. I thought she should have shown some compassion for me but she only thought of herself. I said, "Jesus Mom! You are going to have to learn to obey. Didn't you notice Jim did not hit hard when I asked for the whip? I even got to orgasm."

"Well yes. I did notice your skin just turned red with no bruising."

"Notice," my ass. She had stared at me as avidly as the men while I was whipped and I knew it had excited her.

Then she really made me mad when she said, "We are different. You aren't as sensitive as me. The whip hurts me terribly."

"Bullshit! I am just as sensitive. I am just smarter than you and have courage!"

She began to cry and said, "You are right but I don't think I can learn to be courageous. It must be a natural trait. I have been afraid of being hurt since I was just a little girl and when I am whipped all I can think of is escape."

I held her to comfort her realizing I had been unfair. Dad had used a more severe whip and I knew he hit hard.

After my shower she patted me dry with a soft towel and helped me put on the dress then we went to dinner.

I again felt pride as men stared at me and noticed that while I walked proudly with my tummy in and boobs out Mom just kind of skulked behind Dad.

Dinner was strange. We just made small talk quite normally with no mention of my humiliation of being stripped and whipped until dessert. Then Mom called attention to me by saying," You really look beautiful in that dress. It really shows off her nice firm body. Doesn't it?"

Jim and Dad agreed with Dad staring hungrily at my boobs bare almost to the nipples.Then she said, "It must be much more exciting to whip her young firm body rather than my flabby one."