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I hated her again realizing she was trying to encourage them to whip me instead of her. I loved her look of defeat when Dad said gruffly, "You will soon be firm too with your exercise program then I will take you to Jim so he can see how the whips no longer sink in."

When we got in the car Dad said, "That wire whip interests me. Could I borrow it for awhile?"

Mom sobbed and said, "You don't need it. I'll be good. I promise."

Dad just said gruffly, "I'll decide what you need."

Jim agreed and we returned to the office. Dad said, "Here. You can carry it."

He unbuttoned the top of her dress and slid it down between her cleavage then lifted her dress and pulled down her panties to push the wire between the lips of her pussy. Finally he forced the point through the crotch of her panties to hold it in place.

It excited me. I could imagine the wire rubbing on her clit as she walked and rode home but Mom just looked miserable knowing he would use it on her no matter how obedient she was.

I was still mad at her and ignored her messages on my answering machine for the next few days. My life got better. I followed Tammy's example by staying on my hands and knees while Jim was home obeying his every request. My only whipping was having my butt spanked while I sucked his dick until he was very hard to fuck me after I became excited.

I was doing exercises to a tape Jim had bought for me when I heard a car in the driveway. I ran to the window to peek through the drapes. It was Mom and she was alone so I did not bother to put anything on.

I opened the door and gave her a hug then she twirled me around to look at me.

She told me I looked beautiful and that marriage really agreed with me since I seemed so happy. Naturally I agreed then she said Jim must be happy with me because she could not see a welt on my body. I told her that I had been very good and was only spanked with the thong whip. She told me that Jim had made a wonderful whip and that she was not so lucky. She said she would show me and took off her clothes.

I was shocked! She had purple welts from the ends of a whip all over. Not in just the sexy places on the butt, breasts, stomach and pussy she had them all over her back and shoulders, behind her knees, in her armpits, and even on her feet. I said that they must have hurt horribly and she began to cry.

"Oh Jane. I was so happy when he first used your whip. I had hated the paddle and seeing my nude whipped body made both of us sexually excited. He has changed! Up until the night I was whipped here he had never seen me totally nude. Now he wants me naked all the time but not because it makes him excited. He just likes to see the bruises he has made and my body shudder as he makes more welts.There is no pretense of my deserving punishment or whipping me for excitement. He doesn't want me to become excited. He came home early from work yesterday and hung me from the chandelier for four hours while he watched TV getting up at each commercial to give me five or ten lashes. I begged him to let me down and that I would do anything for him. He told me to suggest something he might like more than what he was doing. I offered to fuck him, suck his dick, bend over so he could put his dick in my rectum, every thing I could think of but he showed no interest. Finally about ten he got up from his chair to say he had to piss but when he got back he was going to practise his aim by hitting just my nipples twenty times in a row with the wire whip.

In desperation I offered to drink his pee. He had me do it. It was terrible. I got really sick. He laughed at me while I was throwing up! Then we went to bed but not to make love. He just had me suck him till he came in my face then I had to lick his balls till he went to sleep. today he said he is going to find a whip tht just fits the slit of my pussy and then he will whip it till it is bloody."

She began to cry hysterically while I tried to console her.

She blubbered, "Oh Jane what am I going to do?"

"Leave him! Leaving him was the best thing I ever did. He made me feel guilty all the time and hurt me terribly with his paddle. Now I have no guilt at all and love the whip."

"But where will I go? I have no money and I can't work. I only have a grade school education and no job experience."

"You will have money after your divorce. Dad is rich."

She looked scared to death. "Oh no! I can't divorce him. He has said that he would rather kill me than give me a divorce. He is a criminal lawyer. He knows people that would kill me for a thousand dollars. Maybe for free. He said that the rapist he cleared was so grateful he offered to kill any of his enemies. I would be his enemy."

"You have to leave him! For some reason he is making you suffer more and more, eventually he will kill you."

"I know why he is getting so mean. When he realized I had an orgasm here he said that I had been lying to him for years. He thought I was a nice girl but obviously I was a slut. I am you know. Maybe I deserve to be beaten to death."

"You aren't a slut. You are like me. You just found out how wonderful getting excited could be. If we are sluts there must be millions of us. Until he calms down and is ready to accept divorce you can stay here."

"Won't Jim mind?

"No he likes you! Maybe too much. I get a little jealous of you sometimes. He said you would be willing to do anything to please a man."

She replied, "You see. He knows I am a slut too."

I didn't have time to argue. Jim would be home soon. I took her to the basement and showed her a hidden door that led to a storage area in the crawl space and said she could hide in there if Dad came so she wouldn't have to confront him until Jim could come up with a plan to keep her hidden until the divorce was final.

We heard a car in the driveway and she ran to the basement to hide.

It was Jim and I dropped to my hands and knees. He was all excited explaining that he had a new sexual harrassment case. A man had a dress making shop and would spank the girls if they didn't make their quota. He said, "God it must be exciting to have all those girls to spank. He told me that he would not hire anyone that wasn't pretty and if they refused being spanked he would fire them. Surprisingly only one girl wants to sue and I think we can buy her off cheap."

Evidentally the man had told him about it in detail. He pulled a ping-pong paddle out of his briefcase to show me and said he would like us to act out the scene.

He had me put on a house dress and panties then knock on the door to his office. When I went in he was seated at the desk with the paddle in his hand.

He evidentally wanted to make it real as he said, "You did not make your quota yesterday. You know what that means."

I fell into the role and whimpered, "I guess I must be spanked."

He said, "Yes and you wouldn't even feel this little paddle on top of your clothes. Take off your dress and panties."

I was so into the role I actually felt embarrassed as I slipped off the dress and pulled down my panties.

Then he came around the desk to place me at the corner and bend me over to pull my legs apart until my pussy was pushing against the corner.

He began to spank me and I realized why the other girls had not complained. The paddle just caused a little sting and tingles an when I flinched my clit rubbed against the corner. It made me terrifically excited and I went into orgasm just as he dropped his pants to put his dick in my pussy from the rear. I lunged against the corner as even stronger orgasms washed over me.