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Jim told him he could understand his doubt and that I was not likely to tell the truth without some persuasion.

Dad told him to strip me and tie me in the basement while he got something from his car.

Jim tied me face out to the wall furthest from Mom's hiding place. He told me that I would have to be brave because Dad would not be convinced I knew nothing till I had experienced some pain. He said he would stop him before he hurt me too badly.

Dad came into the basement carrying a whip of tightly braided leather with a metal tip. He walked up to me and said, "I know you are lying. I have always known when you lied to me. Are you going to tell the truth or do you want me to use this on you?"

I made up my mind that I couldn't betray Mom because he would kill her and I would feel guilty the rest of my life. I thought if it got too bad I would faint.

I wailed that I was not lying but he just sneered and began whipping me by hitting the sides of my hips so the metal tip hit my ass. It hurt awful and I began screaming till I was hoarse while I felt my butt being torn to shreds. Finally I was so hoarse I couldn't have told him anything if I wanted to. Then he stepped back to whip my breasts. Agonizing pain enveloped them. Jim must not have realized till then how bad the whip was. My breasts were bleeding where the metal tip hit in four places when Jim grabbed his arm yelling, "That is enough for Christ's sake! Can't you see she is bleeding? If she knew anything she would have told you by now."

Dad looked at the blood running down my stomach from my tits and said, "I guess you are right. I have tapped your phone. If Paula calls try to get her to tell you where she is. If I find her this will look like child's play."

He left and Jim let me down to gently bathe the blood off my butt and breasts then put on salve and tore up a clean sheet to bandage them. Of course I could not sit or lie on my back so when I was bandaged I just curled up in the foetal position and cried. When Jim was sure Dad was not coming back he let Mom out of her hiding place. She kissed me and thanked me for being so brave. When she lifted my bandages to see the cuts she said, "Oh God! I had no idea you were so courageous. I feel awfully guilty. I will take care of you and when you are well you must whip me for getting you into this."

March, 2, 1990

Dear Diary,

Mom pampered me all day. Jim came home with good news. He said Dad told him that the detective had found someone that gave a description of a woman that looked like Mom getting on a bus going south. Dad assumed Mom had gone back to the town in Southern California where he had found her and was driving down there today.

He also said he had found the man that would kill him and gave Mom an envelope with ten thousand dollars in it that she was to deliver to the man at a country cross road at midnight.

I am still terribly sore. I am grateful to Jim for stopping Dad before I was completely ruined and sucked his cock and licked his ass-hole for him in thanks.

March, 3, 1990

Dear Diary,

Mom said that it was so dark she could not see the face of the man she gave the money. He was very big and had a gruff voice. He knew Dad was going to California and had her go back to her car to write down the names and addresses of everyone she knew there to help him locate Dad. He told Mom that Dad's death would look like an accident.

Mom took off my bandages. I looked awful. I have four big scabs on the sides of my breasts and gobs of them on my butt. They also left terrible bruises and are still sore.

I cried and cried. After all those years I had become proud of my body and was willing to show it off. Now I would have to keep it covered because it was so ugly.

When Jim came home Mom told him she felt guilty because I had to suffer so much in order to protect her. Jim made her feel worse by saying that she had not only caused me pain but had put us all in jeopardy by not having the nerve to just leave the country. When she protested she had very little money and no way to make a living he yelled, "Bullshit! You are sitting on a gold mine. With that body and the way you love to fuck you could be a great whore."

Mom began to cry then blubbered,"You are right. I knew I could make a living that way and I would have except Jane gave me an easy way out. I am so ashamed! Do what Bill eas going to do. Whip me until I am unconscious!"

"Get serious. You love being whipped."

"No. Not with Jane's whip. Use your big belt. The one with the western buckle. It will hurt awfully."

"No. I already have one slave covered with scabs. I need you to fuck till Jane is well."

To my amazement Mom argued. "The belt will just bruise me. I don't deserve to be fucked until you relieve my guilt."

I think Jim was glad for the excuse. He no longer argued he just said, "You do deserve punishment. You are wearing clothes, you know I want my slaves naked at home. With Jane's bandages I can't see either of you."

Mom apologized and took off all her clothes, even her shoes and posed in front of him with her hands behind her back and her legs spread.

Then he said, Let's see how serious you are about being willing to expunge your guilt. I want you to get on your knees, with your arms folded on the top of your head then walk on your knees back and forth in front of me. If you have any courage you will make at least ten trips."

Mom begged him to tie her and whip her till he was tired but Jim refused and sent her to the our bedroom to get his belt.

She came back whimpering but when she gave it to him she said, "I will make you proud of my courage. I must be as brave as Jane."

She got on her knees took a deep breath and began to move toward his side slowly. When she came into range he began whipping her front causing her breasts and pussy to be yanked into grotesque shapes. When she was even with him he switched to her back and bottom.

When she got out of range she turned around to sob and take another deep breath to move in front of him where he again backhanded her front and then forehanded her back with one or more going between her legs.

I was proud of her bravery. She made ten trips absorbing about eighty lashes and was too weak to stay on her knees She surprised both Jim and I by making one more trip on her hands and knees to let Jim put lash after lash between her legs. She really tried to make even one more pass but was just too weak and fell over on her side to sob.

Jim picked her up to put her on the couch. She said weakly, "Was I brave? I tried really hard but I got so tired."

She smiled weakly when Jim told her that he was proud of her and that she did not have to feel guilty anymore.

The whipping made Jim really excited. He dropped his pants and pulled me down to suck him. I really was grateful to him. Mom was very red and would have some bruises but he could have hurt her much worse. I did my best to give him a great blowjob.

After he came we went to bed after covering Mom's sleeping body with a blanket. He was very loving and cuddled me in his arms till he went to sleep.

March, 4, 1990

Dear Diary,

I soaked for hours in warm water. Almost all my scabs came off leaving purple bruises that did not seem nearly as ugly as the scabs.

When I heard his car coming up the driveway I ran to the door to pose proudly for him. Mom and I had spent the afternoon plucking hair off each other's pussies so we were both excited.

We could hardly wait for him to finish dinner so we could beg him to take off his clothes. As soon as he was naked we knelt in front of him and licked his cock and balls till he was throbbing hard. He laid on his back then pulled me over to straddle his mouth while Mom eagerly slid his dick in her pussy. It was wonderful! I almost drowned the poor man with my juices.