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Mom was really good. She made the costumes in only a couple of hours which gave us plenty of time to practise to the tape. I got the routines pretty fast but Mom had to work longer. Watching her made me understand why he liked them. The tiny costume let me see all her muscles working and almost every move provided flashes of bare boobs, butt-cheeks or pussy. I was sure he had imagined how that would look if the cheerleaders had not worn panties and bras. Now he would be able to see the boobs bouncing and swaying and the lips of our pussies open at splits.

Finally she was satisfied she could do all the moves and we did it one more time together to make sure we could stay in step. That made us sweaty so we took a shower to be fresh for him. We put our hair into ponytails and used light makeup to look as young as possible. I told Mom she looked almost as young as me and I only looked about eighteen. She grinned at the compliment and said, "I am not all that much older than you. I was only fifteen when you were born."

I hadn't known that. I had always assumed she just looked young and asked her why she had married so early.

She said, "Well essentially your father bought me. He was visiting a colleague in California when my Dad came in with me to see if he could beat a drunk driving charge. The lawyer turned him down since he had no money but your Dad was intrigued by me especially when my Dad lifted my skirt and slapped my ass for not sitting quietly.

Your Dad said he would take us to lunch and discuss the case. I was thrilled. I was fourteen but we were so poor I had never been in a restaurant. They talked about the case while I feasted then your Dad said, "I think I can beat the case and if not I will pay the fine." my Dad was overjoyed since he was sure he would have to go to jail. Your Dad must have realized what a scumball my Dad was because he then went on to say, "This would normally cost you about Two thousand dollars but I am intrigued by your daughter. I'll take your case if she stays with me while I am here." My Dad jumped at the offer saying, "Hell. You have a deal! She could never earn that much picking vegetables."

He took my hand to lead me out of the restaurant my Dad yelled, "Jane. You do anything he wants or I'll whip your ass bloody."

I didn't know what to expect but it certainly wasn't what happened. He took me to a beauty parlor where they bathed me in sweet smelling bath oil then dressed me in a cute dress and new panties your Dad had bought. Then they did my hair and put on makeup. I was thrilled. I had never looked pretty before and this was my first new dress. Mom bought our clothes at Goodwill.

He took me back to his motel and then said, "Do you mind your Daddy?"

I said, "Oh yes sir. He can be really mean if I don't mind."

"Good. I want to make a little test before I go to work on his case. Lay over my lap. I am going to give you a little spanking."

I knew my Dad would kill me if he didn't take the case so I went to him to lay over his lap. He lifted my skirt to spank my panties with his hand. It didn't hurt much. Nothing like my Dads spanking with kindling wood or his belt so I didn't cry.

He was pleased and said, "Good. I like obedient little girls." Then he told me to go to bed. I took off the dress and hung it up then crawled under the covers just wearing panties.

In a few minutes he came in leaving the lights off and slid into bed beside me wearing a t-shirt and long boxer shorts. He put his hand on my breast and caressed it saying "Has anyone done this before?" I said,"No." then he moved his hand to my crotch and said, "How about here?" I said "No." again. He removed his hand just saying, "Good." and went to sleep!

I was amazed. My older sister told me she had slept with a man and it had been thrilling. The caresses had felt nice but I couldn't understand why she had been so excited.

We slept late in the comfortable bed then he took me to the courthouse where he left me with the receptionist after telling me to stay put while he talked to the district attorney. I moved to a chair next to a window because we were on the ninth floor and I had never been so high. It seemed I could see forever and was still on my knees staring out the window when he returned. He said gruffly, "Didn't I tell you to stay put?"

I said "Yessir but I wanted to see out the window."

He just said, "Let's go. We are done here." Then we went to a fast food restaurant for lunch. Even that was thrilling but some ketchup spilled from my hamburger onto my new dress. I was devastated and cried, "Oh no! I have ruined my new dress!" He just told me to go to the bathroom and wipe it off with wet towels. It cleaned up and I came back to show him that only a wet spot remained. We finished our burgers then he took me to his car and started back to the motel. He waid, "You have not had agood day. First you disobeyed me by moving from your chair and then ruined your dress. You know you will have to be punished. Don't you?"

I looked down at my dress to see that although the ketchup was gone there was still a dry water mark. I said, "Yessir. Will you use your belt like Daddy this time?"

He seemed surprised then said, "I suppose you desrve that don't you?"

"Yessir I guess so."

When we got to the motel I wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. I hated the way my Dad did it by telling me way in advance to let my fear build. I went over to an overstuffed chair and pulled my dress up to my chest and laid over the back. He took off his belt and hit my poor butt several times to make me cry but it still was not nearly as bad as my Dad's spanking.

Then he pulled down my skirt and told me to wash off the tears because he was taking me home. On the way I said,"Are you taking me home because you are mad at me? I am sorry I needed to be punished."

He waid, "Would you rather stay with me even though I spank you."

I said, "Yes." and I meant it. Even if he spanked me everyday it would be better than living in our old shack and picking tomatoes all day.

When we got to our cabin he told my Dad that the ticket was taken care of. Dad was really surprised. He had expected to at least have to go to court. Then your Dad said, I would like to make another deal with you. Your daughter and I like each other and I want to marry her but you would have to swear she is seventeen and give your permission. I'll give you a thousand dollars for doing that.

My Dad agreed immediately. I don't think he had ever seen a thousand dollars before and probably assumed he would get more later. We went over the stateline to Nevada and got a license and married in a few hours then Bill took Dad and Mom home and counted out ten hundred dollar bills.

I never saw them again. Bill didn't give them our address and wouldn't let me write to them. You know the rest."

I rewound the tape then decided I didn't want him to be distracted by the picture so I unplugged the video cable just leaving the sound so we could use the music to stay in step.

We sat around anxiously awaiting Jim while sipping a drink. Jim brought Jason home with him! Mom and I grinned at each other happy to know we would get fucked at least twice as much.

Jason was impressed. When Jim introduced Mom he said, "This is Jane's mother? She looks like a slightly older sister! They are really cute in those cheerleader outfits."

"Yeah and they were told to learn some routines. Are you ready?"

I said"Yes." and started the tape. They really enjoyed it applauding and cheering as our breasts bounced and everything flashed at them. We finished by doing the splits with our arms stretched up to pull the sweaters up above our nipples. Jason applauded wildly and said, "I love the cheerleader outfits. They really look cute in them." They are even cuter without them. Take off your sweater Jane."