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This was unbelievable. I had never seen her naked and now she was being told to strip in front of Jim. I looked over at Jim. He stared at her eagerly and there was a lump growing in his pants. I couldn't blame him she was only thirty four years old and even with all her clothes we could tell she had a nice body.

Dad said, "If you hesitate any longer I will take you home, strip you, and use the paddle on your naked butt, thighs, stomach and breasts till you are unconscious."

Mom howled but then began unbuttoning her blouse with her back turned to us. Dad would not even allow her this much modesty. He had her turn around to face us. Saying "This is all in the family. Not strangers. God would understand."

She sobbed through the entire ordeal which took a long time because she was wearing so many clothes. It was a real strip tease as she took off her blouse, her skirt, a full slip, her bra, and then her panties.

Now she was naked and holding her arm over her breasts and her hand over her pussy. I was amazed to see it was hairless like mine. She was blushing clear to her breasts but Dad was still not satisfied. He made her take off her shoes, garter belt and stockings. There was no way she could do this without letting us see her breasts move and her pussy flash as she unrolled the stockings and reached back to unhook the garter belt.

Dad let her stand there for awhile trying to hide herself. She was beautiful. I was happy I had inherited her genes. Her tummy was flat and her breasts did not sag at all. She even had my round firm butt.

I couldn't resist saying, "Gosh Mom. You are beautiful. I had no idea you looked so wonderful under your clothes."

Jim agreed saying, "Yes. You look fantastic. I am so happy you passed your genes to Jane. You could be twins."

Mom blushed but I could tell she was pleased by the compliments although she tried to hide herself by holding her right arm over her breasts and her left hand over her pussy.

Dad said, "Do you feel ashamed and humiliated?"

Mom howled, "Yes! Please get it over with so I can dress."

Dad said, "Jim. You are right. Being naked provides another element of punishment. I have given her a break by allowing her to be clothed."

Dad wathched her for a moment as she blushed and trembled then said, "Put your hands behind your back."

Mom whimpered but did as she was told.I began to wonder if she really hated being exhibited when I noticed she had sucked in her tummy and pulled back her shoulders to make herself really look great.

Jim noticed she was clenching her thighs to gether to hide her slit and said, "She is still hiding. Tell her to open her legs."

Dad told her to open them saying "More!" until they were spread enough to slightly open her slit to show the pink inner lips.

She was blushing all down her front. I could empathize with her since I remembered how humiliated I felt the first time Jim had made me pose. Her ordeal was even worse with me and Jim staring at her avidly. I couldn't tell if her continued trembling and shallow breaths were caused by fear or excitement. I still wasn't sure when she moaned, "Please spank me." if it was to be able to hide herself or to feel the whip to see if it would excite her.

Dad had her lean over a desk and told Jim to hold on to her wrists so she could not move. The desk was low, In the effort to hide herself she spread her legs to press her breasts and stomach to the desk to hide herself not realizing this made her pussy pooch through her legs and open her slit a little.

Dad began whipping her across her butt then down her thighs and back up again. I watched her butt flesh jump and turn red, excitedly imagining just how she felt. I looked at Jim. He was grinning at her and stroking his crotch! My excitement left to be replaced by guilt. My poor mother was being beaten and rather than feeling sorry for her we were being excited.

I could tell it was not nearly as bad as the paddle since that had brought agonized screams. The whip just brought gasps and moans. Suddenly I noticed her moans stopped to be replaced by deep breaths and she was rubbing her breasts and pussy against the desk. She was being excited by the whipping! It was not just her body I had inherited! I had never felt so close to her before. My guilt left and I stared at her as I imagined the lash hitting me. I could actually feel the stings and tingles.

Dad didn't seem to notice but Jim did. He was grinning at her with his dick about to burst from his pants. Dad must have hit her over twenty times before he quit to leave her moaning and dragging her nipples on the desk then said, Well Jim. Is that the way to use this whip?"

Jim grinned and said, "That is fine but there are some refinements."

To my utter disbelief he handed Jim the whip and said, "Show me."

Jim took it from him and brought it up underhanded to go between her legs and slap against her pussy. Her eyes opened wide and she screamed at the new pain, with the second one she jerked up to stand up. He took the opportunity to bring the whip around her side to "Splat!" against her right breast. She stood there trembling until he hit her left one then grabbed her breasts squeezing them hard and then laid back down again still mauling her boobs as she spread her legs even more than before. He took the opportunity to bring the whip up into her crotch. We could see her pussy lips being jerked and contorted but incredibly her only reaction was gasps as she pumped her hips and and squeezed her breasts at each lash until she slumped in exhaustion.

Jim stopped. She let herself slip down to let her knees down to the floor then went over to Dad to hug his legs and press her swollen boobs into his thighs whike she looked up at him with tear-filled eyes and said weakly, "I'll be good. I'll do anything you want."

Dad said excitedly, "God jim. You are right! She just resented me after paddling. Excuse us. I want to see if she means it."

He picked her up and carried her to our spare bedroom. Jim came to me and lifted my skirt to rip off my panties, put my butt on the desk. then dropped his pants to drive into me.

We both had marvelous orgasms then sat on the floor to hug each other completely gratified. I giggled and said "You got so excited you didn't care I was not naked." He laughed too and said, "Your mother was enough. She looks just like you.

We were both thirsty so we made drinks and were sitting on the couch sipping them when Dad came out just wearing his shorts. I giggled realizing this was the first time I had seen so much of him. I was surprized his body looked so good until I remembered he played a lot of handball and got a lot of exercise spanking Mom and me.

He grabbed Jim's drink to glug it down then said, "Jim you are a genius! After paddling she just pouted but the extra pain of hitting her breasts and pussy made her say she would be my slave.Without my even asking she sucked my cock! I had only forced her to do that when I thought she needed total humiliation, The fear of that whip must be fantastic. I am going to get one to hang on the wall to remind her never to disobey."

It suddenly dawned on Jim and I that he just didn't get it. He thought her attitude had changed from fear of punishment rather than the fact it had made her excited. Jim and I looked at each other increduously then I started to explain but just as I said, "Dad I don't think," Jim grabbed my hand and interrupted saying, "Jane does not think that is fair to her but we know it is important for wives to be obedient. Don't we?"

Dad said, "Yes, of course. I am just surprised the spankings didn't work. They left her bruised for days."