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Arching with a groan of shuddering pleasure, Jill tried desperately to regain enough composure to respond, but he spoke again before she could answer. “Because if you didn’t, I still won’t let you renege on that statement.” His head lifted and he stared down into her tear-wet face as he slowly thrust his hips against her pussy, burying his shaft to his balls, then pulling out almost to the tip before thrusting in again with a deep growl of pleasure. His eyes were a glittery sapphire as he shifted and found yet another erogenous zone with his marvelously talented cock, sending her spiraling into another mind-shattering orgasm that drove all thought but the pleasure from her mind.

Could she die of sheer sexual pleasure? Her heart was hammering so wildly she thought it might be possible. What had he just said? His words hadn’t registered, and she still wasn’t sure what she had heard. All she knew was that his body was driving her to total distraction as he slowly pulled his still-solid cock out and gently rolled her onto her stomach, his lean hands lifting her ass until he was level with her pussy. And as he sank his throbbing length back into her, she gave a shocked yelp as he gently pressed a thumb against her anal rosette and whispered for her to just relax and enjoy.

A hot thread of forbidden pleasure wound its way along every nerve in her body as that thick thumb slowly and gently worked its way into her tight anus, then slid back out before slowly pressing back in. “Oh. My. God!” she groaned as her body eagerly accepted the darkly sensuous pressure and the muscle eased to allow him to insert two long fingers to deliciously fuck her ass as he continued to thrust slowly in and out of her pussy.

“You love me?” His voice was a rasp of desire as he leaned over her back to whisper in her ear.

“Mike, I…” she began in panic, but he went on without allowing her to speak.

“Because if you do, you need to know what you’re getting with the package…”

He shifted, sliding his fingers out gently, and she felt his cock easing slowly into her tight entry, working its length slowly deeper, until he was seated to his balls inside her ass. And the delicious, painful pressure of his cock buried deep in her forbidden channel left her breathless with some dark delight. “Do you love me enough to take everything I am?”

His words were tense…as tense as the body that pressed hard against her back.

“I love you…oh God, I love you,” she moaned, as his cock slowly began to move gently in and out of her virgin channel. She whimpered as he filled her to bursting.

“Not nearly as much as I’ve loved you all these years, Furie,” he murmured thickly against her shoulder, and she gave a cry of delight as his lean fingers slid over her mons to tease her clit and drive her to the most amazingly wanton orgasm she had ever felt, with the slow movement of his cock deep in her ass and his fingers teasing and tweaking her throbbing knot of nerves.

Her mind could not wrap itself around the words…and she gave herself up to the exquisite carnal pleasures of her husband’s lovemaking.

Her body was delightfully sore. Her husband had given her enough hot and delicious pleasure to leave her boneless with sated delight. He lay spooned against her back, his semi-solid cock cradled between her butt cheeks and his hand possessively cupping her mons as he slept deeply and blissfully, lulled by the sounds of the rain beating on the old wood shingles overhead. Had he really said that he had loved her for years? She swallowed convulsively. Had they both totally wasted seven years of this kind of loveplay?

Jill drew a shivery breath and rolled over to face him, waking him as she did so. “How long have you loved me, Mike?”

He blinked and yawned, and smiled at her as she glared at him. “Since the first day you walked into my office, I think…”

“Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

He drew a deep breath and rolled her over onto his chest, settling comfortably back into the straw. “Because I didn’t recognize what I was feeling until tonight. Why?”

She wriggled her deliciously wet pussy over his slowly thickening cock, and watched his startled face. “Because I figure you owe me about seven years of mind-blowing sex. That’s why!”

His lips curved wickedly as she rose and reached out to pull him up from the damp straw. “What are you doing?”

“You need a bath.” Her smile left him breathless as she coaxed him to the ladder, her delightfully bare ass teasing him to follow.

“A bath?”

She ignored his confusion as she made her way down the ladder to the lower level, and only when he caught up to her in the dimness did he understand what she was planning. She was dipping both hands into a rain barrel that was filled to overflowing, and she brought a double handful out and slathered down his belly and over his stiffly erect cock, which almost instantly deflated by the icy water.

“Jesus! What the hell-” he yelped, jumping back.

Her laughter was infectious as she dipped back into the rainwater. “Well…I know what I want, and if you don’t let me wash you off, neither of us is getting any.”

He managed to stand without screaming as she carefully cleaned off his cock and balls, and when she was satisfied that he was squeaky clean again, he shuddered and dragged her into his arms for a hungry, hot kiss that warmed his body up fairly quickly.

Jill ran her sweet hands over his trembling flesh as she backed him over to the pile of straw he had thought about using as a bed earlier, and he grinned down into her shadowy face. Her soft words were enough to bring his cock to rigid attention instantly as she whispered, “Now, where were we? Ah…yes…about making up for seven sexless years…”

She sank to the straw and arched her body invitingly. He shook his head and slid to his hands and knees, framing her delectable body with his own as he felt her nails drag over his hard nipples. With a hiss of delight, he settled possessively over her, as she spread her legs wide to welcome him. But then she shoved him over and rolled over on top of him, her incredibly wet and willing pussy sliding hungrily over his throbbing shaft.

A deep groan tore from his chest and he threw back his head as her hands found his painfully erect shaft and slowly guided it into her wet, hot pussy. “Fucking hell, Furie…” His voice cracked as she impaled her tight body on his willing cock. His senses exploded with the intense emotions he had so recently discovered as his wife rode him, hell bent for leather.

“Don’t think you’re going to get out of paying me back, Mike,” she moaned as she drove him to mindless delight. “You owe me.”

“Oh fuck, yeah!” he shouted as he felt her clench around him like a tight fist in her orgasmic delight. This was one debt he would never hedge on.

About the Author

Fran Lee began writing romance novels at the age of 14. Life intruded on a budding writing career-namely, paying the bills, raising a family and the usual run-of-the-mill things that leave a writer no time to pursue a career as frivolous as authoring romance books. Or so everyone told her. But she never gave up on her childhood dreams of writing.

Other things caught her fancy over the years-horses, eBay, martial arts, not necessarily in that order. Over the years, her childish dreams were set on the back burner over and over again. But the things that caught her fancy blossomed into self-confidence-she achieved her black belt in her chosen martial art, spent a fortune on eBay and had the great pleasure of owning a number of wonderful equine friends.

Now she concentrates on her various fancies by collecting horse statues and figurines, teaching karate to kids, and spending time dragging out those old romance novels and bringing them up to snuff for the 21st century. The dream has come true-and it was well worth the wait.