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She'd thought she'd have more time before confronting him. Hell, she'd hoped that she might escape before that came to pass. Now she had to deal with him and pray she could survive the fallout.

“You've been a naughty girl, Sheridan. Seeing Julian in secret, hmm?” He leaned closer, his eyes black with lust. “I bet the sight of you threw him into an uproar. That fine ass, those round tits. You're a tasty little treat, aren't you, cara?”

“R-Ricardo, I don't… Why are you doing this? What do you want?”

“Ah, what do I want?” He used one hand to pin her wrists above her head, his grip so strong, she felt bruised. With his other hand, he cupped her breast and squeezed.

She wanted to gag. Everything about him was wrong. His touch, his scent, the sight of his cruel gaze as it ripped past her defenses.

“I want to fuck you, chica. Hard, fast. To plant a baby in that belly. You're perfect for me. With your brains and beauty, and my strength, we'll have the perfect children. Just think of how incredible my sons will be, able to heal themselves whenever they wish?” He grinned at the shock in her eyes. He knew. “I'm tired of waiting. It's time.”

Stunned, Sheridan couldn't speak. She turned her head when he would have kissed her and felt his mouth on her cheek before he slid it to her neck and sucked hard, bruising her. She shuddered, wanting nothing more than to escape.

“You have Elena,” she managed when he leaned back again. “Why would you want me?”

“She satisfies my cravings when they get too much. But every man must continue his line. I knew when I first saw you that you would be the one to bear my sons. You're so special, Sheridan.”

Her heart raced in panic. How had he found out what she'd kept a secret her entire life?

“Hawkins healed well after your visits, though his mind is not what it should be. But we have Manoel to thank for that.” He chuckled. “His concoctions would keep an elephant down. I'll be surprised if Hawkins can remember his own name in another month.”


“Julian, your naked friend, the one you like to play with, no?” His smile turned mean.

How could he know that? Pedro had told her there were no cameras or surveillance equipment at the caves. Unless Pedro had lied. That, or Ricardo hadn't told Pedro everything. God, she didn't know who to trust anymore.

“I don't know what you mean.” She tried to move out from under him, but he only shifted, fitting himself closer into the vee of her thighs.

“I think you do. You put your hand around his cock, and you milked him. Like an animal, you dragged his cum from his body.” His raspy breathing increased. “You will like what I do for you, my sweet. You'll take it and love what I give you. Maybe then you'll heal me too.”

She struggled and yelled out, but Ricardo slammed his mouth over hers. She bit his tongue when he tried to invade her mouth.

Dios. A cat with claws, eh? Good, I like it a bit rough.” Before he could follow through with more mauling, though, Elena's scream of rage interrupted them.

“I'm sorry, but you said to let her through,” one of the guards said from behind her.

“You filthy, dirty whore! He's mine! You leave him alone!” As if she could move with the monster on top of her. “Elena, help me,” she cried.

“Fuck you,” Elena spat. She turned teary eyes toward Ricardo. “I'd do anything for you. But her? This bitch? She's not good enough for you.” Ricardo rolled off Sheridan and laughed. He waved Elena over. “Come here.

Let's show her what she's missing.”

Sheridan scrambled off the bed and tried to run out the door, but the guard stopped her. One of the large ones—who liked to growl when she passed by—the guard gripped her arm tight and held her close, sniffing her hair. She trembled.

God, how much worse can this nightmare get?

Ricardo pulled Elena to him and shoved her on her hands and knees on the bed, facing Sheridan. “Watch, Sheridan. This is how I fuck a whore. This is how she pleasures me, the way a woman is meant to pleasure a man.” To Sheridan's shock, Ricardo yanked down his trousers, exposing himself, and pushed Elena's dress up over her thighs. Then he shoved himself inside her, screwing her right in front of Sheridan and the guard who held her.

Sheridan tugged at the guard's arm and glanced away, wanting to be anywhere but there. This isn’t real. It’s all just a bad, bad dream.

“Make her watch,” Ricardo commanded and grunted as he pounded into Elena.

The slaps of flesh against flesh and the slick, sucking sounds of their coupling made Sheridan ill.

The guard gripped her chin and turned her face, forcing her to watch the carnal display. “Watch, Sheridan,” he said, the words rumbling from his chest. “Let him show you how good it can be.” Under his breath, he whispered, “Play along.

Don't make me hurt you.”

Ricardo continued to slam into Elena while his gaze remained on Sheridan.

She'd never considered herself a prude, but seeing Elena being taken like a possession, seeing the sick, dirty rutting of a man who considered women no more than his playthings, pushed her to escape. Oh God, why didn’t I leave sooner? She should have left when she realized there was more going on here than a legitimate lab. And finding Jules chained up in the cave? Why had she waited so long to go?

She didn't need a perfect plan; she just needed out of this room right now!

Sheridan closed her eyes and made herself go limp, pretending a faint. The moment her guard leaned down to catch her, she slammed the back of her head into his face. He swore and released her, giving her time to run from the room.

Racing through the corridors of the housing building, it took her a moment to realize no one followed her and that the place was empty when it should have had at least one or two guards stationed at intervals throughout the halls.

She'd just reached a turn when a hand shot out and dragged her into a room.

She screamed and felt dizzy from relief when Pedro urged her to be quiet. “We don't have much time. Come on.”

“Pedro!” She threw herself into his arms, feeling comfort in his paunchy build as he tentatively hugged her back.

“I'm so sorry, Sheridan. This is my fault.”

She blinked away tears and stepped back. Pedro refused to meet her eyes.


“He made me watch you all the time. There are cameras everywhere. I didn't want to, but no one argues with Ricardo. The things he does, what he's planning to do to you…”

She shook her head, bewildered. “I don't understand.” She didn't want to understand.

“Never mind. We don't have much time. I managed to divert the guards and locked Ricardo and the others in your room, but not for much longer. You have to leave, now.”

“But I don't even know where I am.”

He handed her a backpack. “Here. There's a map, compass, some food, and water. I didn't pack any shoes or clothes, though.” He flushed as he looked her over.

“I-I didn't think this would be necessary so soon.”

“You're coming with me?” she asked, letting the analytical part of her mind take over. Her safety and Jules: both overriding priorities at the moment. The ring was too noticeable around her neck, and she worried that if she suffered any more rough treatment, the chain would snap. She removed it and tucked it into the pack for safekeeping.

She put the backpack on. Now to get out of here and find Jules.

Pedro sighed. “I can't come with you. I need to stay behind to give you more time. I can disable some more of the cameras and mislead him in the wrong direction for a while. Besides, he'll never know it's me. I placed the blame on Elena and covered my tracks too well.”