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Two hours later, Sam found himself sitting on Tiffany’s bed, watching her pack her suitcase to go on tour. He wondered if they would talk about what had happened in the yard, or if he would just have to go for a ten-mile freak out run later after she told him to go home.

Right now he felt like he was a high schooler with his first girlfriend. He didn’t know if he should go or if he should stay. He even felt strange sitting in her room, like he was breaking some kind of rule.

“Why do you look so weird?” Tiffany stood mid-fold, holding a pair of pants that she was prepping to put into the bag.

After Tiffany had told Reese what had happened with Brett, minus the whole kiss thing, she’d gotten down to the business of packing. For the last few minutes she had been rambling about this and that as far as what she needed to think about for wardrobe.

“What?” Sam asked, trying to put on a different face. Why couldn’t he just level with her?

Narrowing her eyes, she put the pants in and turned back to her closet. “You’re probably wondering why I kissed you?” She moved deeper into her closet, reaching to grab something off the top shelf.

Standing, he edged toward her. “Not really.” The inside of his chest fluttered with little spasms.

She spun around. “You’re not?”

Taking another step to her, he gently reached up and moved her hair off of her shoulder. After the hair was gone, he left his hand on her shoulder. “I mean, you just wanted Brett to leave, right?”

Looking up at him with those chocolate eyes she smiled. “Well, I do have to tell you something.”

“Okay?” How was it possible he felt more nervous in this moment than he had when he was waiting outside of the Destroyers owner’s office to see if he would be the starter for the championship game or not?

Reaching up, she took his hand. “I didn’t kiss you to make a point to Brett.”

“You didn’t?” All he could do was think about kissing her again. “I mean, I would…I wasn’t mad about it or anything.”

She beat him to it, leaning up and gently brushing her lips to his. “Not making a point to Brett.”

Encouraged, he kissed her back, taking it a little deeper this time. “Then why did you kiss me?” He kept their foreheads together.

She let out a light laugh. “Maybe I wanted to make a point to you.”

Pulling back for a second, he couldn’t hide his surprise. “You did?”

She laughed again. “Well, I decided to quit being afraid, remember?”

This, he liked. Warmth filled him. “Hey, I decided to quit being afraid today, too.”

She smiled. “I’ve never met anyone like you, Sam.”

“You mean with as great of abs?” He scrunched up his face.

She laughed. “Yes, it’s all the abs.”

Brushing his lips to hers, he ran his hand down her hair. “Well, Tiffany Chance, I’m putting you on notice.”

“Oh?” She didn’t try to pull away, but reached up, tracing the scar above his lip. “And what are you notifying me about?”

Searching her eyes, he couldn’t believe how much he needed her. “I’m putting you on notice that you’re going to have an official creepy, stalker professional football player coming to every concert he can get to.”


Gently, he leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “Uh-huh.” He kissed the other cheek.

Smiling, she let out a sigh. “I guess I can handle that.”

Peering down at her, complete certainty filled him. Everything became clear. He wanted to marry Tiffany Chance. He grinned, knowing he couldn’t tell her this yet. “Yeah, this way we’ll be able to take it slow.”

She looked doubtful. “Sam Dumont wants to take it slow?”

Letting out a breath, he pulled her into a hug, loving the person she was and the things she stood for. Definitely not wanting to take it slow, but he would for her. “Yep. So plan on me being at that concert in Boulder in four days.”

Snuggling into him, she sighed. “Sounds good.”


Four days later, Sam stood in the airport at baggage claim with Roman and his kids, waiting for Katie and Mrs. K’s plane to arrive.

Sam held Maddy, and she gently touched his face, holding his nose. His plane to Denver left in two hours, and he was glad he would get to officially meet Katie and Mrs. K before he left. He’d heard so much about them that he felt like he already knew both of them.

Roman stood next to him, smiling at Maddy. “Hey, thanks man, for helping give the place an extra shine. Katie’s going to be so happy to have it look so good.”

Sam wrinkled his face and tickled the back of Maddy. “No prob.”

Roman sighed and checked the time on his phone, again. “I hate it when planes get delayed.”

Josh bumped into Roman’s side. “Quit worrying, Dad, they’ll be here anytime.”

After spending the past few days with Roman and the kids, Sam felt close to them. He admired what a good kid Josh was and how close he and Roman were.

Josh moved toward the window to look out.

“So, are you ready to see Tiffany tonight?”

Ready didn’t even begin to cover it. “Yeah.” He let out a breath. “I’m nervous, man.”

“Pfft, you should be.” He gave him a wide grin. “Did I mention the whole talk that if you hurt her I’ll have to mess you up and stuff?”

Sam let out a sigh, thinking that his eye was finally starting to look normal again. “I take your threats seriously.”

Narrowing his eyes, Roman nodded. “You should.” Picking up Maddy’s hand, Roman shook it lightly. “Sam should be very afraid of Wolfe Creek girls, huh Maddy? Yes, that’s right.”

She cooed at her father, and he flashed Sam a smile. “Guess what tickets I just purchased today?”

“What?” Sam had no idea what he was talking about.

“Season opener tickets to the Miami Surf.”

Warmth filled him. …It meant more to him than he even realized until that moment. He blinked.

“Oh, don’t be a girl on me, Dumont,” Roman said, easily putting an arm over Sam’s shoulder.

Sam let out a grunt and shook his head, pushing away the emotion.

Roman let him go. “You’re pretty much going to be family anyway. I mean, I’m going to have to start seeing you at all the family functions and stuff.”

Sam rolled his eyes. “Don’t be counting the chicks before they’re hatched.”

Roman laughed. “Did I mention I bought Katie and the kids tickets plus one extra…just in case she can come?”

Excitement pulsed through Sam. “Ya don’t say?”

“That’s right.”

Sam hesitated. “Let’s see how things go in Denver.”

Minutes later, the plane landed.

“Roman!” The red-haired beauty that Sam had seen several times on television rushed toward him them, dodging people picking up their luggage.

Roman moved toward her, Maddy snug against him and Josh running next to him.

They all seemed to scoop each other into their arms, holding each other for several seconds. Then Roman and Katie were kissing. It was almost an embarrassing full on make-out session.

The lady he presumed to be Mrs. K wrapped her arms around them, and then Roman and Josh pulled back and everyone began giving individual hugs.

When they all got to him, Katie hugged him without preamble, smelling like lemon. “Sam.”

He didn’t know how she’d accepted him so completely, but he knew she had. He could feel it.

Pulling back, she grinned up at him. “I hear you’re taking it slow with my best friend.”