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He was the king and could have anyone he wanted, whenever he wanted them, but he would never force someone to his bed against their will.

Her skin, which moments ago had been pale as alabaster, started to tinge pink, a sign that she’d sensed the change in him. He was already slowly making his way out of the water by the time she turned to face him, wide eyed.

“ Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, shocked when he didn’t recognize his own voice. He sounded too husky, too breathless. He clenched his jaw against the sensations of pure need that rippled through him. This wasn’t good. His animal nature wanted him to rush towards her and take her. The knowledge that even if she argued, she’d still want it, didn’t help any.

A wolf in heat was in constant need for sex. It practically tortured them to be without. He’d known wolves that’d shack it up with others they were known to hate just to scratch the itch that felt more like a pitch fork being driven into the skin than an annoying tingle.

“ I was hoping to avoid…this.” She waved a hand between them, looking more like a deer caught in the headlights then the wolf she was.

A growl escaped the back of his throat and he fisted his hands at his sides. “You find me unattractive? Do I not suit your standards?”

He’d never been turned down before. Even before he’d been king women had thrown themselves at him, begging for a chance to be with him. And it wasn’t because he was the prince. Or at least not only because. His reputation preceded him, but she didn’t know who he was, and he found he liked that. It would be like a challenge, getting her to welcome him in.

Something long dead stirred within him, shedding a little light to his otherwise dire life. This could be fun, and he didn’t know the last time he’d partaken in anything remotely close to that.

“ I don’t even know you,” she said back, still refusing to move away as he continued his approach.

He respected that, the refusal to show weakness. It was an important trait among their kind, and an admirable one. He was just going to have to play extra dirty in order to get her to crack. It shouldn’t be too hard considering she was already at war with herself. Each step he took that became more apparent by the look on her face.

Her entire body was practically shivering, and she was visibly clenching her jaw. She was watching him, her eyes roaming over his wet skin and his bared chest. He could sense the doubt and annoyance swirling off of her, followed closely by anticipation.

“ You can’t be comfortable,” he said in a voice dripping with honey. “I can help; you don’t have to know me for that. We aren’t humans, Olivia.” Finally he felt the water begin to recede around him as he got closer to the shore. He didn’t so much as blink as it dropped away from his groin, exposing him to her sight.

She sucked in a breath and he knew in that moment that he had her.

He was huge. A happy trail made of short dark brown hairs led to his cock, jutting out a full ten inches. The head bobbed as he moved and she gulped, trying to force back the part of her that wanted to rush forward and take him in her hands. His balls were so big she didn’t think she could fit one in her palm of her hand.

The plan had been to arrive at the Moonshine camp before the heat kicked in, but then she’d been delayed a day and everything had changed. She didn’t want to meet the king like this, didn’t want him to think ill of her because she was throwing herself at all of his male pack mates. That was the worst way to introduce herself.

The heat wouldn’t let her do anything but, however. She wanted it, and she wanted it bad. Her muscles were already clenching painfully, and she was so wet she knew the second he got within ten feet of her he’d smell it. It was hard to hide arousal from a Werewolf.

He was so taut, his wet skin glistening in the dying sunlight. She watched his muscles ripple as he moved, watched the head of his cock bob up and down. His chest was hairless, giving a clear view of his impressive eight pack and broad chest. His torso was long and tapered at the waist. His hip bones were visible, helping to create a sexy V shape leading to his jutting member.

Her nipples pressed against the fabric of her dress, breasts swelling to the point where it was almost painful in the bodice. Suddenly she couldn’t breathe through it. It was almost like a red haze came over her.

He must have seen it on her face, because he picked up the pace and was standing before her seconds later, the heat from his body twisting around her, seducing her closer to him. He was right, they weren’t humans. They didn’t have to follow the same code of etiquette. Besides, this would take care of her other problem.

If she tired herself out using him, she wouldn’t have to worry about jumping the bones of the king or his pack when she got there. She could sate herself with his body, and be fine in the morning.

She wasn’t blind, and it wouldn’t be a hardship. If she didn’t know any better, she would accuse him of being a god. As it were, most Mirror Warriors were sexy-not usually this sexy, but still.

He lowered his head towards hers, pausing with his lips hovering centimeters away. His breathing was labored, his legs spread about in a warriors stance. It was obvious he was trying to resist, giving her time to push him away or make a run for it if she wanted.

They both knew that was no longer an option. Once this close, even the strongest of Were’s wouldn’t be able to resist. Unless, of course, they were mated. She wasn’t, and neither, clearly, was he. Not only would she smell it on him, but he wouldn’t be able to get it up for her.

Being someone’s mate meant being that person’s everything, and that person being everything to you.

“ I’m going to kiss you,” he rasped out, a statement not a question, right before gripping the back of her head in one of his large hands. He brought her up to him, his lips crushing against hers in a bruising rub. He sucked her lower lip, nibbling lightly with his sharp teeth before running his tongue along the roof of her mouth.

She gasped, reaching up to press against his back, holding him closer. She lifted onto her toes so she could rub her breasts against him.

He tore at the material then, shredding it faster then she could blink. Lace and velvet went everywhere, the tearing sounds echoing around them followed quickly by their bodies tumbling to the ground.

The thick prickly blades of grass beneath her tickled her skin, causing her to arch up towards him. When she brushed up against his cock she saw red.

“ Oh, gods.”

He was pulling the rest of the material away, her dress completely ruined beyond repair. Tossing it away he pulled back, holding himself up on one elbow and dropping his gaze to roam over her naked form. He let out another growl, running a hand up her smooth thigh.

When his fingers tugged at the raven colored curls between her legs she moaned and pressed upward again. She needed something inside of her, now. It was driving her insane being so empty.

“ Hurry,” she hissed, then threw her head back when his shoved a finger inside of her.

Jensen rammed another digit inside of her, stroking against her tight warm walls. She was so wet already that it was all he could do not to just shove himself inside her then and there.

Patience, he chided himself. It was important that he made sure she got what she needed. The fact that they’d just met made that of even bigger import. She didn’t know who he was, and though she hadn’t asked, that didn’t change the fact that he was the king she was heading off to see. He didn’t want her to think after this that he was a jackass who used and spit women out.

That confused him a little, because there was no reason he should care what she thought, but it didn’t last long because she arched up underneath him once more and his eyes locked onto her breasts.

The two orbs were round and white as snow with rosy colored areola and pert little buds. He pinched one of those nipples between two fingers and smirked when she hissed in pleasure. She mewed in protest when he pulled his digits out of her, but he ignored it.