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He brought them to his mouth and licked her juices off, tightening his hold on her breast as his arousal grew even more at the tangy taste that coated his tongue. He brought his face down, splitting her folds open that same tongue.

She writhed underneath him as he sucked on her clit, flicking the tiny bud at the same time as he slid his fingers back into her. He felt her hands in his hair, tugging at the golden strands as she rocked against him, urging him on. She spread her legs wider and let out a loud cry as the first orgasm hit her.

He felt her tiny muscles clench, waiting until the last bit of climate was wrung out of her before lifting back up to his elbows.

“ I can’t wait any longer,” he told her, barely able to get the words past his lips. He felt like his head was about to explode.

“ Please.” She grated her hips against him, eyes rolling into the back of her head as she did so.

Jensen reached down, positioning himself directly at her entrance. With one quick shove he slid all way in, instantly seated up to his balls. He waited a moment, giving them both enough time to get used to it.

Before he could start up again, however, she was wrapping her legs around his waist and digging her heels into the two hard globes of his ass. She spurred him into motion, and raked her nails down his back when he started to rock within her.

He drove in and out of her sheath, slamming into her so hard that her breasts shook. His cock impaled her over and over again, plunging into her heat at a rapid rate that no mere mortal could withstand. Growling, he gripped her arm and turned her onto her stomach in one fluid motion.

Olivia rose her ass up to meet him, sticking it into the air in invitation. He could see her glistening sex peeking out from underneath, the two folds bright pink and covered in juice. She emitted a sound from the back of her throat, indicating he was taking too long.

He didn’t need to be told twice.

Ramming into her again he squeezed his eyes shut and gripped her hips painfully. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the air, mimicking his rhythm. He felt her walls begin to tighten, sucking him in and attempting to keep him there. Every time he retreated only to return to start the process all over again.

Just when he thought he was about to lose it her inner muscles clenched around him tighter than before, and she threw her head back and screamed.

The warm rush that came from her was enough to topple him over the edge and with a few more quick jerks of his hips he buried himself all the way inside her groaned as he hit orgasm. He felt his cum filling her up, then the cool drips of it that seeped out to drip down her thighs and coat his balls. Through it all he continued to rock, her tiny moans mingling with his.

His chest heaved and he lost all strength. He dropped down on top of her, careful to avoid crushing her with his full weight. Twisting to his side, he brought her with him, cupping a breast as he did so. Jensen tugged her into him so that they were spooning, cradling her head in the crook of his arm and curving his body around her protectively.

He tried to blink past the exhaustion, but it over took him dragging him down into sleep the same moment he realized her own breaths had slowed.

Kris Kendall

Just the Tip: Short stories of love and lust

Chapter 3:

He woke to the sound of her hissing next to him. His chest clenched and he twisted around to see what was wrong. He didn’t question the worry that rose within him, and pushed away the thought that he shouldn’t care so much about a woman he’d just met.

Olivia was sitting in the grass, a hand pressed tightly against her ribcage, directly underneath her left breast. Her eyes were wide, and there was a slight glisten of moister pooling around the rims. She blinked, and a few tears ran rivers down her silky cheeks.

“ What’s wrong?” he asked, moving closer to her side. He frowned, unable to see any signs of harm on her body.

She snapped her gaze to his, a spark of anger igniting. But before she could get a word out an invisible force shoved him and he fell onto his back.

He watched as thin ribbons of neon green and blue appeared out of nowhere and twisted about him. Some spiraled up his legs while others jagged in the pattern of lightening. They stung as they went, like he was being shocked by electricity everywhere at once.

The magic moved quickly, coagulating over the spot directly underneath his left pec muscle. He felt the burn, like his flesh was being branded, and a part of him vaguely recalled his earlier thought about wanted to be seared.

What felt like hours was probably really only a minute, and as fast as it had come the sparks of magic dissipated. He sucked in a breath when he realized what they had left behind.

He shot his eyes back to Olivia, feeling his entire body freeze up as she slowly dropped her hand from her rib.

The black mark was shaped like an oval and made up of spirals done in dark black ink. A thumb print. His thumb print. The skin around it was slightly red, but it was fading, so that soon there was no sign that the tattoo was new.

Almost too afraid to check, Jensen forced himself to glance down at his own body. A smaller oval shape was positioned in an identical place. The mark was only half the size of his actual thumb when he placed it against it and a shiver raked down his spine.

He’d been alive for a long time now, and at one point he’d wanted this mark more than anything else. When Jericho’s had appeared, Jensen had felt the jealousy. Hadn’t he wished on multiple occasions that Kiley had ended up his mate instead of his brothers?

But those thoughts had dwindled after his father’s death. There’d just been too much going on, too much at stake for him to worry about his loneliness. He could barely take care of his pack, the only reason he’d come this far because of the Sinclair’s. It hadn’t been fair for him to think of taking on someone else. He’d bedded she wolves, sure, but he’d never thought that they would end up getting branded.

“ I don’t even know your name,” Olivia whispered, snapping him out of his head and reminding him she was there.

Most of the panic had gone from her eyes. If possible, she looked almost…okay with this turn of events despite her statement. She was watching him with a calm indifference that he couldn’t figure out.

He was terrified.

Then it hit him. He’d just mated with her, and she didn’t even know who he was. She was tied to him for life now. One didn’t get to choose their mate. They could walk away if they were cruel enough, and strong enough, to do so, but it was very difficult. They felt a pull to one another, the need to near each other very similar to the bodies need to take in air.

He hadn’t planned on this happening when he’d withheld his name. He’d hoped to get a feel for her-not that kind-without her acting differently around him because he was the pack leader. He’d wanted to get to know the real her so that he could better understand if what she said was truth or not.

Though the possibility that she might be a spy didn’t seem to stop him from having sex with her. Damn heat.

He swallowed to wet his dry throat and then opened his mouth to explain. It seemed, however, the world was hell bent on constantly interrupting them because before he could say a thing the sound of pounding footsteps pricked his ears.

Turning his head towards the sound, he felt more guilt swamp him as a large white wolf approached.

She was already sniffing the ground, her pink and black nose low to the dirt as her eyes honed in on the other female. Kiley was not only over protective, but paranoid as well. She trusted no one, and for good reason. She hissed out a growl when she reached them, shifting so that she was closer to her leader.