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Jensen used all his strength standing, shifting his gaze between the two females before him. Shit. This wasn’t going to end well.

Olivia stiffened as the newcomer moved closer to her mate. I have a mate, she thought, the sound of the word odd to her. She’d only been alive for a hundred years or so, and it was strange to think she’d already found the other half of her soul. Many went centuries without ever getting a glimpse of the person they were supposed to be with.

The only problem was she knew nothing about this Were, and even worse, the way the new female positioned herself spoke volumes of their relationship. Jealousy clawed at her, as if a living being trying to tear out of her chest. She was emitting low warning growls before she knew what she was doing, and in a flash she wore her silver wolf skin.

The new Were seemed slightly shocked by her reaction but then bent lower to the ground, making ready to pounce. She frowned when he placed a hand on her white pelt stopping her.

“ She’s threatening me,” the wolf’s voice echoed around them, a smooth lyrical female tone that had no doubt seduced many a men.

Olivia hated it right away.

“ No, she’s just reacting…” he seemed lost for words, puckering out his lips in frustration. “She can’t help it.”

“ Can’t help it? Who is she, and why have you allowed her so close?” the other female hissed. “If you wanted to get yourself beaten, I would have gladly-”

Olivia snapped her jaws, coming very close to nipping the other female’s muzzle with the action. It didn’t matter that she could sense she’d lose in a fight. No one was going to threaten her mate like that, not even someone he clearly knew.

“ Stop!” he waved her off as well, taking a clear stance between the two of them with his arms held out to catch them should they disobey. “Kiley,” he turned to the white wolf, “watch what you say, she’s vulnerable right now. She can’t help what she’s doing. And Oli, back off. She’s a friend.”

The nick name rolled off his tongue with such ease that she barely even registered he’d used one. When it did hit her, her brows winged up and she straightened on her paws.

The other girl shifted, pulling magic around her like a cloak. In the white wolf’s place now stood a tall lithe woman with long auburn hair, her feet squared in a warrior’s stance.

Olivia did the same, attempting to show that she wasn’t afraid of her. Weakness wasn’t acceptable to their kind.

“ Pretty soon she isn’t going to be the only one who doesn’t have control of their actions, Jensen,” the girl, Kiley, stated, eyes narrowed to tiny slits.

“ Kindle, trust me-”

“ Wait.” It hit Olivia like a sledge hammer, and she cut him off before he could finish his sentence. “What did she just call you?” Oh, gods no. There was no way she could have screwed up so…royally.

Kiley quirked a brow then paused, an odd look coming over her face. Tilting her head up, she sniffed, eyes going wide a moment later.

“ Oh crap.”

“ Kiley-” Jensen reached a hand towards her, but she took a step back.

“ No, no. I don’t need an explanation. Why don’t you two…I’ll just…”she glanced towards the lake and pointed. “I’ll be over there. Give you guys some time to…figure this out.”

Olivia waited until she was far enough out of ear shot then glared at her mate. “You’re Jensen Kalen? You’re the leader of the Moonshine pack?! You’re my mate?!”

“ Could you at least pretend to not be so upset by that,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I’m sure you can understand someone in my position has to be cautious who he drops his name to. You could have been a spy sent by my brother.”

She chucked her chin out in the direction of the other female Were. “And her? Looks like you trust her. A lot.”

“ Kiley’s just a really good friend. I’ve known her for centuries now. For all I know, you’ve got someone back in your village.”

“ Don’t you think I would have brought him along if that were the case?” she said. “Besides, it wouldn’t matter now anyway. Once the mark appears it can’t be removed. Destiny says we’re meant.”

Jensen sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “We don’t have to figure anything out right now,” he began. “I understand that this isn’t something you expected, I myself am thrown. Being with a regent is dangerous, especially one whose own brother wants him dead. Why don’t we go to my camp? Get some food and rest. Nothing has to be decided here.”

She frowned. He wasn’t really making much sense. There was nothing either of them could do other then die. It was impossible for one to leave their mate. The pull was just too strong. She thought the need of heat was terrible, this would be worse, was already so much worse.

It was night time now, and moonlight was spilling between the branches, illuminating his head and bathing his tanned skin in a creamy white glow. The way he looked now, it was amazing that she hadn’t realized who he was sooner.

“ We can’t separate,” she told him, just the thought of it forcing her chest to tighten in panic.

He seemed taken aback but then shook his head. “I wasn’t suggesting we do.”

“ Mates can’t separate.”

“ Not true. It’s possible, but it’s hard. Kiley’s separate from her mate.” He waved a hand in the white wolf’s direction. “It’s a struggle, very unpleasant. Let’s just say I don’t want to have to go through that. But I won’t make you stay either. You don’t know me.”

Olivia was watching the other woman now, a new respect rising. She’d never heard of anyone leaving their mate. Now that she knew, she picked up on the sadness that seemed to cloud around Kiley. There was a taint to her, like there was a huge weight on her shoulders and she was wagging her own personal war within herself.

“ How far away is your camp?” she asked quietly.

“ About a half hour if we run.”

“ Alright.” She shifted again, stretching in her wolf form. She let out a little yelp to get the other female’s attention, then waited for her to make her way over. Once there, Olivia nodded. “Hello.”

Kiley cocked her head suspiciously, but then grunted. “Hi.”

“ We’re going to head back now,” Jensen told his second in command.

“ I came to tell you something,” she said. “I’ve spoken to the village family, as well as their elders.”

“ And?”

Olivia didn’t know why, but his whole body had gone ridged at that comment. He looked very intense in that moment, like he wanted to jump out of his own skin.

Kiley flashed a slow wolfish grin. “They accept out terms. They’ll side with us.”

He laughed. “I don’t recall discussing any terms with you, but you did well. The mortals will be valuable allies.”

“ Wait,” Olivia frowned, “mortals? We’re siding with humans?”

“ I’ll explain later,” he said, his eyes pleading with her to understand. In a flash he was the large golden wolf she’d first met, and he jolted his head indicating the direction they had to go.

The three of them said nothing as they made their way through the forest, each no doubt lost in their own heads. Olivia knew that things were going to be different, and not just because she was in a different place. Her life had changed dramatically, and the future was a major unknown now.

She was attracted to Jensen, but could she love him?

Epilogue: Present Day

Jensen stood by the window watching the wolves that guarded the grounds as they made their way up and down the well trimmed lawn. How far they’d come since those days living in caves.

A warm fire crackled in the hearth across the throne room, the smell of burnt wood filling the air. The walls were made of a rich cherry wood, the ceilings high, reminding him of those old days in the echoing cave. The double doors at the other side creaked as they were slowly opened, followed closely by a set of light footsteps.

He smelled her long before her reflection danced back at him off the window, and there was already a smile on his face when he turned.