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“What is it?”

He smiled. “Bet you’d find out if you looked inside.”

She opened the bag and stared. At what appeared to be dozens of-

“Biscotti?” she murmured, pulling one out. Then her eyes widened. “And not just any biscotti. These are Delriccio’s hand-dipped double chocolate chunk biscotti.”

“They are indeed.”

“Where did you get them?”

“Uh, Delriccio’s.”

“But how? They’ve been sold out of them this entire week!”

“I know.” He nodded toward the bag and grinned. “Who do you think bought them all?”

Her jaw dropped. “You have-single handedly-bought out Delriccio’s supply of hand-dipped double chocolate chunk biscotti for an entire week?

“I remembered they were your favorite. I went in every morning before work, hoping to see you there.”

“Since I left my job, I’ve been going in the afternoon.” She gazed again into the bag. “There must be at least a hundred of them in here.”

“Maybe a few less. I ate a couple-dozen. They’re really good.”

“Don’t I know it. I’ve been suffering withdrawal all week.” She groaned. “If I eat even one of these, I’ll never fit in this dress again.”

He trailed nipping kisses along her jaw, then swooped in for another deep, lush kiss. When he lifted his head, he said, “I don’t mind if you take it off.”

A giggle erupted from her. “We’re in a church.

“Right. See? You made me forget again.” His gaze wandered over her dress. “So, do you, uh, have a date for the wedding?”


“Why not?”

“There was only one person I wanted to bring and he was…unavailable.”

“Oh? You asked him?”

“No…and I’d love for him to come, but if he did, he’d have to brace himself to not only meet my entire family, but to suffer through what I’m sure would feel like an interrogation from all the relatives.”

“I think he could cope. I bet he could even dash home and change into his tux and be back at the Waldorf within an hour.”

She looped her arms around his neck. “Have I mentioned that I love you?”

“Not in the last five minutes.”

“I love you.”

“Excellent. Because I love you, too.”

Kayla drew a deep breath then groaned as her Wang squeezed her. “God, I can’t wait to get out of this dress.”

“That makes two of us.”

She shot him a speculative look. “You know, if we hurry, I could go with you to your apartment to change…”

Without hesitation he jumped to his feet, grabbed her hand and the shopping bag, and walked swiftly toward the doors. “Sweetheart, I like the way you think.”

“Not so fast,” she said, taking mincing steps and holding up her hem. “I’m not exactly wearing my hiking boots here.”

Again, without hesitation, he bent and swooped her up into his arms, shopping bag and all, then headed out of the church.

“You can’t carry me down all those stairs,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“The hell I can’t.” He paused at the top of the steps, then looked down at her, his beautiful eyes filled with desire and love. “Me carrying you-is that a complaint, princess?”

“Hell, no,” she said with a laugh, then snuggled closer against him. “Hell, no.”

About the Author

Growing up on Long Island, New York, Jacquie fell in love with romance at an early age. She dreamt of being swept away by a dashing rogue riding a spirited stallion. When her hero finally showed up, he was dressed in jeans and drove a Volkswagon, but she recognized him anyway. They married after both graduating from Hofstra University and are now living their happily-ever-afters in Atlanta, Georgia, along with their very bright and active son who is a dashing rogue in the making.
