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A smile spread across his mouth as he slipped his hands on her hips and leaned down to kiss the side of her neck. "I love your trunk no matter how it comes."

"I'm going to vomit up shoes and I'm not wearing any. Save that lovey shit for another time please." Lisa winked and walked to the refrigerator, opening it and pulling out a bottle of white wine. She contemplated drinking right from the bottle, but decided against it. Sicily would have a coronary and Jake might too. Kari would join her and the room would be divided with no sense of reconciliation.

"Lisa needs an excuse to go to New York for a getaway. She misses some of her friends and the local hangouts." Kari moved from Jake, winking at Lisa as she turned to see what her friend was up to.

"I do?"

"Yes, you do," Sicily chimed in. "The fall might be too long. What's a good excuse for going back?"

"Funeral?" Jake asked.

"No one's dead." Lisa got a glass from above the sink and poured herself some wine.

"Wedding?" Kari added in, moving to sit at the kitchen table, her hand finding Jake’s back. Lisa adverted her eyes from them, not wanting to get too sentimental.

"Birthday?" Sicily threw her part in.

"Hmmm... my birthday is around Christmas, but my mother's is Saturday."

"This Saturday?" Jake asked, his eyebrow lifting. "Can you get away?"

"If I get the hottie billionaire to finish the paperwork tomorrow I just might can."

"Your mother would be thrilled," Kari added.

"That's never a reason to do anything." Lisa bit at her lip before lifting her glass to her mouth and drinking down the tart liquid in four large gulps. "Something to think about for sure... something to consider."


Lisa tossed back and forth all night trying to decide if going to see her mother would be a good idea. Her parents would love it, but she wasn't going for them. She wanted to see Marc. If he wasn't willing to see her...

She walked into the kitchen, her cream-colored suit hugging her figure. The silky crimson shell under her jacket helped to bring out the color of her hair, as if the fiery mess needed any help. She tugged at her necklace, stopping beside the coffee pot as someone moved in behind her.

"I talked to my brother last night."

Lisa turned to face Kari. "Oh yeah? Anything interesting?"

"He was overly excited about you coming into town. He told me to tell you to let him know when you got in so he could take you to dinner."

"I'm not sure I'm going yet." Lisa turned back toward the counter, the smile on her face hurting her cheeks. No way was she looking cheesy in front of anyone. She slipped the sugar spoon into her coffee, the drink way the fuck too sweet now.

"I think you should. You guys have some things to talk out and your parents would be thrilled I bet."

"Yeah, you're probably right." She turned and shrugged, her expression locked into place. "Why do you think we have something to talk about? I'm not telling him that he's wrecking my sex life."

"I think you'll find that you’re wrecking his too." Kari laughed and walked to the coffee pot. "Scoot over. I need something to help wake me up. I'm so damn tired all the time."


"No. Hold your tongue. We're not even married yet."

"So? People have kids all the time without getting married."

"My mother would be in front of Jesus to give me a look about that, Lisa."

"I think Jesus has more to worry about than you and someone you love bringing a bundle of joy into the world." Lisa waved her hand in the air, lost on how they ended up on such a strange subject. "Tell me more about me dicking up Marc's sex life."

"Vulgar." Sicily walked into the kitchen, stretching and yawning loudly. "I think I've gained weight. I hate to get on the scale, but tell me the truth."

"Nope. Super-hot like the day I met you." Lisa winked at her friend, swallowing the truth. No way in hell she was saying anything.

"I think you look great, but you have to feel good about yourself too. Do you think you've gained weight?" Kari finished making her coffee and moved to the table, leaning back and crossing her legs.

"I just said I did. This is your way of saying I have."

"I didn't say it. Just for the record." Lisa moved to the table, setting down her coffee and fixing her necklace. "More about Marc. Pronto. I have to go."

"Mom just said he's been acting like he's had his heart broken since getting back to New York. She blames you."

"Of course she does. You mom thinks I'm the spawn of Satan."

"More like a spawn of the Incubus gods." Sicily laughed and wagged her eyebrows.

"I think it's a succubus, but good try toots." Lisa picked up her coffee, taking another tentative sip and growling. "So sweet it's nasty."

"He's depressed and she thinks it's your fault. My brother hasn't been depressed his whole life." Kari tapped her fingers on the table beside her.

“Then I can’t go visit your mom. I’m not going to have her berating me. It’s not my style.” Lisa shrugged.

“That’s not her style. She’ll pretend she doesn’t know anything and treat you like family. She’s a good woman and a great mother. Go see her for me. Hug her for me?” Kari’s eyes misted. "Go to New York tonight or tomorrow morning and fix this thing between you guys. Do what you need to do, but come back the Lisa we love and leave him the Marc I know."

Lisa moved to the sink, dumping her coffee out. Without a snappy comeback she exhaled and turned to face the two most important people in her life.

"I’ll go see your mom, but I’m not sure I can deal with the Marc situation. Seems like there is no fixing this unless we give love a try and I'm not willing. He won't be either. Lust is the ultimate. Marc is its king and I am its queen."

She picked up her purse and walked out as they sat in shock, the truth always seeming to stun people.

Lisa drove in silence to the small real estate office she had decided to rent when business picked up. Her assistant was an older woman with a sweet disposition and tolerance for cursing. She had two sons in the navy and had lost her husband several years back. She was grateful to be with Lisa, and Lisa was beyond blessed to have Trisha keeping her in line.

"Morning beautiful." Lisa smiled as she walked in, dropping the mail on Trisha's desk. A crown of white hair pulled into a bun sat on her head, her thin face lifting in a smile. She could be Lisa's adopted grandmother, not like her own parents had ever thought to introduce her to their parents.

"Hi youngin'. How are you?"

"Good. I'm thinking about taking a quick trip to New York. My mother's birthday this weekend, so maybe I'll pop in and surprise her."

"That sounds lovely."

"It's going to suck cock." Lisa shrugged and walked around the desk.

"Never mind then…" Trisha stood up and followed Lisa, the sound of her slippers sliding across the old wooden floors almost comforting. "Do you need me to look up flights and hotels?"

"Flights, yes, but I plan on staying with my folks, or this really hot guy I know."

Trisha paused outside the door of Lisa's office, a smile on her thin lips. "Anything else you need from me?"