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How he excited me by kisses everywhere; and I, with soft hands raised the standard of sweet sport. How madly he drew my salacious slit to his lips and I, his perfect prick to mine; and each with agonizing throbs spent in the other's mouth.

Then I drank with him and read to him out of those lively books; and a third and fourth time we reached the climax of love and then-farewell!

I have never been fond of dress, as you know dear readers for I have been in undress most of the time, so two trunks contained all my possessions.

Then ready, I started out to look for some quiet boarding place.

It was warm and reaching one of the large city parks, I sat down in the shade; presently a fine looking and fashionably dressed woman of thirty, perhaps, sat down on the bench with me. After a little while we began to chat; when suddenly turning to me, she said:

My dear, you might not like to be seen talking with me, if you knew who I was. I keep a house of pleasure where lustful men and women meet and enjoy each other.

Oh! I cried, what a splendid time you must have!

So, my dear girl, you are one of us, are you? How would you like to come and live with me. Lots of nice fellows come there to get a diddle; and pay well for it, I take a third and you take the rest- what say you?

I was in a dilemma, how funny it would strike her, a virgin in a brothel, high toned, no doubt, but still a brothel.

At length I said: Madam I am afraid I would not suit, I am still a maiden.

She looked up in astonishment but finally said: Well, my dear, I don't want to seduce you! I never do that, and she started up to leave, when I stopped her.

Stop a moment please. Although a virgin, I am a very amorous woman, and have tasted pleasure with men in all ways but one, and then I told her something of my history.

My dear girl, come to my house, you will make your fortune. Lots of rich men, jaded with years of every day lasciviousness, would give double and triple the ordinary price to find themselves in the arms of a truly voluptuous maiden. None but well to do men and pleasant men visit I my house. Come, you will make lots of money and have a jolly good time.

I will! I cried, I am all alone and cannot stand it.

Come now and see how you like the house; at present I have not any girls staying permanently with me. But many bring their lovers also, and if a man calls I size him up and know just where to send for the kind of bedfellow he is looking for.

A short walk and we ascended the steps of a highly respectable looking house. A big black man servant admitted us. A long, handsomely furnished parlor and a rear room with a sumptuous bed in it.

Let us go up to my room, said Madam, and in the richly furnished boudoir on the second floor, we sat down.

What a pleasant room, I said.

Yes, said Madam, I have made some money, own the house and take pleasure in having it well fitted up. Come in here, and she led me into the back room.

This will be yours, if you remain.

It is charming, I replied.

Make yourself at home, get rid of some of your duds and come into the front room when you are ready. I want to get out of these warm clothes.

In stockings and chemise, I soon followed her. She had been expeditious, for there she lay, stark naked on the bed, a picture of licentious loveliness.

Don't be modest, my dear, she murmured.

Dropping my chemise, I threw myself beside her. The lovely woman seemed possessed of all the ardor of an amorous lover; examined every limb and rounded expanse of my firm flesh, first with soft but hot caressing hand and then with clinging lips and tickling tongue; while I, on fire, paid her back touch for touch, until excited with lewd longings, she rose to her knees and threw herself upon me, her face against my hairy home of pleasure, while I, clasping my hands around her broad buttocks, buried my head against her magnificent mount.

No dilly dallying now, but quick, lecherous lunges of two lovely tongues, swift bounding of our firm buttocks, excited heaving of two swelling bellies, and last, the delicious dying pulsations of our dual spendings, and lazy lying back of two gently throbbing bodies, brimful of blissful gratitude.

You lovely lust-laden girl! she cried, as she laid her head beside mine on the pillow, how I would like to live with you all the time, your lady-lover.

Yes! I answered, it is almost as nice as a man, hut not quite. It is sweet sport to toy with a woman's cunt, but oh, dear, how much sweeter to press and kiss that princely plaything, a man's proud prick.

You shall have one now! she exclaimed, springing to the floor: Did you notice the big black follow who let us in?

Yes, indeed, I did, he must be awful strong!

Strong? He is a young hercules and such a firm, fierce, monstrous cock, I let him fuck me whenever he wants to; I tempt him to it, and I am not ashamed to suck him either. Oh, how I would like to see you and him spending in each other's mouths!

Go fetch him, I answered.

Soon standing by the bedside she had her black hercules in her arms naked while with her hand she held out to me the biggest branch of coral I had ever seen; a princely prick, a brown and ruby masterpiece of manliest man.

Would you like a taste, my dear? she said, drawing the skin way back and holding out to me the tufted rosy cushion of its head.

I am dying to! I answered, as I grasped it, but first let me see him put it into you. In all my experience I never saw a man give a woman a bona fide fuck, and I never had, familiar as I was with other form* of lewdness.

Yours is the funniest experience that I ever came across a voluptuous virgin who has experienced all the most outre lechery and yet never even seen a genuine diddle. Come, Jim, let us enlighten her ignorance, and the voluptuous creature got on her knees, her belly over my face, as I lay against the pillow.

Oh, that luscious slit, gaping ready! But I had no time to waste on it, for Jim behind her, threw his ponderous probe between her lips within a few inches of my delighted eyes. With trembling eager hand I guided the glorious stanchion into its salacious socket.

Excited-no sentimental squeezes or tongue ticklings but bold hard straight up to the handle forcible fucking.. How the blood boiled in my veins; how my cunt cried out!

Quicker and quicker he drew it in and out; faster and faster as she worked her lubric loins; louder and louder sounded their lecherous sighs, bigger and bigger swelled the mighty shaft, until in delightful ravishment, I kissed the tilting warriors and lustfully licked them, lunging at each other.

And as the battle reached to turning front and charge followed charge so fast, I could scarce follow them, the squirming soldiers of Venus cried out to one another, inciting each other to a higher pitch of amorous agony until the black yelled! Here it goes!

And the happy woman answered: I feel it! Splendid, keep on, I am sp-en-ding! and the battled slowly calmed and the black knight sprang up and gazed lustfully upon his squirming foe.

O-h-h-! I cried out, it was enough, the happy cunt beside me on the bed sympathized.

Tickle her with your tongue, Jim!

Tickle? he tore in and out, thrust on thrust; licked lecherously and had me lunging lewdly in a minute; then throwing myself on his belly, I took the half soft cock in my mouth and with lubric lips soon hardened it.

Delicious morsel! How I enjoyed the feast of flesh of flesh, soon served me “cock a la creme.” And my cream? It seemed to me I was giving down gallons of it; so open was every pore, so relaxed every muscle, and the contented black raised his head and opening my slit with his finger, gazed down into the blood red depths covered with glistening.


So Sue Suckit finds herself a virgin harlot, happy and waiting for work.

Jim served dinner to Mrs. Luce (Lucy Luce, for that was her name) and I, and with it, served each of us with a pint of Mumms. Lucy said lewd lovers should always drink it, it banished all modesty, mock modesty and made the blood boil ready for wanton wiles.