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“Fuck! So, what do we do?” blurted Tendai out loud, looking at the Russian.

As usual, all eyes turned to Dedrick. In consequence, as he often did, the Russian commander felt compelled to find a solution to their dire predicament. He briefly looked at them, then paused on Vera and his little girl for several seconds, before looking back at Jorh. For the first time since they had landed on Mars, over fifteen years ago, he was at a loss. He didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t think of a way to survive on Earth or Mars. The greenhouse they had left behind in the alien’s cave was certainly lost by now. Unattended for weeks, they all knew it would not have survive. No matter where they went, or what they did, they were doomed.

No, you can still survive. Come with us,” objected Mahhzee, having listened to Dedrick’s thoughts.

What do you mean? Where?” he replied puzzled.

Yes, I’m curious too. Where can we possibly go? Back to Mars? Our station is gone. Earth? Same thing. So, what’s left? Europa?” asked Tendai sarcastically.

No, there.

They all turned their attention to Mahhzee. She slowly waved her hand in front of the viewing window, revealing a dark starry sky. As the image zoomed in closer and closer, one particular star in the center of the view began to shine brighter than all others. Soon, a planet was in view, and Mahhzee dropped her hand back.

This is Ahtona; the First World.”

“Ahtona? The planet you told us your Elders escaped to? But, I thought you said your ship couldn’t fly that far?” asked a surprised François.

That is correct. Aruks are moon travelers. They are not designed to travel outside the solar system. However, now that we have the white light, and enough Gohhan, we believe we can reach Ahtona. It will just take some time. About six thousand of your Earth years,” she said casually.

“Six thousand years?!” exclaimed Tendai and Liu in unison.

“I’m sorry, did you say six thousand years?” Sabrina was just as baffled.

You will sleep during the flight. Like us. We have already made plans to leave this system and go to Ahtona. We see no other choice for you. We do not know if the Ehoran and its crew made it to Ahtona, but if they did, we hope to reunite with our kind,” replied Jorh.

“Huh, I don’t know if you realize it, but your people left for that planet, about seventy million years ago, right? Assuming they made it there, and assuming they survived, and again, assuming they didn’t kill themselves at some point like we did, they must have evolved so much that they may not even look like you or recognize you. You may not even be able to communicate with them. Their language may have changed, even their ways, and how will we fit in a civilization of aliens, millions of years ahead of our own?” asked Ladli.

“It is true, we may appear primitive to them. After seventy million years, they will have evolved in many ways. But I’m afraid are choices are limited. Dedrick, my friends, like us, you and your people have nowhere else to go. Your Earth can no longer support life, and you cannot go back to Mars. So, we offer you the only option we have. Come with us. The pods can be recalibrated to keep you in Time-Frost during the journey to Ahtona.

“I think it’s the craziest idea I’ve ever heard in whole my life. I mean, how can you be sure these pods can work on us the way they do on you? And what guarantees do you have that your Ahtona is still a livable world, anyway? A lot can happen in seventy million years…” asked a reserved Tendai.

Tendai! Use your mind to talk. Stop talking out loud, that’s not polite!” finally objected Sabrina, tired of noticing his reluctance in joining the telepathic conversation.

“I know. I’m sorry! I keep forgetting. I mean, I will,” he answered.

It’s alright, Tendai. And you are correct. We do not know for sure what we’ll find there. And we can’t predict how the planet has evolved during all that time. There are too many unknowns and variables. But we believe this is the best option, for all of us.”


Later that night, the group was addressing their situation once again.

“There is no way I’m gonna let them put my little girl in one of those pods!”

“It’s the only way, love. We can’t stay on Earth, and we won’t survive long on Mars. What Jorh offers makes sense. It’s our only option, Vera.”

“But Dedrick, it’s crazy; asleep for six thousand years? And how do we know their hibernating pods will work on us? What if sleeping in those things kills us? What if—”

“Vera, Vera. I understand how you feel, believe me. I would never want anything to happen to either you or Chasma. You know that. But we have no choice. Earth is gone, and the Mars First station isn’t safe anymore. We will run out of food and water soon if we stay on this ship awake. Jorh’s plan is our only chance.”

“Hey guys, I found some three-dimensional maps of the Ahtona region in our database, strangely enough,” announced François, as he glided silently into the room. “It’s a multiple star system about fifty parsec, or 160 light years away in the constellation of Lyra. The night skies of any world there must look incredible. Jorh’s description of their first world makes me believe we’re in for quite a spectacle. Personally, I can’t wait.”

“You’re both insane!”

“Vera, come on. What else do you suggest we do?” Dedrick was holding her shoulders, looking straight at her. She seemed to be searching for an answer, but quickly gave up in frustration. “I don’t know. I don’t know what we should do. I’m scared,” she replied tearing up.

“We are all scared,” said Ladli. “I can’t even imagine what it really means to be in hibernation for 6000 years?! I think we’re all overwhelmed by the idea. But the reality is that we have nowhere else to go. This is it, Vera. It’s all or nothing. But I tell you what, if the aliens are correct and we all make it there, we’re in for an amazing journey. We’ll be in another star system, exploring an alien planet. And imagine what we might find? If the Kahnu Elders made it there millions of years ago and managed to rebuild a new civilization, imagine how advanced they must be now? They must have amazing cities and spaceships, and knowledge beyond what any of us can even imagine…”

“Look, they were in those pods for millions of years and they made it just fine,” added François.

“Of course! They’re aliens. What makes you think it will work on us?” replied Vera sharply.

“I don’t know… Somehow, I believe they know what they are doing. And I think it sounds like a pretty amazing adventure, if you ask me,” he replied with a big smile.

“Amazing? Amazing?! It’s crazy! That’s what it is,” suddenly shouted Tendai. “I’ve been biting my tongue, listening to all of you and I can’t believe you are seriously entertaining the idea of following this crazy plan!”

“Hey, take it easy! I’m just trying to find some positive in this whole mess. I know as much as you do that our situation is pretty bleak, but I also believe we’re here for a reason. We’ve all dreamed of exploring other worlds, to go beyond that horizon and discover new things. Well, here’s the perfect opportunity. We’ve come this far. The aliens are offering us a ride, and I think we should take it.”

“Tendai, they are right,” added Liu in a low voice. “I am scared too but… I don’t wanna die here.”

“Me neither. I remember why I joined Mars First. I wanted to live an adventure. I wanted to do something nobody could take from me; something special. I used to dream of traveling to distant stars when I was a little girl, to discover new worlds and alien life forms no one had ever seen before. We’ve all had those dreams. Think about it… The more I think about it, the more I am convinced this is going to be unbelievable! I say we go to Ahtona!” finished Sabrina with confidence.