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“Are you insinuating I’m stupid?”

“No, I’m flat out sayin’ you’re stupid.”

“Rude!” Kane snapped. “You’re so rude!”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Sorry, flower.”

“Dealing with you and your stupid hormones would drive a man to drink,” Kane grumbled, not even trying to muffle his words.

I snorted. “Told you we shouldn’t have had sex. Totally your fault for kissin’ me in Darkness.”

My fault? You’re the one who was dressed in that barely-there dress and sent me fuck-me-now glares. You wanted my cock, babydoll, you just didn’t want to accept that you wanted it.”

What he was saying was true and it infuriated me.

Please,” I laughed, “I could’ve had me pick of men that night.”


Kane smirked. “Then why did you come home with me?”

I opened my mouth, but quickly closed it when I couldn’t think of a snippy reply.

He laughed at me. “I’ll answer for you. It’s because you wanted me, not Skull or anyone else, just me.”

I grunted, “Yeah, well, you wanted me, too.”

“Want not wanted.”

I flushed and slapped Kane’s shoulder. “I’m not havin’ sex with you.”

“I’ll wear you down eventually, Mama.”

I growled, “I’ll bite you.”

“Please do,” Kane countered, his eyes gleaming.

I laughed and shook my head. “You never let me get the last word in.”

“Because it pisses you off,” he snickered. “It amuses me when you get all red-faced in anger with me.”

“You enjoy making me angry?”

Kane shrugged. “I just like that I have an effect on you, even if it’s just to annoy you.”

“You’re unbelievable.”

“I know.”

“Kane!” I snapped and then laughed.

He threw his arm around my shoulder, smiling as he did so. We both walked over to the entrance of the apartment building Cala told Kane to meet her at. Kane opened the door for me and gestured me into the building.

I snickered, “What a gentleman.”

I walked past Kane and yelped when he smacked my arse.

“There’s nothing gentle about me, babydoll.”

I’ll say.

I shook my head, chuckling but instantly stopped when I looked at the goddess walking towards Kane and myself with a bright, white smile. She was taller than me, but might have been the same height if she didn’t have rose red stilettos on her tanned feet.

Her attire was very business-like, but fashionable at the same time. She was wearing a well-fitted grey pencil skirt and a matching blazer. Her wine coloured hair was pulled back into a tight bun that looked like it was professionally done. There wasn’t a hair out of place on her pristine head.

It made me feel like a fat slob when I compared myself to her.

I knew I was pregnant so having a belly was nothing to compare, but everything else I had no excuse for. I was in a pair of black leggings, and an oversized white t-shirt that had ‘I believe in unicorns’ in black bold letters across the front of it. I also had a blazer on, but mine definitely wasn’t fitted. It was just a cheap blazer I picked up when I was in Penny’s a few months ago with Keela.

It was one of the only things from my old wardrobe that I could still wear because it didn’t have to be buttoned closed. I didn’t even want to look at my footwear because I knew I opted for open toe sandals and that was never a good idea unless there was sand and a big blue ocean involved.

“Mr. Slater, wonderful to meet you, sir, and you, Miss Collins.” Cala smiled, her hand outstretched to Kane then to me. We both shook it, and I frowned when I let my hand fall back to my side.

She had a really good, firm handshake. Her voice was perfect, too. It was soft, soothing, and what I imagine an angel would sound like if I ever heard one.

Was I hot for this chick?

I scowled at my thoughts and stepped closer to Kane trying to use his large body to overshadow mine. I felt like a geeky teenager who was in the presence of a real woman. It made me feel very insecure, and I didn’t like it.

“The first apartment to view is on the fourth floor. If you would follow me please, the elevators are this way.”

Cala spun on her heel and walked away. I automatically turned my head and looked at Kane. I shook my head when I found his eyes glued to Cala’s arse.

“I’m standin’ right here, you fuckin’ arsehole!” I hissed and punched him in the arm.

I turned and walked after Cala with Kane quickly following me. “I wasn’t looking at her ass,” he whispered.

“I never said you were lookin’ at her arse.”

Kane stuttered, “I... uh... are you sure?”

He didn’t even hear me because he was lost in perfect arse heaven, again.

I doubt he even felt me when I hit him.

“Bite me, Slater.”

Kane sighed from behind me but kept his mouth shut as we both entered the elevator Cala was stood inside. She hit the button for the fourth floor once we were all in. She looked down at my stomach and smiled. “Do you know what you’re having?”

I shook my head. “No, but I’m hopin’ for a girl. A boy might turn out like his pig of a father.”

Cala blinked her eyes a couple of times, then flicked them between myself and Kane before clearing her throat when the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened wide.

“Follow me, please.”

She all but ran out of the elevator ahead of Kane and myself. It made me snort.

Kane growled from behind me, “I’m glad your rude ass attitude amuses you.”

“So am I,” Ireplied sarcastically.

I walked down the hall and followed Cala into an apartment that was bigger than my current one, but absolutely freezing and dusty as hell. I coughed and put my hand over my mouth.

“It will be cleaned before you move in if you decide on this apartment.”

I nodded to Cala then asked, “Can I look around?”

“Of course. Take as much time as you need.”

It wasn’t going to take long—my answer was already no.

I walked through the apartment and frowned when I spotted not only dirt, but mould on the bathroom walls. I stepped into the bathroom to get a closer look and screeched when I looked into the bathroom and saw the biggest spider I had ever seen in my entire life. It was the size of my bloody head.

“No!” I shouted and all but ran out of the apartment. “Not this one.”

“What? You didn’t even-”

“There is a tarantula in the fuckin’ bathtub. This place is a no!”

Kane blinked at me then looked at Cala. “Uh, this place is a no, Cala, sorry.”

“No worries. The next apartment is up on the sixth floor. Up we go.”

The second apartment was in this building?


We re-entered the elevator and I was twitching and itchy because I felt like the spider was crawling all over me.


I didn’t look at Kane as I said, “What?”

“Don’t move. There is something in your hair.”

I instantly began to scream as I whipped my head back and fourth in a way that would have made Willow Smith proud.

“Get it off. Get it off. Get if off.”

“That is the opposite of not moving!”

I squealed and buried my face in Kane’s chest when he grabbed hold of me. He locked his arms around my body and it halted my movements.

“Stay. Still,” he ordered.

I whimpered into his chest and cringed when I felt his hand on my head.

“There,” he said seconds later. “It’s gone.”

I stood rooted to the spot. “What was it?”

“Just a little bit of cobweb.”

I bet it was really big—he wouldn’t have spotted it otherwise. He just said it was small to make me feel better.