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When she was inside resting on her haunches with her elbows compressing the sides of her breasts she said, "You make a really cute bunny." I didn't know if I should answer or not since bunnies don't talk but when neither of the masters said anything I answered. "Thank you.I wish I could have had your costume though it seems awfully sexy especially the way you move."

She shrugged saying, "It was just the luck of the draw. It took a lot of lashes to train me to move this way. Under these stripes are a lot of big welts. Does your master whip you very much?"

"Oh yes but I don't mind. Do you."

"Mostly it is just terribly exciting. I just felt bad because it took me so long to move like a cat. The lashes seemed to hurt more when they were a result of my failure."

"Yes I know what you mean. I liked to be whipped just to become excited. I just feel guilty when it is because I did something stupid. To make it worse he usually doesn't make love to me after I have been punished. Do you think we are crazy?"

"If we are there are a lot of us. Tommy never hits me hard enough to break the skin. Wait till you see Julie."

The bell rang again and I saw a girl whose only make-up was the nose and whiskers with her long blonde hair combed out to look like a mane and a tail with a blonde tuft of hair at the end.It was pinned to her skin with little safety pins. I felt a little wimpy with mine just taped on. She had a tan so it was easy to see she was a lion. Her master was carrying a long wooden switch. He said a quick hello to Bobby then led her over to the bar to get a drink.

"That is her, that's Julie. When you get a chance take a close look at her body. That switch is their favorite whip and it cuts."

That made me curious so I said, "Bobby. Would you like me to get you a drink?

"Yeah. In fact you can have one too. Remember to go to the bar on your hands and knees and back on your knees."

When I got to the bar I noticed for the first time Mrs. Manchu was bar tending. I could only see above her waist but she was nude and had a chain running around her neck and to rings in her nipples that were lifting both her nipples and her breasts to keep the bottoms away from her chest wall and to squeeze them together to make cleavage. While I was waiting for the drinks I studied Julie. Her tan skin had white lines kind of like stretch marks all over her back from the crease at the bottom of her butt to just below her shoulder blades. Her master must have noticed I was staring at her because he told her to get on her back. When she was on her back with her legs open and her hands above her head I saw her pussy was criss-crossed with the lines and on up her stomach to just above her nipples. While I stared in awe at the pain she must have endured he pulled her breasts back by the nipples to show a patchwork of lines on the underside of her breasts. I jumped when he said,

"She has to hang by her knees with her hands behind her head to let me whip this area. Would you be that brave?"

I shuddered,"I don't know. I don't think so. It looks awfully painful. I would probably have to be tied."

"She takes it with no bonds and just whimpers. She knows her pussy will be whipped if she gets loud. Isn't that right dear?" Julie just nodded. "I told her she was not to talk tonight. It would be out of character."

"I understand. I was surprised Bobby let me talk."

I loved Bobby even more for his kindness as I went back to him with my breasts shuddering as my knees hit the floor. They were both grinning at me as they watched me. I was really happy they were enjoying the show and sucked in my stomach even more and let my knees hit harder to make my boobs bounce.

When I handed him his drink he said, "Tommy and I got a kick out of watching your tits bounce. Give us these and you go back for two more for you and Heather. We don't want to miss anything go back to the bar backwards."

I exaggerated my movement to make my tits swing and bounce with each step. When I got back to the bar Julie's Master said,

"You have nice tits. Put your hands above your head. I didn't know if Bobby would approve but I knew I didn't want to make this guy mad. I lifted my arms and he used his switch to lift up my breasts to expose the underside. Just in lifting them the switch dug into my tits. It must go completely out of sight when he hits with it. I began to get excited as I imagined myself hanging upside down while he cut up my tits with it."

I was so lost in my fantasy I was startled when he said, "Just as I thought. The idea turns you on. I will have to give Bobby one of these."

I was embarrassed I was so obvious and was relieved when Mrs. Manchu came around the bar to hand me my drinks. The chains on her tits were not alone. There were chains going to three rings in each pussy lip and around her butt to hold her lips tight against her thighs to expose all the inner parts. I bounced back to Bobby.

"What were you doing over there?"

"Julie's master wanted to show me how his switch would look on my tits. Did I do wrong? He is going to give you one of his switches to use on me when I do wrong."

"No that's all right. We are all friends here. If anyone wants to whip you tell them I said they have to ask me first. I don't want him to do it. He isn't happy till he sees blood and I don't want you scarred."

I had mixed feelings. I didn't want to be scarred either but it sounded terribly exciting and I was curious to know if I was brave enough to take it without screaming.

By the time I got back from the bar two other girls had come in. One was dressed as an organ grinders monkey with a little cap on her head. She was walking around with her knees bent at a ninety degree angle to be lower to the ground. This must have taken a lot of effort because she was already covered with perspiration. The other girl was dressed as a duck and she was also sweating profusely as her master led her around in a duck-walk. This was fun to watch because her breasts swung and her pussy lips opened and closed with each step. By this time I really felt fortunate being a bunny. My knees were beginning to hurt a little from the abrasion of the rug but this couldn't compare to the way their leg muscles must be aching.

Then some other girls came in but they weren't in costume. They were just nude except for their neck-collars. I asked Bobby why they weren't in costume.

"There is no need for costumes. Their boy friends drew slips that put them in the concession booths. You don't know how lucky you were in the draw. It is a lot better just to wear a costume and serve drinks."

I heard the door open and looked over to see a fully dressed older couple come in.

"Bobby! What are they doing here? I thought there would be just people our age. What if they know me?"

"These are the people that will be doing most of the contributions. Some of them aren't into giving or receiving pain themselves but they love to see things being done. Most of them are hoping they will know you girls. That way when they see you on the street they will be able to remember what you looked like naked. All of them know there could be a scandal if the wrong people heard about this so they will be very discreet. You will definitely know some of the people. I know for sure your school principal and your coach will be here."