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My principal did not surprise me. I knew he argued strenuously when the school district decided to stop corporal punishment and some girls who had received swats from him said he obviously enjoyed it a lot.

"Oh gosh Bobby it is really going to be embarrassing when I see them at school or downtown. What if they want to see me naked again?"

"You don't do anything unless I approve it. If I need a favor from any of them I might allow it. Otherwise you just politely refuse telling them I have to okay it."

At that point he called over all the girls in costume.

"You girls will be servants to our guests. You will serve drinks and food. You will thank them for their orders and be prompt. If you bring the wrong food or drink, spill a drink, or are too slow bringing the orders you are subject to five lashes. Your boy friends and I have brought your favorite whips which you will carry by attaching them to your collars. If you screw up you will ask your customer to give you five lashes anywhere on your torso below the armpits and above your thighs. If you try to ignore your mistake you get twenty. You can walk normally while serving. Remember the customer is always right. If you make them mad you will be punished for it."

We were all relieved we would be able to walk normally especially the monkey and duck girls whose legs were already shaking from the strain.

I was the first to be punished. I don't really know if I asked for it or not. I was serving a drink to a lady in a tight leather dress with a spiked dog collar around her neck. I was watching her face while she was looking at me hungrily. I hit her hand with the glass causing a couple of drops to land on her gloved hand. She wadded up a ten dollar bill to pay for the drink and pushed it into my pussy. I thought she had not noticed the spill and thanked her then turned away. Just as I took my first steps away from her she said nastily, "Wait! Aren't you even going to apologize for pouring the drink over me. What do you say?"

"I am sorry. Would you like to give me five lashes?"

"No. I understand you owe me twenty. You should offer to take thirty for trying to cheat me."

I didn't know if this fell into the customer is always right category or not but I didn't want to create a scene that may bring on even more punishment. I took my whip off my collar and offered it to her.

"Yes. Please give me thirty I know I deserve them."

"Good girl! That will make them come out evenly. Ten to your cute round butt. Ten to your presently white firm breasts and ten to that delightful tight lipped pussy. I feel generous. You can choose your position for the lashes to your butt."

"Would bending over with my hands on my knees be alright?"

"Let's see just how limber you are.Hold on to your ankles"

She had me bend more and more till I felt pain in my hamstrings and my head was nearly between my legs. Then she told me to spread my legs. I hesitated because I had assumed this and other positions in front of a mirror and I knew this would make my pussy very vulnerable. I gave up and did it when I heard her say menacingly "Well are you going to do it or do I call for help?"

"You may fall forward when hit. My husband will hold you in position."

Her husband knelt in front of me then reached around and held me by squeezing my tits till they were throbbing. I thanked God Bobby had brought the light thonged whip as she hit me across both cheeks at the center as hard as she could and set them on fire. This turned out to be the easiest one. She put the other nine right at the junction of my butt with my legs only giving partial protection to my pussy. At the end her husband lifted me upright by my throbbing boobs and turned me around. I looked around and found we had drawn a crowd. There was a circle around us about three deep. They were all excited by my ordeal and no-one showed any compassion for me. Even the women just seemed consumed by lust. Somehow performing in front of them excited me even more as I stood in front of them with my boobs throbbing and the heat enveloping my butt and cunt. Just as my body began to tremble with excitement I heard her voice.

"You seem to be a hit. We will let everyone have a look. Put your arms up over your head. At each lash turn a quarter turn so no-one will miss anything."

She moved to my side and swung the whip so hard it was just a blur. The crowd and I watched avidly as my breasts flattened out at impact. The ones who could see cheered as tears flowed down my cheeks. I kept turning till I was back in the original position then she had me put my back to her and waved the crowd around to face me. When they were in position she told me to put my hands behind my neck, push out my tits and spread my legs. The crowd cheered when I did it and cheered even louder as I spread my legs even further at her command.I looked for Bobby so I would know he had seen how brave I was. Just as my excitement was starting to ebb she brought the whip around at my right armpit so the thongs came around to hit my nipples with a loud "Splat" followed quickly by a backhand around my left armpit. I was almost at orgasm when she began bring the whip between my ass-cheeks to explode on my pussy. I went into an almost hypnotic trance. Girls told me later my only reaction was gasp and twist my hips slightly so every inch of my pussy was covered. When she stopped I fell to the floor to clutch at my sopping pussy till my orgasms faded.

Bobby came over to me and carried me to the bathroom where he put wet cold towels on my red skin. To my astonishment in spite of all the pain there were no cuts and my skin lightened to just pink.

"Oh Bobby. Thank you for bringing the light whip. I love you so much. Would you like me to blow you?"

"Actually I am not excited. I missed the whole thing because I had to help set up the concessions. What did you do to deserve that?"

When I told him the whole story he said. "The last ten were your fault. I told you that twenty was the penalty for trying to avoid five."

"Yes I know but she said I should and I didn't want to cause a scene by arguing. Oh Bobby it was so exciting to be whipped in front of all those people. They got so excited seeing me. I know all the men had raging hard-ons and most of the women were sopping wet."

Bobby grinned, "You are turning into quite an exhibitionist. I'll bet that if I told you when I met you that you would willingly accept a whipping in front of an audience you would have thought I was crazy."

I thought for a minute then said, "That's right! You had to get me into it gradually but I'll admit I had fantasies about being tied to a tree and whipped in front of a crowd of people before I met you. It always got me excited enough to get off when I masturbated."

"I want to hear more about that later but right now I have to get out there to move everybody to the barn for the concessions and you have to go back to serving drinks."

I asked him what the concessions were and he said they were kind of like the ones I saw at the carnival but different because people could win a girl to be their slave for the rest of the night. When I went back I found I was something of a celebrity. Everyone wanted to feel my breasts and pussy to see if they were still hot and I was getting excited again when we went out to the barn.

This was not what you normally picture when you think of a barn. The whole place was well lit and heated and had a big arena they normally used to show horses. It was very clean and smelled like a circus thanks to the sawdust on the floor of the arena.

The first concession was like a dunking booth but different. A girl was tied with ropes to a beam in the ceiling and rings driven into the ground to hold her stretched in an "X" position. A person would buy six baseballs. They would throw them at circles of steel painted red. The first target was pretty big. When they hit it a large leather paddle would fly up from the ground at high speed thanks to a piece of spring steel and make a horrendous "Whap!" when it contacted the whole area of the girls butt. Then they would put up a smaller target and if hit several leather thongs would cover every inch of her tits. The last target was even smaller and if hit a leather paddle just wide enough to cover her pussy would fly up. They weren't very good pitchers so she took about thirty lashes to her butt and maybe twenty to her tits till they decided to let the pitchers move closer to the targets. She was barely conscious when a man finally hit all three targets and they took her down and put on a collar and leash which they handed to the man. Her butt and tits were one big bruise and her pussy was beet red even though it was only hit once.