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"Good luck. Break a leg," Helen whispered in her ear as she opened the dressing room door for her.

"Thanks," Kathy said quiveringly as she headed quickly to the stairs that led up to the stage.

"Okay, everybody. Take your places," Pete said as Kathy reached the top of the stairs. "Hi, Kathy. You'll be great. Just get in position."

"Yes," Kathy said mechanically.

"Hey, don't forget the mutt," Pete said, pushing Saber toward her.

"That's the last thing she'll forget," Connie said from behind one of the prop curtains. "I'm back here to root you on, kid."

Kathy looked at the brunette and saw her smile kindly at her. She smiled back, and saw that Bob was behind his wife, winking at her. Something must have happened between them. And whatever it was, it looked as if peace were declared between them. Kathy was glad. It seemed to take off the edge of her nervousness. It helped her to know that everybody was pulling for her.

"Curtain in thirty seconds," Pete whispered as Kathy walked onto stage and sat down in one of the chairs.

Kathy inhaled sharply, then prepared to deliver her first line as she saw the footlights come into view.

The first monologue went smoothly. Everything seemed to be going well until the part of the first scene where her two sons had their argument. Kathy was with the dog in the back of the set, supposedly cooking dinner when she realized something was wrong.

"Kathy, the dog!" Pete hissed from behind the set.

"What's wrong?" she whispered back, afraid to turn around. She didn't want to let the audience know that anything might be wrong.

"He's got a fuckin' hard-on!"

Kathy eyes widened. Saber seemed to have somehow associated this part of the scene with the jacking off he'd gotten from her before. He was obviously expecting more of the same right now.

"Easy boy, easy," Kathy groaned as she kicked the animal with her right foot. He howled at the sudden blow.

"What the hell are you doin?" Pete hissed.

"Get him off the stage," Kathy whispered back.

"How? I can't walk on just like that."

Kathy felt her cunt-lips swell in spite of her awkward position. The audience would be able to see Saber's stiff cock any second now if she didn't do something fast. The animal began whimper and whine excitedly.

"Shut UP!" Kathy whispered again, kicking the sheep dog harder.

"My God!" Pete whispered loudly as the dog howled in pain and surprise.

"Here boy, here," Connie whispered from the wings, trying to get Saber's attention. But the dog seemed oblivious of everything but Kathy's cunt. He wanted her snatch right now. And all the kicking in the world couldn't stop him.

"Get mommy's snatch," Bob whispered, hiking up Connie's skirt and exposing her pussy to the surprise of the stagehands and Pete.

"What's going on?" Pete whispered loudly as the stage crew broke into loud chortles.

Kathy flushed red is she heard murmurs start up in the audience. People were beginning to notice the dog and forget about what was going on between the two actors.

"Goddamn you!" Kathy hissed loudly enough to be heard by the audience. She felt anger and lust well up inside her as she looked down and saw Saber's cock seem to grow longer, harder and thicker each time she kicked him.

"My God, what's happening?" she heard several old women whisper hoarsely as she gave the dog another kick. That was the last one that Saber could tolerate. With a loud growl he jumped up, jamming his huge paws on Kathy's tits and knocking her against the kitchen table.

"Ohhh!" Kathy cried out as she reached back to try to balance herself. Her hand slid along the slick table top surface, and she fell backwards, knocking over the table. Her legs flew into the air as the two actors stopped their lines and wheeled around see what had happened.

"My God, bring down the curtain!" Pete shouted as Saber jumped up on Kathy.

"Ohhhh!" Kathy cried, dazed by the sudden fall and forgetting where she was for few seconds. The stage hands didn't hear Pete, or were too fascinated by what was happening to pay attention to him. Saber had found Kathy's cunt-lips spread wide apart and had taken advantage of the situation.

"Mmmmnngggg!" Kathy cried with obvious pleasure as the animal drove his knotty prick all the way into her exposed pussy.

"Aiyeee! Ohhh! Aiyeee!" the women in the audience shrieked as they jumped to their feet and pointed in horror at the bucking, thrashing Kathy.

"Bring down the fuckin' curtain!" Pete howled. His voice carried into the auditorium and brought more shrieks of protests from the outraged audience.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Kathy groaned as she felt the sheep dog's prick bang up against her stiffening clit.

"Curtain!" Pete howled, running to the ropes and releasing the curtain.

"Cominnnngggg!" Kathy howled as Saber fired his first wad deep into her pussy.

"Police! Police!" People screeched as the curtain finally fell to the stage.

"Better get her out of here," Connie said to her husband as she ran out to the stage.

"My God! Oh, what have I done?" Kathy groaned as Bob and Connie helped her to her feet.

"You put on a performance that Pasadena's never seen before!" Connie said, trying hard to keep back from laughing as she led Kathy off the stage.

"What? What?" Joe sped as he ran backstage to his wife.

"Don't worry about it," Bob said as he let his wife take Kathy back to the dressing room. "I think maybe it's time that we all have a little talk."

Joe looked completely bewildered at Bob, then at his retreating wife.

"Come on," Bob said, taking Joe by the arm and leading him down the stairs to Kathy's dressing room.


"And that's the whole story," Connie said, stroking back Kathy's hair as she finished telling Joe what had been going on the past few days.

"Whew!" Joe said shaking his head slowly as he stared at his depressed wife.

"I-I don't blame you if you divorce me," Kathy said, shaken still by what had happened. "But I can't say that I'm sorry for what's been going on, Joe, honey, I still love you, but…"

"Hey, don't apologize. I know, babe. In fact, I was going to suggest that we open our marriage a little," Joe confessed a little sheepishly.

"What?" Kathy said.

"I guess you've suspected what's been happening out in the gym – I mean between the customers, and me," Joe began.

"So, you have been fucking those fat old broads!" Kathy cried in indignation.

"Hey, Kathy. Take it easy. Remember, you haven't exactly been playing Penelope with your husband," Connie said.

Kathy looked at Connie, and then at Joe.

"Oh, I guess not. What's good for the goose and all that shit," she said.

"I don't mind what you do. But I think we could have a lot more fun if we do it together instead of sneaking around each other's backs. That is, if you don't mind watching me fucking other women. I think watching you fuck other men would be a real turn on for me," Joe admitted.

"Oh, Joe, if I'd only known," Kathy said, jumping up and running to her husband.

"Well, we could try out our new plan right here," Joe said, smiling at Connie and Bob.

"Right after that horrible scene?" Kathy groaned.

"Forget about it. And can't think of a better way to do that than a good old-fashioned fuck," Joe said.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"God, the police!" Kathy groaned as she shrank behind her husband.

"Let me take care of this. I practically own this city," Connie said as she walked confidently towards the door.

"What the hell's going on?" Pete howled as he burst into the room when Connie opened the door.

"Didn't you see?" Bob asked calmly as Pete stood in the middle of the room panting.

"Didn't I see? The whole damned town saw!"