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Taken off-guard, he flinched when she moved the brush towards his face. She ignored it and started to paint the right side of his face in indigo. He held himself rigid as she worked her way down his face and neck to his chest.

“You’ll look like a barbarian king when I’m finished,” she promised.

Cain didn’t care how he looked as long as she hurried. His endurance was stretched to the limit and he didn’t know how much longer he could allow her to paint him.

Fortunately for both of them, Katie was a professional and wasn’t trying to cover his whole body like he did to her. It was if she sensed he was near the end of his rope, and it was ready frayed. Working in the dark blue, she continued to paint a swirling, slightly Celtic design down his torso, over his thighs and calves, finally finishing at his ankles. The slight scratch of the brush against the hair of his chest and legs was incredibly stimulating. His cock jerked and throbbed begging him to do something. Immediately.

Gritting his teeth, he swallowed hard and waited to see what Katie would do. Cleaning her brush, she returned to sit on the tops of his thighs. “Katie.” It was a request and an order. She had to touch him.

Wielding the brush with care, she swept the length of his dick from the base to the tip. He almost came when she swirled the brush around the tip. Several drops of arousal leaked out of the top and she dipped her brush in it and “painted” her way back down to the base. His testicles were tight against his body and drew even tighter as she brushed his scrotum, taking care to sweep the creases at the top of his thighs.

Cain was enthralled at the picture she made, sitting on him like some naked fairy queen. Painted from the neck down, she was a huge splash of color. Her red breasts swayed as she worked and he was mesmerized by them, wanting no more then to take them into his mouth. He promised himself then that next time he’d find edible paints. Her orange torso and green legs made a perfect frame for the hot, pink flesh between her legs.

The brush flicked the tip of his erection and he erupted into action. Before she knew what was happening, Cain flipped her onto her back and drove into her in one long stroke. She reached her arms up to him, but he jerked away. “I don’t want to smear the paint yet,” he gritted out.

Katie spread her arms out at her sides and gripped the cloth between her fingers. God, he loved this woman, she pleased him like no other, understanding his needs and his moods almost better than he did himself.

On his knees in front of her, he pulled her close so that her thighs were draped over his, and lifted her legs around his waist. She immediately locked her feet behind his back drawing him even further inside her. The heat surrounding his cock was incredible and a groan of pleasure slipped from him.

Wanting to watch her come again, he used his fingers to spread the top part of her sex open, exposing her totally. Lightly, he played his fingers across her clitoris.

“Harder, Cain,” Katie pleaded.

He pressed it harder as he began to move inside her again. At first, the strokes were slow and even, but that didn’t last long. Needing to thrust harder, Cain reluctantly removed his fingers and wrapped his hands around her waist. Levering himself up slightly, he began to thrust hard. His strokes became deeper as he hammered into her.

He could feel her inner muscles clamping around his cock even as he felt himself explode inside of her. Cain came hard and long inside of her, his hot semen spurted deep inside her until there was nothing left inside him. He heard Katie’s scream of release as she came and he closed his eye, letting his head to fall back and allowing the feeling of completion to wash over him.

Swallowing hard, he tipped his head forward and opened his eye. Katie was lying motionless on the floor with her eyes closed, arms flung out by her sides, and her legs sprawled wide open with him still inside her. Smiling at the totally debauched picture she made, he slowly withdrew from her. Grumbling slightly, she opened one eye and glared at him.

“Time to get up.” He staggered to his feet and offered her his hand. She stared at him as if he was out of his mind. “It’s time to paint.”

“I’m doing this under protest,” she told him as she took his hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet.

“I’ll have you cleaned up and tucked in bed in no time,” he promised. “But first, I want a painting of us.”

Leading her to the large canvas, he backed her up against the white sheet and pressed her backwards so that her legs, bottom, and back were against the canvas. Slowly, he turned her, rolling her along the canvas until her breasts and the fronts of her arms and legs were now pressed against it.

A muffled laugh came from her. “You’re crazy.” But she was into the spirit of the project and pushed her arms against the paper. “You’ve got to do it too.”

Cain let go of her and moved to a clear spot and leaned into the canvas. He turned his body from side to side until he figured there was a good impression and stepped back. The pattern of indigo was visible. “Not bad.”

Katie was standing next to him, grinning widely. Paint was smeared across her body, her hair was standing on end, and there was a smudge of blue on her cheek. Reaching over, his thumb swiped at the paint, but ended up only adding to the mess.

Katie stood on her toes and pulled his head down so that she could reach him. Tenderly, she placed a kiss on his ravaged cheek before moving to his lips. “Thank you.” She didn’t say for what, but they both knew. He had trusted her enough to relinquish some of his control to her, share his body openly, and show his playful side.

“Just don’t get used to it,” he responded gruffly as he scooped her into his arms. A whine from the corner had him turning with Katie tight in his grasp. Gabriel was lying safely in the corner with his paw over his eyes.

“I guess we were too much for his doggy sensibilities,” Katie said laughingly.

“I love you, Katie.” Cain’s voice was thick with emotion as he spoke. She had changed his life so much by accepting his darkness while sharing her light and laughter with him.

“I love you, too.” Snuggling her head on his chest, she wrapped her arms trustingly around his neck and placed a kiss by his heart. Cain wrapped her even tighter in his embrace and carried her from the room, smearing the paint on their two bodies together where they touched.

The picture against the wall was no masterpiece, but it was indeed a testament to their love. The dark blue of his outline was a stark contrast to the vibrant colors of Katie, but somehow they looked right together, felt right together. Just like him and Katie. Cain planned to have it hung tomorrow.