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"Yes I will always forgive you when I feel you have been punished sufficiently. People react differently to shock. I thought you might get into it. My wife used to push her nipples into the electric fence till she came."

"Well maybe it is too impersonal since it is just a machine that works at the press of a button. Maybe if there were wires attached to it you were whipping me with I might react differently."

God! That thought really turned me on I couldn't imagine the pain of a lash and a shock at the same time but I was trying. I could hardly wait for the chance to put my nipples on the fence.

Bob interrupted my fantasy by saying, "I have a surprise for you I was saving till you accepted our rings. Tim and I have a project to do for the next four days so I have airplane and hotel reservations for both of you in Los Angeles. Here are some letters of introduction to some shops I know you will like on Rodeo Drive and here are a gold card and a platinum one for you to use while shopping."

That was so typical of them. They would do something causing horrendous pain then reward us with something to make our pain seem insignificant.

Mom spoke to me while Bob was showing Tim how to make some exotic drinks,

"Kay. I'm sorry I made such a fool out of myself but I can't take pain as well as you. I was flabbergasted when you asked them to whip your nipples before they put in the rings. That must have been horrendous."

I explained to her that although I didn't plan it that way the whipping helped because I can always get off being whipped and the needles didn't bother me at all since my nipples were hurting anyway and I was highly excited.

"I never thought of that. Maybe I will ask them to whip my pussy before they put in the rings."

"I know I will. I can't imagine putting needles through my pussy absolutely cold with no build-up at all like you did."

"You are dead right. I tried to lessen the pain but actually I probably made it worse since I was not aroused at all before he did it.

Bob came over and said, "Unfortunately, the only direct flight from here to L.A. leaves at seven in the morning. We will have to get up early just to catch the plane so you had better pack some things now. Tim and I will be up later.

When Mom and I got upstairs and started to pack the impact of the trip hit us. We had never been to California but we had seen Rodeo Drive in movies and TV. This was every girls fantasy to be in all those lovely shops with a handful of plastic. We were absolutely giddy until Mom warned me that we really should not be happy to leave because we may hurt the guy's feelings. Suddenly I had mixed feelings the trip would be fantastic but I wouldn't be able to cum for three days, or have Tim cradling me in his arms while I slept.

On the way to the airport Bob told us there were only two rules. He expected us to be perfect ladies while we were there and we were not to spend over three thousand dollars. We were to bring back all the charge slips. When we got off the plane we were to look for a man holding up a sign with our names on it. He would take us to the hotel and wherever else we wanted.

At the airport we spotted a black man holding up a card with our names. He took us downstairs and seated us in a beautiful white limousine, opened a bottle of champagne, and showed us how to operate the CD player while he got the luggage. We really enjoyed the luxury of the soft leather seats as we sipped our champagne while the music enveloped us.

The chauffeur introduced himself as James Dalton and asked us where we wanted to go first.

Mom said,"Home James," then we both giggled at the cliche.

The hotel was fabulous and very near to the shops on Rodeo Drive so We told James we would walk since it was such a beautiful day. He gave us the number of his cellular phone so we could call him when we needed him. It turned out we did mostly window shopping there except for a couple of blouses and angora and cashmere sweaters. We literally shopped until we dropped for the next three days. We only took time off for a complete makeover at Elizabeth Ardens, fantastic dining, and swimming in the hotel pool after the shops closed.

James took us to all the best malls in a thirty mile area and knew all the best restaurants. In spite of his protests we had him join us for meals.

On the last day we decided we wanted to go to Hollywood. James said we would probably be disappointed. It was not what we had expected there were still some movie studios but most of it was very seedy with a lot of sex shops. We decided to shop in them too but they didn't have anything that we didn't already have except for a whip with longer and thicker rounded thongs which I bought as a present for Tim. Mom decided on a dildo with blunt metal spikes that produced an electrical shock when they were pushed into the labia. She thought that would really prove her love since Bob knew she did not like to be shocked. The clerk said it would just tingle but he lied.

Going though the sex shops reminded me how horny I was getting. It seemed like forever since I had cum. While we were driving down Hollywood Boulevard I spotted a large sign advertising "AMATEUR DANCE CONTEST." I had James stop. "Mom, that could be really exciting. It would be like the wet t-shirt contests we saw in the movies. You like to show off your body just like me."

"Oh I do not!"

"Bullshit. I saw you making all those moves in your string bikini at the pool. You loved making all those men drool."

She actually blushed! "Well, maybe a little."

James broke in to say, "Ladies, I have been there. That is no wet t-shirt contest and you won't be wearing string bikinis. The girls are totally nude and do nasty things. They also don't have good crowd control. No matter where you are on that runway they can grab you."

God that excited me more than ever. "Mom let's do it! It sounds fantastically exciting." She refused until I told her James could rescue us if we wanted to quit since he was one of the biggest men I had ever seen.

She finally agreed and we went in to sign up. They told us to start out in panties and bra and if we wanted to win we had better be naked early in the song. They had a lot of girls in the contest and their pros danced between each amateur so we only had the length of two songs to make an impression. They picked the winners with judges sitting next to the runway.

Our turn wouldn't come till late in the evening since we were the last to sign up. This was good as it let us have some drinks to lessen our inhibitions even more and to let us see what moves impressed the judges.

All their moves impressed me. James had not exaggerated, they were stark naked in the first few bars of the music. They moved like snakes causing every muscle in their body to flex and just seemed to flow with the music. We also were obviously not unique with our bald pussies.I just knew that I would look like a puppet with loose strings.

I noticed the men seemed more excited and applauded more when the girls worked very close to the sides of the runway so the men could touch them. Mom must have noticed too because she gave up on dancing as soon as she was naked and began to crawl down the runway and rolled around the floor opening and closing her legs to give them a chance to pinch, fondle, or pat her body until both songs were over.

I followed her lead and found it to be very exciting but then I had an inspiration. When I got to a mean looking biker type I said loudly that I was being naughty and should be spanked. He was happy to oblige and when he began hitting very hard I moved forward to find the next man also was willing to spank. By the time the song was over about fifteen men must have given me over fifty spanks and I was still panting with excitement and sopping wet when the man held up my hand and Moms as first and second place winners.

We were laughing and teasing each other about our outrageous performances as James led us out to the limousine and opened the door for us to get in. Our giggling ceased when James spoke.