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"I hope you girls had a good time. Mr. Thompson told me to keep an eye on you and to call him if you did not act like perfect ladies. I don't think he is going to be very happy to find out you were hanging around in sex shops and allowed yourselves to be spanked and fondled by strange men. Actually you are lucky there wasn't a vice cop in there. If they had been there you probably would have been arrested."

I was really frightened, "Oh James, please. Please don't tell him. They will kill us!" Mom joined in, "She isn't kidding James. Bob can be very mean when angry. Don't tell him, we'll do anything for you."

"Well it might be interesting to have two good looking blondes willing to satisfy any of my desires. You would do anything I wanted. Right?"

"Yes anything! But you can't mark us or bruise us because Bob and Tim would see the marks and still be mad at us."

"Don't worry I don't get off on hurting girls. The way you can help is to get my house payment together."

"James we would be glad to give it to you but all we have is credit cards. We only have about a hundred dollars in cash for small things that isn't worth using the credit card."

"You could get cash with the credit cards but I think it would be better if you earned it by putting on a little show for me and my friends. I have a few that really like pretty blondes."

We both agreed to this and he began making call after call on his car phone. Instead of returning to the hotel he took us to the limousine garage in a seedy section of town.

When we got there he said he would use the stereo in the limo for music and we could repeat our act from the amateur contest. That seemed too easy. "Is that it? We will be glad to do that if it will help you out."

"Yeah that's it except for some encores."

In a few minutes men began arriving and would give James money. Since we were from central Washington State we had never seen that many black men at one time before. He seemed to have a wide range of friends. There were very flashily dressed ones we assumed were pimps or in the drug business, Bikers, and some in coveralls, or jeans and shirts.

James seated them on benches next to the wall and gave them beers from the cases he had picked up on the way to the garage. When sixteen or seventeen of them were lined up on the benches he locked the door, turned on the stereo and told us to start dancing.

Mom and I watched each other so we would both be taking off our clothes at the same rate as we bumped and ground to the heavy beat. The men were really appreciative, whistling and yelling as they watched and we both began to be thrilled by the attention and really got into it. When we were naked I remembered he wanted a repeat of our act at the club so I crawled down the line while they grabbed and spanked me with Mom just behind me. At the end of the song James turned off the stereo and announced we would give them a lesson on eating pussy. He had us 69 and by then I was convinced this was going to be a really great experience. Just as I was on the verge of going into climax two men picked me off Mom, put me on my hands and knees and began fucking me dog fashion while I sucked the other's dick. As soon as they came. Three other men came up and set me down on a man's dick while he laid on his back while the second man pushed me forward to stick his monster prong up my ass. When I opened my mouth to scream the third man turned my head to one side and began to face-fuck me. It seemed to go on forever. Even when we were too exhausted to move we would have one or more dicks working on our semi- conscious loose bodies. We lost all track of time. When no-one could get his dick hard any more they left and James put on our dresses to take us back to the hotel. We were so exhausted we slept on the way back. James helped us in and we went back to sleep until he had packed our things and woke us again to go to the airport. We slept all the way back until awakened by the stewardess telling us we would be landing soon.

Our flight arrived early so we left word at the desk that would be in the coffee shop when Bob or Tim arrived. We had time for four cups of coffee when they walked in so we were reasonably alert.

Mom and I breathed a sigh of relief when Bob said, "I am proud of you girls. James called to say you were perfect ladies with the possible exception of shopping at sex stores. We forgive you for that since I am sure we will enjoy what you bought."

They took us out for dinner so by the time we got home it was pretty late and they understood when we told them we were very tired and wanted to go to bed. I just did not feel like being fucked anymore. I was afraid I may never want it again.

They let us sleep late and we found we had totally recovered. Even our stretched and sore ass-holes seemed to be back to normal.

I woke Mom and we checked each others bodies to see if we had any bruises or cuts. We were relieved not to find any and padded downstairs in our bare feet.

When Tim saw me he said, "You didn't take very good care of yourself while you were gone."

I was afraid he had spotted a bruise we had missed and nervously said, "What do you mean?"

"You have let some hair grow back on your pussy."

Bob agreed, "Yes Kathy is getting quite hairy as well."

I was very happy that hair was the only problem and ran to get them tweezers so they could peer, pull and probe at our pussies till they had found every hair and plucked it out. When Tim was done I kissed him and told him I loved him and missed him very much. This was true. In spite of our experiences I had never reached a great orgasm.

"Yes I missed you too. We have been working on a project I am anxious for you to see and hopefully approve."

Bob interrupted to say. "Yes but before you see it would you get the receipts for your shopping tour."

Mom got her purse and handed him the envelope full of receipts. He took them in to his office to add them up. Mom and I thought he would be happy we had only spent twenty-four hundred on clothes when we could have spent three thousand.

When he came out he said, "I guess we can't trust you girls with plastic. You spent twenty-four hundred on clothes and twelve hundred and sixty on hotel, meals, and sex toys. You owe us six hundred and sixty dollars. Which you will pay off in pain."

Mom protested, "We didn't understand. We thought we had three thousand for clothes. We didn't know the other expenses counted"

"What did I tell you before you left?"

Mom hung her head and mumbled, "You told us not to charge more than three thousand."

"I rest my case, do you agree Kay?"

I felt guilty anyway about the dancing and fucking all the black men. "Yes you made it plain enough. We deserve to be punished."

"I am glad you agree. Now you can see our project."

They led us down to the basement and opened a heavy door to reveal a torture chamber like the ones I had seen in books and movies except there were electric lights instead of torches."

They took us around to show us a table with a winch attached to cables with wristcuffs to stretch our bodies face-up or down, a cross to crucify us, an X shaped frame for whipping, and chains and wristcuffs all over the place to hold us in nearly any position.

They showed us one thing I didn't understand. It was just a wide board covered with metal with a couple of one inch pipes with caps on them and two push buttons in front of the pipes. They said they would explain it later.

We ended up in front of a wall they had made of plywood panels with hundreds of nails coming out of it about an inch long. Bob explained,

We have been impressed by your bravery. This will encourage that. You will be tied directly in front of the nails. If you stand there stoically while being whipped you will not be punctured by the nails. If you flinch away from the lashes the nails will stick you. To encourage you even more, if you have punctures at the end of your whipping you will get five lashes on the punctured part for each puncture."