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Lucas Gibbs, the scary man who ran a handful of security companies including Demons didn’t bother with the competition.  He just told Clytie he would meet any price she cared to throw out there.  Good to know.

“That’s it.”  Marion gleefully announced as she danced up to Clytie.  “Everything is officially sold.”

Clytie blinked, “You are kidding?”

She was practically rubbing her hands in happy greed.  “We even had a bidding war over your “Cerulean Seas” but that ended right quick when a patron, who wishes to remain anonymous, tripled the price and paid in cash.”

“Marion did you invite Wise guys to my show?”

Marion snorted out a laugh.  “Don’t look at me.  Quite a few of the people buying came with you.”

Oh, no.  If Demon had goosed the guys to buy my art, I will kill him.

“Your lovely friend Mr. Gibbs bought three pieces for his office and has requested first look on anything you produce in the future.”  Marion flicked away an imaginary tear.  “I’d like to have his babies.”  Marion was a spry fifty-four and about to celebrate her twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.

Clytie was still laughing when she saw Sarah across the room.  It made her catch her breath.  “Excuse me Marion I see my sister.”

“No problem, I’m just going to go count my money while I cackle like Ebenezer Scrooge.”

“Sarah?”  Her sister looked good in a peach silk sheath dress, her auburn hair up in a sedate twist.

She looked overwhelmed when she turned to face Clytie.  “I can’t believe this is all your work.  It’s stunning.”

That made Clytie sad.  “I’ve shown you my work before.”

“Yes but it didn’t look like this.”

It looked exactly like this.  Some of the pieces Sarah was ogling were the same ones Clytie had tried to share with her sister before she realized Sarah had no interest in her work.

“I mean, Jordan tried to tell me after she went to your first showing but I thought she was exaggerating.”  Sarah took a deep breath and turned back to Clytie.  “I owe you an apology.  I should not have belittled your art.”

Clytie waited but Sarah was finished.  No apology for the way she treated Demon?  Or how about when she called Clytie a slut and told her, she was throwing her life away?

She wanted to cry, but instead she faked a smile, “I’m glad you came.”  She pointed out the buffet table.  “Jordan and Boone are at the troth.  You should get some food before there isn’t anything left.”  Between the teenagers and the shape-shifters, prowling the room it was not an exaggeration.

“They’re here?  Sarah narrowed her eyes “They told me they were going to the movies.”  She was getting ready to march over there when Clytie spoke fast.

“They probably are.  They said they were just stopping by for a minute.”  She gave her a hug.  “Make sure you have some champagne.”

Watching Sarah walk away, she knew it was never going to be the same between them.  Something had been broken and it just wasn’t fixable.  It made her feel lonely.

Strong arms circled her from behind, and a nose nuzzled into her hair.  Clytie smiled.  Well Demon took care of that funk.  Lord the man made her happy.  “You better stop that my boyfriends going to get jealous.”

Demon squeezed her a shade too hard making her giggle.  “Very funny.”

Clytie turned in his arms to face him.  She had to crane her neck to glare into his eyes.  “Please tell me you didn’t put your friends up to buying my art.”

“Put them up to it?”  He growled looking aggrieved.  “They’re like locusts stripping the walls before I can get to it.  Do you have any idea how much I offered for “Cerulean Seas?”  He cuddled her closer even while he still mumbled to himself in disgust.  “Tricky Damn Cat.”

Clytie realized her mouth was hanging open and snapped it shut.  “Marion said the buyer was anonymous.”

Demon snorted.  “Thinks he’s being clever.  But that particular move has Eli written all over it.”

“Demon, you do know that all you have to do is tell me you want something and it’s yours.”

“Bullshit.  I told you I wanted to buy “Wolf Dreams” and you turned me down.”

She rolled her eyes.  “Because you wanted to buy it.  I’m saving it for your birthday present.  It’s going to be a surprise.”  She patted his arm.  “Don’t forget to be amazed.”

“You’re giving it to me?”  He looked flabbergasted.  “For my Birthday?”

“Yep, I asked Ben and he said it’s next month so all the guys are going to come for a barbecue.  I know how you guys like any excuse to eat red meat.”

Emotions crowded around his eyes until one beat out the rest.  Clytie felt her pussy heat beneath that look and had about a second to think Uh-Oh before Demon pulled her out of the room past all their guests and pushed her up against the wall in the empty vestibule.

He palmed her ass and pulled her up within easy reach.  She was wrapping her legs around his waist before it occurred to her how inappropriate this was.

“Demon, I don’t think...”  But his mouth was on hers and like every other time he touched her she lost her mind.

“They’re at it again.”  Ben said when he walked out and saw Demon kissing Clytie against a wall.

Mac leaned against the doorjamb beside him sipping his champagne and enjoying the view.  “Apparently.”

“You think they’d want to know that Marion’s looking to toast her artist?”

“Would you?”

Ben was quiet a full minute, his head tilting to the side as he watched Demon and Clytie devour each other.  “I’ll tell Marion to forget the toast.”