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“What car?”  Ben called, forcing him to turn back around.

Demon huffed out, patting Clyties’ butt where it folded over his shoulder.  “Which car is yours sweetheart?”

She had her hands over her face and she shook her head too overcome by her position to speak.  The hand on her ass turned affectionate and headed for the crease of her legs.  He had almost reached the promise land when she squeaked out a frantic:  “White Toyota Corolla.”  He patted her butt again and headed out.

This time he didn’t stop until he placed her on the passenger seat of his black full-size GMC Sierra.  He buckled her in, gave her a quick kiss, and closed the door, careful her feet and hands were out of the way.  Ben and Mac had come in the Jeep, now they all took a vehicle.  He glanced around the parking lot and saw Mac in his jeep ready to follow.  Ben was having a hard time fitting into the little Toyota and Demon would have laughed at the sight if he didn’t have better things to do.

“Quit fuckin’ around.”  He bellowed across the parking lot, causing the few pedestrians to glance up, duck down, and scurry away.  Ben flipped him the bird but finally got the seat back far enough to fold himself in.  Demon caught the cursing from where he stood.  He ignored it and got in the drivers seat.  Clytie, watching the scene across the parking lot, shook her head and reached for her seat belt.

“I think I should drive my own car.  He doesn’t seem at all comfortable.”

Demon growled, effectively stopping her from undoing her seat belt.  She eyed him with exasperation.

“I don’t know what you’ve been taught but growling is not a form of communication.”


“You sound like a barbarian.”

“You like it.”  Clytie turned away.  She couldn’t dispute the statement, sitting in his truck hoping she didn’t cream through her jeans before they got naked.  He started the truck, her car, and a jeep ready to follow in a hunk convoy.  The fact everyone knew she was going to go have sex with a man she had recently met was disconcerting.  That she was going to have sex, finally, was a certainty.  Lots and lots of sex was even probable.  She turned to catch Demons profile.  Lots and lots of really good sex even a possibility.  Demon turned to look at her his eyes flashing, his voice a deep animal growl.

“I am going to make you cum so hard and often you won’t be able to walk for a week.”

Uh-oh.  Clytie figured that was the opening she needed to maybe clear up a few things.  Her throat closed and instead she watched as he navigated the traffic like a professional racecar driver.  While he was intent on his driving, she stared at the road.  She stewed over what she needed to say as they left the city behind and headed up into the trees.

She cleared her throat as he maneuvered to a less traveled, two-lane road.

He grabbed her hand and pulled it to his lips.  “A few more minutes honey and we’ll hit our private drive.

“We need to discuss something before we commence.”  Commence?  What are we writing a speech?  Can I be any more pathetic?

“What’s that baby?”

“First, don’t call me baby, and second, I thought you should know I’ve never done this before.”

He grunted, as he signaled another turn, barely glancing her way.  “I know that sweetheart.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, it’s clear as your freckles you’re a good girl, don’t worry.  I’ll still respect you in the morning.”  He reached over and patted her knee as he navigated traffic.  He wasn’t paying attention to Clytie so he didn’t notice her arms cross and her eyes narrow.

“Big of you.”

Demon grunted in agreement.

“So you took one look at little freckled me and realized I’m a virgin?”

“WHAT?!”  He slammed on the brakes so hard her seat belt locked.  She turned to glance behind her at the honks.  Mac following behind in the jeep stopped so close she could read the cuss words on his lips.  Luckily, everyone was able to avoid a rear collision.

“Jeez Demon, be careful.  You almost caused an accident.”

“I almost caused an accident?  I?”  He glared at her with murder in his eyes.  “You’re a virgin?!”  His bellowing hurt the ears.

“Yes.”  She said scathingly.  “I thought you could tell such things by my freckles.”

He studied her as the few cars flew by around them.  Yelling and obscene gestures were ignored until Mac walked up beside the passenger window and knocked.  His Jeep sat on the shoulder of the road, out of traffic.  Clytie rolled down her window, seeing Ben pull up behind Macs jeep and struggle out the small opening.  Demon hit the automatic window for the passenger side for Mac.

“What the fuck are you trying to do?  Haul ass off this road.”

Demon still glared at her so she threw up her hands.  “Pull off before you get us killed.”

He did, with a growl and no warning.  If Mac hadn’t jumped back Demon would have ran over his feet.

As soon as he hit the side of the road, he yanked the gear into park and turned off the engine turning partway in his seat to glare at her.  Both Mac and Ben together now filled the passenger window beside her.  She sank down, her fingers tapping an angry rhythm on her lap.

“Now you want to explain why you almost caused an accident?”  Mac asked his voice cold as ice.

“She,” Demon said, punctuating his hot growl with a finger jabbing the air toward Clytie.  “Is a virgin.”

With the complete and utter silence, Clytie sank down even deeper in her seat, her eyes narrowing to little slits.

“She can’t be.”  Ben finally filled the silence.

Demon stared at him incredulous.  “Do you think I’d make something like that up?”

Ben looked at Clytie a little desperately.  “You’re not a virgin.  Right honey?  You were pulling Demons leg.  Right?”

“You can be sure.”  Clytie stated voice so low and furious both of the Navy SEALS outside the truck took a careful step back.  “There will be no pulling of legs, touching or sex of any kind.”  She whipped off her seatbelt and reached for the door.  She snapped it open and Ben and Mac had to jump back farther to keep from being pummeled.  She jumped out and turned to glare at Demon.  “You can all go to hell as far as I’m concerned.”  Her eyes teared up right before she slammed the door in his face.

“Fuck!”  He was out the door and rounding the truck before she could wrestle her keys away from Ben.

Demon picked her up from behind with an arm around her waist.  She kicked out and caught Ben in the thigh.  He cursed stumbling back, and Demon grabbed her legs and pulled her into his chest as if he was cradling a baby.

“Children.”  Mac said, clapping his hands to get their attention.  When he was ignored he put two fingers to his lips and whistled, high and loud, everyone froze.

“Good.”  Mac said, “How about we wait and discuss this at home.”

“Our drive.  Home.”  Clytie hit her forehead with the heel of her hand.  “You all live together don’t you?”

“We do.”  Mac said.

“Then why follow?  Why even leave the bar when we did?”  She swallowed.  “You aren’t thinking of some kind of kinky foursome are you?  Because if you are I have to tell you  ...”

Demon growled and Ben laughed.  It was Mac who relieved her mind.

“Demon doesn’t share.”  He said succinctly.  Clytie couldn’t help noticing the careful way he phrased his answer.

“Demon doesn’t share.”  She repeated, gazing from Mac to Ben, “Demon doesn’t.  But you two do?”