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Ben gave her a wicked grin and Mac raised an eyebrow.

“Ooo-Kaay.”  Wow.  Clearly, they did share.  Clytie waved a hand before her hot face.  She cleared her throat and looked up at Demon who appeared none to happy with her at the moment.

“So, if you weren’t thinking some kind of kinky foursome why is me being a Virgin such a big deal?”  She gave him back glare for glare.

It was Ben who finally had to answer.  Demon seemed to be getting a little red in the neck.  “Clytie, maybe you noticed how tall and wide Demon is?”

Clytie looked over at Ben from high up in Demons arms.  “Hard to miss.”  She said with an edge of sarcasm.

“Yeah well, he’s like that everywhere.”  He finished awkwardly, his hands going up and down and his eyes bulging wide.  Clytie waited for the punch line.

Mac made an exasperated sound.  “He’s got a big dick.”  He stated flatly.

Clytie opened her mouth, closed it again.  She turned back to Demon careful to keep her eyes on his neck.  She cleared her throat bracing herself by placing one arm around his neck and folding the other against his chest.  She made little nervous twirls under his collar.  “So you’re worried about me, being a virgin and all, maybe we won’t fit?”  Her face flamed so bright her freckles disappeared, and she kept swirling her fingers on his neck beneath his collar.

“We’ll fit.”

At his sure words, she met his eyes, which had lost none of their heat.

“Then why the big scene?”

“Because.”  Demon growled, pulling her up and bending his neck until they were nose to nose.  “My balls have been turning blue since I met you and I can’t very well ram myself down your sweet cunt until I have you ready for me.  You being a virgin it could take hours.”

“Hours?”  Her breath left her on the word.

“Hours,” He kissed her once hard on the mouth, shifted her higher into his arms, and headed back for the truck.  She wrapped both arms tight around his neck and sighed against his chest.

This time he didn’t wait for Mac and Ben before he took off.  Almost immediately, he pulled into a private drive, and about a mile later, he stopped before a private security gate and pressed in the code.  Mac and Ben were right behind them.

“Why did you wait for them at the restaurant if they already know the way?”

“It’s safer,” he said flatly.


His face expressionless, he considered how much to tell her.  “We protect each other.  Cover each other’s backs when we’re not at home.  Hell, even when we are at home.  We’re a package deal.”  He looked at her, hoping she understood.  “Except in bed, we’re usually together.”  He didn’t feel the need to remind her Mac and Ben tended to be together in bed too.

“Protection from what?”

“We’ve made some enemies.”

She seemed to absorb that.  “But you’re the good guys, right?”

His jaw clenched.  “We were soldiers.”  Among other things, and that was all he was going to say about that.


“Now we work security.”

“Okay.”  She turned away, no more questions forthcoming.

Demon breathed out the tension invading him.  Reaching out, he rubbed his hand down her neck.  The smile she turned to him lit up her eyes and brought out her dimple.  Mine.  The word reverberated through his heart.  This one, I’m keeping.

He glanced up as the house came into view.  Maybe keeping her had been his plan all along.  As a rule, none of them brought woman home, preferring the anonymity of a quick hotel fuck.  But here she was, and here she would stay.

Clytie caught her breath when she saw the house.  Large windows gleamed above a wraparound deck.  In rustic, dark wood and a solid, gleaming wall of glass, the house appeared part of the forest surrounding it.  Housing two stories with ceiling to spare, each section spread out across the forest floor, left and right.

“There are three wings around an inner courtyard.  Mac’s idea, he stole the design from a castle he saw in Britain.  Each of us has a wing to ourselves, though there’s also a large kitchen and living room off the courtyard we share.”  He parked the car.  “We can give you a tour tomorrow if you like.”


He parked the truck in a garage next to three other vehicles and as many more empty stalls, one which the jeep currently pulled into.  He came over to her side before she could take the leap necessary to get out and pulled her back into his arms.  “Maybe the day after,” he said, carrying her over to the door and out of the garage.  He shifted her to enter yet another code at this door and walked through with Mac right behind.

“I’ll check,” Mac said, which meant nothing to Clytie, but had Demon nodding and heading in another direction.  She would have liked to explore, but besides noticing all the walls were white and all the furniture dark, leather and oversized, she didn’t register much.

“I can walk, you know,” Clytie said, her arms soft around his neck, but she secretly liked how small and feminine he made her feel.

“For now,” he said with wicked intent, and Clytie was reminded why she was here.  Oh yeah, sex.

When they reached Demon’s bedroom, Clytie noticed two things—White walls and big furniture.  Including a bed that dwarfed any she’d ever seen.  The room was the size of her entire loft; otherwise, the bed never would have fit.  The headboard, a solid piece of dark, rustic wood had brambles and flowers carved throughout.  The bed made the artist in her sigh in appreciation before coherent thought went out the window because Demon was kissing her.  Kissing Demon and forming thought were mutually exclusive activities.


Ben joined Mac in the control room where he checked over security.

“Here’s her driver’s license,” he said, throwing the I.D. on the table.  “Car registration matches.”

“Good, but lets not make any mistakes,” Mac said, going over the data for the last few hours.  “Go ahead and do a full check.  In fact, have Eli do one too.  Family as well.  You got her cell phone?”

“Yeah, from her purse. There’s a few messages.  Sister, a couple young kids, cousin.  Most are old; she never erases anything as far as I can tell.  Her friend Meg sounds interesting.  She thinks Clytie is too picky and takes sex too seriously.  Searching for mister right when should be on the hunt for mister right now, yada yada.”

“She does sound interesting,” Mac said, finishing his security sweep and starting the background himself.  Ben got on the phone and called Eli.  Within an hour, they would have a full dossier on Clytie Persephone Jones.  Her life would be an open book.  Mac listened with half an ear as he began his own check.  His fingers flew over the keyboard as he listened to Ben’s side of the conversation.

“Hey Eli, I need a full check ASAP … Female … Not mine this time …

Demon … Yeah, that’s what I said … No, now.  Priority one … He brought her home … Yeah well, things they are a-changin’.”  Ben’s voice was flippant, but they both knew how true the statement was.  How much of a change, they would both have to wait and see.  But they did not take chances.  That’s why they were still alive.

Chapter Three

Clytie groaned, her legs were once again wrapped around Demon only this time without the pants.  She had no idea when her jeans had come off, though she did vaguely remember a boot sailing across the room and knocking over a lamp.  Everything else leading up to being pressed up against Demon in only her red satin bra and panties was a blur.  The man could win a gold medal in the kissing Olympics.