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Margaret's eyes were narrow slits and her lips were pursed in anger. She stood above the helplessly bound naked girl, glowering at her coldly. Her long dark hair was parted in the middle and flowed down her bare shoulders. She wore a black patent leather brassiere and matching panties which fastened over her cunt. Her legs were swathed in sheer black nylon stockings. Her feet were shod in high boots of soft black suede with stiletto heels. In her hand, she held a menacing riding crop.

"Well, well," Margaret said cruelly. "That was a very interesting performance, Judeth. Very interesting, indeed. It seems that you just fucked Marvin. Or rather, Marvin fucked you, right up your little asshole. What do you have to say for yourself, sweet-puss?"

"I… I don't have… anything to say," Judeth replied haltingly.

"Judeth, dearest," the woman said with mock sympathy. "I just asked you a question. I expect an answer. In fact, I demand an answer."

She stood tail and erect, looking haughty, crud and sadistic in her bizarre brief leather outfit. Her patent leather costume glistened in the harsh light. Margaret appeared to be a personification of evil, and Judeth stared wide-eyed into the woman's unblinking eyes. The woman appeared to possess not one iota of compassion. She stood above Judeth, leering at the helpless girl, tapping the tip of her riding crop on the edge of the table, right next to Judeth's ear.

"I must warn you, little Miss Judeth Brathmeyer, I am not in the habit of waiting for people to respond to my questions. And, I have no intention of starting now. Answer me, you slut. What the fuck do you think you're doing messing around with my man? Explain your shameful behavior at once or you'll taste my whip!" she hissed threateningly. She lifted her leg and cruelly ground her boot-heel into the tender flesh of Judeth's arm.

Judeth winced as a sharp pain coursed through her body. "Please, you're hurting me," she pleaded with tear-filled eyes.

"You're damned right I'm hurting you, bitch!" Margaret replied, "and I'm gonna hurt you a hell of a lot more before this night is over!" With that menacing declaration, the woman raised the riding crop high into the air and brought it down on Judeth's exposed titflesh. The whip whistled through the air and landed with a crack.

"Owww!" Judeth shrieked as the whip slashed down on her tit. An excruciating pain lanced through her tits. But the evil woman paid no heed to Judeth's cries of anguish and fright. The wicked leather riding crop fell again and again, raking across the helpless girl's tender tit-flesh. "What is the matter with you?" she screamed. "I didn't do anything wrong! If you were watching what happened, then you know that it wasn't my fault. What can I do anyway? Good God! I'm tied down and naked. I couldn't stop Marvin even if I wanted to."

The moment that she finished speaking, Judeth knew that she had made a mistake. She was trying to reason with the wicked woman, but she had erred in her choice of words. And, from the incensed look on the evil woman's face, Judeth knew that she would pay dearly for her mistake.

"So, you admit that you didn't want to stop Marvin from raping your asshole!" Margaret hissed. The whip fell rapidly, lashing Judeth's tits and nipples and causing her to writhe about. At the same time, Margaret pressed her spiked heel down harder on the girl's arm. The pain that wracked her body was so intense that Judeth thought she would pass out.

"Nooo!" Judeth wailed. "Don't whip me any more! Please don't whip me! I can't stand the pain! It hurts so bad!"

The sinister woman glowered at her and slapped the girl hard across the cheek. "Shut the fuck up, you little rich bitch! You assfucked slut! Don't you understand? You are in our power. There is no one here to save you, dearest. Not until your father decides to pay the ransom that we demand. Until then, you belong to us. I plan to use you as my personal plaything until we free you. I'll use you and abuse you all I want. Look at me closely, Miss Brathmeyer. Am I beautiful?"

"Y-yes," Judeth answered quickly. She decided to humor the diabolical sadist. Perhaps if she flattered the woman, she would go easier on her. "Yes, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Honest." Perhaps she was exaggerating a bit, but what she said was basically true. The evil dark-haired woman was indeed striking.

"And, what kind of person do you think I am? Do you think I'm nice and kind?" the woman asked with an evil glint in her eye.

Judeth did not know how to answer the question. Should she tell the truth? Should she say that Margaret was the most sadistic, evil person that Judeth had ever met in her life? That was the truth, but Judeth decided that it would not be wise to answer with the truth. Instead, she said, "Yes, I think you are the nicest woman in the world."

The woman's features momentarily softened. "And kind? Do you think I'm kind too?"

"Yes, I think you're very, kind," Judeth replied.

"Bullshit!" the woman hissed. "You're a lying fucking whore, and you'll pay for your lies. I'm not nice and I'm not kind. I'm a mean, nasty bitch. And, right now, I'm furious at you for fucking Marvin."

The woman flailed Judeth's tits with the riding crop. Then, she stepped briskly to the end of the table and shoved the butt-end of the whip into Judeth's pussy. The evil leather whip handle drove deep into the girl's cunt and the woman began to pump it back and forth. She cackled maniacally as she bore down on the girl's cunt with the lengthy whip handle.

"God! Don't do that! Please, take that filthy whip out of my pussy!" Judeth screamed.

But Margaret paid her no mind. She rammed the whip handle hard and fast into the helpless girl's seething cunt.

Judeth's tight pussy began to respond to the fucking whip handle. Her cunt seeped pussy nectar and her pussy-lips turned crimson as the leather prong sluiced in and out of her hot, wet cunt.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Margaret cackled loudly. "Look at this little slut, Marvin. Her cunt's dripping with pussy-juice. She's a hot little whore, isn't she?"

"Yeah, hot damn!" Marvin replied as he stepped forward. "But, right now, I think I'd like her to give me a good old-fashioned blowjob. What do you think about that, cocksucker?"

Before Judeth had a chance to answer Marvin's crude question, he straddled her face and started rubbing his prick in her contorted mouth, pressing his hardening cock-knob against her ruby lips. He groaned as his cock quickly began to grow.

"Unnnggghhh," Marvin sighed. "Let's see if your mouth is as hot and nice as your asshole and your cunt, bitch. Yeah, I think I'll fuck your pouty little mouth while Margaret reams your cunt with her whip. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

She tried to speak, but when she opened her mouth to protest, Marvin shoved his thick prick between her lips.

"Suck my cock, you fucking rich bitch!" he commanded angrily. "Suck my prick until I cum in your mouth. Yeah!"

Judeth had no choice but to obey the man's lewd instructions. Her body was wracked with pain, and there was no way that she could escape the evil pair. She was bound to the table hand and foot. Her cunt pulsated uncontrollably as Margaret rammed the whip handle into her seething cuntal depths, sluicing the leather riding crop in and out of her pussy with rapid-fire motions.

"Ha! The little bitch is getting hot and horny now. But, I want her to move more," Margaret said as she reached down and gripped Judeth's pussy-lips with her long, painted fingernails. She pinched Judeth's tender cunt-lips, digging her lengthy fingernails deep into the helpless girl's cunt-flesh. She twisted the girl's outer cunt-lips in her fingernails, causing Judeth to jerk about spasmodically on the table, her cunt-lips burning with pain, her pussy crammed full of the leather riding crop, and her mouth filled to overflowing with Marvin's rock-hard cock!